
Reviews 92
Approval 79%

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Band Edits + Tags 309
Album Edits 467

Album Ratings 5458
Objectivity 79%

Last Active 10-24-22 3:41 am
Joined 11-16-06

Review Comments 17,540

03.04.23 ufo crashes into train derailment, wher08.07.22 true progmetal experiments to fight the
07.27.22 hunter biden documents07.25.22 head shop brutality
06.28.22 Head Shop Jams04.15.22 Steve Hackett secret meeting with Joe b
04.13.22 joe biden keeps raising the price of be04.03.22 brutal farts
03.27.22 vladimir pootin is based and epic, a co01.21.22 electronovice
12.18.21 goddamn true black evil darkness of fuc12.12.21 thoughts on omicron?
11.24.21 obama orders joe biden to order kielbas11.24.21 emails reveal kamala harris ordered lit
11.13.21 1984 is the greatest year ever made11.04.21 ass destruction day 1 tomorrow
11.01.21 kids in the basement of ATL metal venue10.28.21 alec baldwin was an inside job
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alec baldwin was an inside job

thoughts? lots of theories going around here. im sure you all have some insights to share
1Dementia (FRA)
In Core of the Dark Ages

this should have cool ass artwork but i am a baconcheeseburger queef because i uploaded a png instead of a jpg. fun french death metal record with keyboards, some thrash parts, its a bit goofy but what death metal isnt? :D
2Extreme Unction
In Limine Mortis

saw this in a metal group and it was described as death doom, i think its closer to the melodic end of things but its good shit. portugese
3Algol (Nor)
Entering The Woods Of Enchantment

some good fall/winter vibes here
4Decrepid (USA-WI)
Suffered Existence

damn wisconsin is a cold ass evil brutal state. their brains are as fucked up as florida but for opposite reason. ice cold cans of the beast

cant enjoy this time of year without listening to this, the greatest bathory release. euronymous and fenriz disciples may disagree but as a fan of music the whole "first album always best" stuff is silly to me
6Inquisition (Aus)

not to be confused with the diddlers lol :D ^_^ weird record. terrible vocals, super disjointed, way too long, but its got some charm. its been compared to, well, phlebotomized, so thats cool

showing my non-elite side here by jamming this great fall/winter record, damn! not quite as good as ACDC or phish but these guys are going places
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