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Last Active 09-12-22 5:06 pm
Joined 09-12-22

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Let's Bitch About Sleep Token

I'm late to the party. Somebody hop back on the hate train with me and make me feel included.
1Sleep Token
Take Me Back to Eden

My Grievances:
(1) It literally was putting me to sleep. Seriously, I was doing chores while listening to this and I had to turn it off because it was putting me to sleep. Metal—even a band supposedly trying to be partly metal—should not do that. I do not listen to metal as a fucking sleep aid.
(2) Look, I'm not a metal purist—my pie chart attests to that. But goddamn, I'd like the guitars to do more than mostly just thud in as an alarm bell to break up the R&B monotony.
(3) I'd also like my vocalist in a project that is clearly at least taking some cues from metal to, ya know, have some grit to their voice. I have the same fucking problem with Set It Off. I understand, "Vessel", that you can sing all smooth and stuff. I am not listening to this genre of music to hear you do that. For fuck's sake, get some bite in the voice or hire somebody else to do some more screams.
Fuck this shit.
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