
Reviews 5
Approval 78%

Soundoffs 109
News Articles 9
Band Edits + Tags 132
Album Edits 362

Album Ratings 2272
Objectivity 67%

Last Active 08-20-15 7:54 pm
Joined 12-26-05

Review Comments 16,762

12.15.24 digs10.04.24 new eve 6 album!!
08.16.24 Kittens04.23.24 Cows ranked
04.07.24 digs thrash03.07.24 i only make digs lists anymore
02.12.24 digs again01.24.24 new buys
01.21.24 some cool live albums01.07.24 digs / 18yrs
12.07.23 another digs11.24.23 a Zeni Geva list
11.07.23 it's digs10.16.23 Good day
10.07.23 last 30 days digs09.04.23 good noise rock with 2 or less votes
06.21.23 FLAC bands06.13.23 $5 Amphetamine Reptile CDs
More »

new buys

got some records on the way. i wanna see them all on one page
Lost My Head For Drink

the last recorded album by my current obsession, Bloodloss. recorded in 97 and then they sat on it. finally released 2011. it's tight, i like it way better than their 1995 album Live My Way
Chicken Factory

members of Bloodloss and The Acid Drops
3The Honeymoon Killers
Hung Far Low

also got the Kansas City Milkman single coming. if you dont know this band, look that song up
4The Honeymoon Killers
The Loved The Lost And The Last

similar thing to #1, recorded and unfinished until recently. this one's a step down from Hung Far Low but still cool
5The Butcher Shop
Pump Action

actually got the Complete Collection CD but that's not in the database. another cool Australian rock band from the 80s
6The Bamboos (AU)
Born Killer

idk anything about this. recommended by seller of #2
7The jerkoffs
The Jerkoffs

not familiar with this either
8The Monkeywrench
Electric Children

should have listened before i ordered. i don't dig this. not much interesting about the music to me. i bought it cause Martin Bland (one of the songwriters for Bloodloss) is in the band along with Mark Arm (who did rhythm guitar for Bloodloss starting in the 90s). maybe it'll grow on me
The Truth Is Marching In (1983-1991)

nice 2xCD compilation of the early iterations of Bloodloss. i wrote a soundoff

one of my favorite bands going right now. cant wait to hear what they do next
The Argument

was pleased to see they had these vinyl on Bandcamp the other week

told you i am obsessed
13Snuffed By The Yakuza
Fast Livin'

idk, seller said Swedish hardcore
14God Bullies
Join Satan's Army

15Drunks With Guns
Drunks With Guns

not this, the Dragon Razor 7". the a-side sucks butt, but Bacterium Distortia kicks ass. also got the S/T 7" which is all killer
Thumb Days

not this, the Last One In My Mouth Is A Jerk 7". one of their best tracks plus their best track
17Tumor Circus
Tumor Circus

not this, but the two 7" singles from this album. Meathook Up My Rectum is a jam and a half. supergroup of Jello Biafra + Steel Pole Bath Tub + Charles Tolnay
Twelve Point Buck

not this, but the Lupus 7" which has their nasty Janet Jackson cover on the flip side
19The Jesus Lizard

not this, but the Fly on the Wall 7"
Tiger Comet

not this, but the Hawaii 7"
21Halo of Flies
Music for Insect Minds

not this, but the Big Mod Hate Trip 7" which is the first two songs here
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