
Reviews 9
Approval 83%

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Band Edits + Tags 6
Album Edits 18

Album Ratings 323
Objectivity 84%

Last Active 09-12-22 5:06 pm
Joined 09-12-22

Review Comments 165

06.20.24 Sputnik Gaming05.28.24 Rec me Deathcore
05.20.24 Arrowverse05.09.24 Cleaning Day Play[s]
04.22.24 Cyco's Alt-Rock Adventures04.05.24 Fear Factory Ranked
02.28.24 Non-Rammstein NDH!02.08.24 WTF is the movie Closer?
01.01.24 Rec me stuffy12.21.23 Where da introverts at?
12.12.23 Let's Bitch About Sleep Token12.04.23 Rate My Recent Digs
10.17.23 36 Crazyfists Ranked09.05.23 Rec me aggrotechy babbbbyyyyy
08.08.23 Musical Existential Crisis!01.31.23 Slipknot Ranked
12.27.22 Separating The Artist from the Art?12.21.22 RED Ranked
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WTF is the movie Closer?

Obligatory "this is a music site" comment out of the way, I'm going to bitch about a movie now. I am referring to the 2004 film with Clive Owen, Jude Law, Natalie Portman, and Julia Roberts. This is my second time watching it and I struggling to understand what on earth its purpose is. I get it; people cheat on their significant others. Why on earth is that worthy of a near 2-hour slog? List is current digs, combined with some of my favorite over-the-top quotes from the movie. I feel these are unintentionally hilarious, but I do find them hilarious. Heads up though, these are certainly NSFW.
1Fear Factory

"Do you know what the heart looks like? IT LOOKS LIKE A FIST WRAPPED IN BLOOD"
KE 101

"What does your cunt taste like?"
Project Regeneration Vol. 2

"You'll be my whore, and in return I'll grant you liberty"
4A Perfect Circle
Thirteenth Step

"Fuck off and die, you [worthless?] slag"
Group Therapy

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