
Reviews 9
Approval 83%

News Articles 1
Band Edits + Tags 6
Album Edits 18

Album Ratings 323
Objectivity 84%

Last Active 09-12-22 5:06 pm
Joined 09-12-22

Review Comments 165

06.20.24 Sputnik Gaming05.28.24 Rec me Deathcore
05.20.24 Arrowverse05.09.24 Cleaning Day Play[s]
04.22.24 Cyco's Alt-Rock Adventures04.05.24 Fear Factory Ranked
02.28.24 Non-Rammstein NDH!02.08.24 WTF is the movie Closer?
01.01.24 Rec me stuffy12.21.23 Where da introverts at?
12.12.23 Let's Bitch About Sleep Token12.04.23 Rate My Recent Digs
10.17.23 36 Crazyfists Ranked09.05.23 Rec me aggrotechy babbbbyyyyy
08.08.23 Musical Existential Crisis!01.31.23 Slipknot Ranked
12.27.22 Separating The Artist from the Art?12.21.22 RED Ranked
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Musical Existential Crisis!

So long story short I play guitar and have done so for about 10 years now. I'm not the best player on the planet; I am self-taught, but I really only play what I like as a stress outlet. Nonetheless, I have seen my skills improve over time, I've gotta some shout-outs from bands I've covered on Youtube, it's been a good ride. However, I started law school last year, and most of my enthusiasm to play guitar has been slowly sapped out of me. I just don't have the mental space for it a lot anymore, it seems. Anybody else been through a similar time where they've lost enthusiasm for their instrument? List is recent digs.
1Fear Factory
Synthetic Division
336 Crazyfists
Rest Inside the Flames
4Lord of the Lost
From the Flame Into the Fire
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