
Reviews 2
Approval 100%

Soundoffs 55
News Articles 23
Band Edits + Tags 8
Album Edits 38

Album Ratings 71
Objectivity 36%

Last Active 05-04-16 4:22 am
Joined 07-26-08

Review Comments 817

07.26.23 Mixed Drinks Thread06.09.23 Albums you think deserve a review
03.29.23 Metal bands with the tastiest guitar so03.16.23 How bout that new Glass Casket though
03.05.23 I miss Fair to Midland12.05.12 2012 (so Far) \m/

How bout that new Glass Casket though

Was going to make a news article but historically I'm bad at that. Pretty damn excited about this, as I've been waiting for a GC reunion for ages. I saw their last show in 2009 and it's such a shame they didn't keep going with it. So thank god they're putting out this new EP. Adam Cody is my favorite vocalist in metal and continues to absolutely demolish in any project he's involved with. Announcement and single are here:
1Glass Casket
Desperate Man's Diary
2Glass Casket
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