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The Audacity of Papa Roach

Listened to the new Papa Roach album the other day and well... view my rant below
1Papa Roach
Ego Trip

Gonna keep this as brief as possible. I enjoy most of Papa Roach's output up to Crooked Teeth; it's not my favorite but it's fun, generally competent heavy rock music. From Crooked Teeth on I'm pretty sure this band has been absolutely deadset on recreating Infest and rejuvenating album sales. Crooked Teeth tried to be Infest 2.0, Who Do You Trust? tried to me Imagine Papa Roach Dragons... and Ego Trip is basically "let's do Infest but exclusively for clueless zoomers who don't know any better". That's bad enough...
2Papa Roach
Emo Trip

But it's nowhere near as bad as the blatantly manipulative and desperate tactics this band is using to stay afloat. Never mind that they've now released Last Resort more times than I'll probably have sex in the next year, never mind that they released and fucking re-released the singles Ego Trip in just about as many pointless ways as they could... on the exact same day that Ego Trip came out, this band released the 7 song EP Emo Trip. Three of the songs are old hits re-recorded (can you guess one of them?!?), AND THE OTHER FOUR ARE LITERALLY THE SAME VERSION OF SONGS FROM THE FULL-LENGTH ALBUM THAT CAME OUT THE SAME FUCKING DAY.
3Papa Roach
Ego Trip

I'm so fucking pissed, I brought some fucking receipts. "Kill The Noise" (the only fucking song from this shitshow I genuinely enjoy) has now been released 5-6 times, including on the full-length LP itself. "No Apologies" has now been released 4-5 times. And that's (A) being really fucking generous because I'm not counting everytime Spotify slathered this shit on top of another single and (B) not even all of the songs that were released more than once.
4Papa Roach
Emo Trip

Look there are worse things in the world than a clearly washed-up rock band giving so little of a shit about their fans that they release, ON THE SAME GODDAMN DAY, an album and then an EP that is ALL SHIT WE'VE ALREADY HEARD BEFORE AND NEARLY HALF OF IT IS ON THE ALBUM THAT CAME OUT THE SAME DAY. I recognize that.
5Papa Roach
Ego Trip

But say what you will about Disturbed's new mediocre outing, or Five Finger Death Punch's new horrific outing, or fuck it, even Shinedown's less-than-impressive-but-pretty-ok new outing, those bands AT LEAST had the tact not to literally throw their middle fingers up to the fanbase and say "fuck you, we literally care so little about you and think so lowly of you, that we are going to boldly and proudly just re-release the same shit—AS IN LITERALLY THE SAME SONGS— over and over cause you're an idiot and you won't notice anyways. Now fuck off and listen to the 69th version of 'Last Resort'".
6Papa Roach
Emo Trip

Sad fucking thing is, I've been a pretty consistent late-era Papa Roach defender.The Connection and F.E.A.R were solid enough, I enjoyed the electronic elements. But those were released back when the band didn't have to fucking re-release "Last Resort" with every Tom, Dick, & Jane mumble rapper to gain relevance.
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