Mike Kaplan

Reviews 60
Soundoffs 2
Album Ratings 139
Objectivity 73%

Last Active 01-04-23 3:24 pm
Joined 07-02-22

Review Comments 1,982

07.16.24 My overlooked second sputversary 06.10.24 Sputnik Summer Roast 2024
04.02.24 The GOOD and the BAD (April) - Folk 12.04.23 The Manatea Awards 2023
11.15.23 Rec me the albums I’m missing for a y10.22.23 (Mana)tea time - Still slaps?
07.23.23 The Great Sputnik Summer Roast-VOTING S07.02.23 One year sputversary/Sputnik appreciati
05.16.23 (Mana)tea time - things I can’t get05.04.23 (Mana)tea time - gym recs/manatea says
04.14.23 (mana)tea time - sputnik zodiac 04.08.23 (Mana)tea time - Unnecessary Expenses
04.05.23 Happy Passover Sputnik!03.20.23 (Mana)tea time - small joys
03.11.23 (Mana)tea time - Pet Peeves12.18.22 🕎 Happy Hanukkah Sputnik!
11.27.22 My best of 2022

(Mana)tea time - gym recs/manatea says nice things

Hi everybody. I recently started going back to the gym after like a nine month hiatus due to hurting my back doing dead lifts. I am once more doing dead lifts (correctly) and no longer hurting my back so i need gym recs. I’m also feeling rather positive so anyone who gives me a gym rec they think i will like, will be returned with me saying something nice about them, even if i don’t really know them.
1Gloves Off
Life...And Everything After

Bitterjalapenojr - There’s only one kind of jalapeño i like, and its the bitter one that occupies sputnikmusic. I feel like we don’t interact enough and that makes me sad because when we do it makes me happy. Also your reviews are swell friend.
2System of a Down

Bighubbabuddha - I feel like we would agree on a lot of things concerning musical taste. Also username is fantastic.
3Animals As Leaders
The Joy of Motion

Kompys2000 - I have learned so much reading your reviews. The few times we have interacted have been pleasant and helpful. I appreciate your existence, please keep doing what you do.
4Strapping Young Lad

DadKungFu - Wrote the best rating for my avi that could have ever possibly been written. Also you seem like a person i could genuinely get coffee with or go to a bar and have a fun time.
5JPEGMAFIA and Danny Brown
Scaring the Hoes

Colton - Colton disapproves of antisemitism and therefore I approve of him. I think we should talk more I might listen to more of the same music as you than you think my friend.
This Bright and Beautiful World

Calc - We need to talk more, although I have enjoyed the interactions we have had. Also I just love the username Calc. It could be short for calcium or calculator or some other word that starts with calc, but it is great.

Mkmusic1995 - Matty!!!!! Matty's like the homie that you see once a month but every time you do it's a good time. Stop by more often! Also a killer writer who should be emulated more.

MO - MO I don't know you much but I feel like we should be friends. Can we be friends?
Today's Empires, Tomorrow's Ashes

SlothcoreSam - The amount of times I thought I found a hidden gem only to discover that Sloth found it first shocks me. His ability to find new music is staggering and impressive. Please teach me your ways.
10Glass Cloud
The Royal Thousand

SteakByrnes - Steakfam!!!! Ily steak my basketball/baseball homie. Also we agree on most things music-wise which makes us better friends :D also i love steak and i love that your username has the word "steak" in it. someday we need to go to a sports bar together and talk smack at each other while watching a dodgers/giants game.
11Knocked Loose
A Tear in the Fabric of Life

Climactic - The fact that you reminded me that I should listen to Knocked Loose while I'm working out instantly makes you a friend.

Anode - I feel like the more I do this the more I realize how many people on sputnik i don't interact with. Hi anode, you seem like a good person. We should interact more often because based on your music taste I’m sure we would be friends.
13Filmmaker (COL)

ffs - i like your username mr. ffs we should interact more often and your rec seems excellent. Please stop by my lists more tkuuuu
Translating the Name

Ryus - Ryus is a legitimate wordsmith who should be promoted to whatever his next status is post-haste. Also I hope he has a good time in LA if he hasn’t come and gone already lol.
15Birds in Row
We Already Lost The World

Sniff - Best. Fucking. KK. Ever.
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