
Reviews 92
Approval 79%

Soundoffs 253
News Articles 4
Band Edits + Tags 309
Album Edits 467

Album Ratings 5458
Objectivity 79%

Last Active 10-24-22 3:41 am
Joined 11-16-06

Review Comments 17,540

03.04.23 ufo crashes into train derailment, wher08.07.22 true progmetal experiments to fight the
07.27.22 hunter biden documents07.25.22 head shop brutality
06.28.22 Head Shop Jams04.15.22 Steve Hackett secret meeting with Joe b
04.13.22 joe biden keeps raising the price of be04.03.22 brutal farts
03.27.22 vladimir pootin is based and epic, a co01.21.22 electronovice
12.18.21 goddamn true black evil darkness of fuc12.12.21 thoughts on omicron?
11.24.21 obama orders joe biden to order kielbas11.24.21 emails reveal kamala harris ordered lit
11.13.21 1984 is the greatest year ever made11.04.21 ass destruction day 1 tomorrow
11.01.21 kids in the basement of ATL metal venue10.28.21 alec baldwin was an inside job
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head shop brutality

some stuff ive been playin in the shop.
In Dark Abysses of Memory

pretty unorthodox for 2003 brutal deth
2Absorbed (ESP)
Unreal Overflows

some crazy spanish stuff from back in the day, crazy bass. only heard this but i considered tracking down a copy of their 2013 release which is just their discog, they never put out a real album
3Terminal Death
Faces of Death

pretty hevy crazy stuff for 1985
Liar Flags

totally cheesy ensiferum-inspired skyrimcore but its a fun release
Sinful Accession

russian deicide, prolly not "experimental" or "disso" enough for most sputniktards but its a way you can get your deicide fix without admitting youre listening to boomer death metal
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