
Reviews 51
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Last Active 05-14-22 5:21 pm
Joined 04-20-20

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Give me an album rec: NOVEMBER EDITION

The twist for this one is that it takes place in November.
1The Dillinger Escape Plan
One of Us Is the Killer

I need to listen to more than just the same 10 bands I listen to all the time, so rec me an album for every day in November.
Jigoku: Spiraling Chasms of Blackst Hell

1 album per person
Give me an album I haven't heard before
Any genre (But preferably, give me something that you'll think I'll actually enjoy)
3Sigur Ros

Rec'd by bighubbabuddha

November 1st

Yep, November has started off very well. Sigur Ros is a name that I have known for long time so it is great to finally know where the hype comes from. The ambiance is constantly dreamy and the memorable highs off the record, while are almost too few and far between, are well, memorable and immensely impactful. However, the ambient side of their sound can get a bit old from time to time. Still, I will definitely be checking to see what else this band has in store.

Rating: 3.6
4Admiral Angry

Rec'd by AsleepInTheBack

November 2nd

It is 44 minutes of intense and sludgy riffs and an absolutely manic vocal performance. One track has a drum solo in the final minutes and that was probably the standout moment here.

Rating: 4
5Sleepytime Gorilla Museum
Grand Opening and Closing

Rec'd by cylinder

November 3rd

I can easily see the Mr. Bungle comparisons here. While SGM sounds completely unique, they both are weird, goofy fun yet can also be deeply unsettling. So yeah, as I love Mr. Bungle, I definitely love this too. The riffs are manic (kinda gives Dillinger vibes at points), the bass is audible and the vocals are so strong.

Rating: 4.4
6The HIRS Collective
We're Still Here

Rec'd by someone

November 4th

This absolutely rips. So many great riffs are here and the intensity is constant. Definitely among my favourites of the more grindy side of metal.

Rating: 4.1
7Ling Tosite Sigure
Just a Moment

Rec'd by JohnnyoftheWell

November 5th

The instrumentation here is superb. Every member here is on there a-game making for a consistently engaging record that I will need to listen to again to properly appreciate the instrumentals. However, on first listen, I cannot tell what my opinion is on the vocals.

Rating: 4
8Julian's Treatment
A Time Before This

Rec'd by Dewinged

November 6th

This is fine. There is nothing bad about it but it never fully grabbed me either. It still had its fair share of cool moments though.

Rating: 3.2
9Dark Castle
Spirited Migration

Rec'd by PizzaBear

November 7th

Sorry, I could not get into this at all. While there wasn't anything necessarily bad about it, there was nothing that truly engaged me either. I don't really know what to say about it other than at best, this is ok.

Rating: 2.7
Sorry in Pig Minor

Rec'd by mryrtmrnfoxxxy

November 8th

As soon as the opener went into a sudden wall of noise, while taking me completely off guard, I knew this album was exactly my thing. Most of the album is fairly low key in it's noisy post-punk sound creating a rather subtly off-putting atmosphere (in a good way btw) but I particularly loved the album whenever it brought jazz to the mix. I think this is going to grow on me even more on upcoming listens.

Rating: 4.1
11Gorilla Biscuits
Start Today

Rec'd by widowslaugh123

November 9th

This is some absolutely solid classic hardcore punk. Nothing here exactly blew my mind but had great riffs and bass with some interesting lyrics.

Rating: 3.8

Rec'd by Kompys2000

November 10th

It's a completely solid post-hardcore album with a metallic edge that contains great vocals and creative riffs. ...With Codeine and The Mark of Qayin are easy highlights here with their great payoffs. I just wish they switched things up a bit more.

Rating: 3.9
13Getatchew Mekurya, The Ex and Guests
Moa Anbessa

Rec'd by SlothcoreSam

November 11th

A really cool mix of genres, even if it wasn't always my thing. Loved all the saxophone and had the guitar had some moments to shine as well. I just wished it was a little punkier and it didn't drag so much in a few places. The closer is by far the best song here. Idk, I can see this growing on me a lot though.

Rating: 3.5
14Gazelle Twin
Black Dog

Rec'd by ArsMoreindi

November 12th

Sorry, but I did not like this. It reminded me a lot of Xiu Xiu but a lot more annoying and a lot less interesting to listen to. Maybe I am being a bit too harsh and I did think Walk Through Walls was ok with some good vocals but the atmosphere here did not work for me and it never clicked.

Rating: 2.2

Rec'd by DType

November 13th

For some strange reason, the version on Apple Music had an ambient prelude that is 34 minutes long and it is incredibly pointless. When I reached the last 7 minutes, I found out that it isn't even part of the original album so I didn't even need to listen to it. Anyway, the actual album is really good. Great intense sludgy riffs paired with absolutely evil sounding vocals and some standout drum work. This was a great, albeit a very intense listen.

Rating: 4
16Abstract Void

Rec'd by Hawks

November 14th

This reminded me a lot of An Autumn for Crippled Children but with the synthwave elements, this is a much fresher take on AAFCC sound. It is still quite one note but the atmosphere it creates is nice.

Rating: 3.4
17The Odious
That Night a Forest Grew

Rec'd by PitchforkArms

November 15th

One of the best albums/EPs so far. It is filled with great and creative riffs. Incredibly strong melodies and great bass work. Honestly, my biggest problem here is that it is too short.

Rating: 4.2
18Kayo Dot
Choirs of the Eye

Rec'd by BlazinBlitzer

November 16th

I am not really sure how to describe my proper thoughts on this album yet, but I can say that I fucking loved it. The Manifold Curiosity and Wayfarer are two of the greatest tracks to ever be recorded. This has also made me want to give maudlin of the Well a go again.

Rating: 4.7 (This is very likely to increase on repeat listens)
19The Smith Street Band
Throw Me in the River

Rec'd by bellovddd

November 17th

I need to remember that folk punk isn't always going to sound like The Levellers aka Celtic melodies from violins. Anyways, the guitar (or just the instrumentation in general tbf) is great with lots of solid melodies and sudden bursts of infectious energy. However, the vocals are not quite my cup of tea and they got really grating to listen to and made it a lot harder to appreciate everything else this album is doing.

Rating: 2.9
Soundtracks for the Blind

Rec'd by anode

November 18th

There is quite a bit here that I really liked such as the tracks Helpless Child and The Final Sacrifice that achieved exactly what this album was going for to me. However, I found this album to be incredibly bloated with many tracks that are pointless, annoying or both. At most there is an hour of fantastic stuff here but leads at least an hour and 22 minutes of bloat. Therefore, I cannot say that I like this album that much.

Rating: 2.7

Rec'd by efp123

November 19th

Not a lot to say really other than this some extremely pleasant instrumental rock with lots of stellar guitar lines. Halftime is so good btw. I am definitely going to be jamming that track a lot.

Rating: 4.1

Rec'd by rabidfish

November 20th

Just some nice, minimalist dream pop. Nothing here is mind blowing or truly that memorable but works perfectly as a nice relaxing 27 minutes.

Rating: 3.4
A Little Man and a House and the Whole World Window

Rec'd by SandwichBubble

November 21st

I think Mr. Bungle were fans of this band. I was told to listen to Cardiacs about 3 years ago and I now regret not doing that straight away. There is not a single dull moment here. It is just so weird and zany in the best way possible. And Is This the Life? is one of the best songs I have heard in a while. I may be too quick 5ing this but I don't care, this is amazing.

Rating: 5
Under a Stone With No Inscription

Rec'd by MoM

November 22nd

This has so many great riffs.

Rating: 3.9
25She Must Burn
Umbra Mortis

Rec'd by XfingTheSullen

November 23rd

Loved the symphonic elements and the cleans were excellent producing many fantastic hooks. However, the deathcore side of the band did not do much for me, nor did it mesh well with the symphonic side.

Rating: 3.3

Rec'd by Deez

November 24th

Filled with great sludgy riffs and surprising moments of experimentation. Absolutely monstrous vocals on Palace. Solid EP overall but kinda wish this longer with the ideas more fleshed out.

Rating: 3.7
27Late Night Cardigan
Life Is Bleak and It's My Cheat Day

Rec'd by YoYoMancuso

November 25th

Some nice nostalgic sounding indie rock. Nothing too out there but was a solid album overall with good hooks.

Rating: 3.7
28The Drones
I See Seaweed

Rec'd by porcupinetheater

November 26th

Another fantastic discovery that I will need more that is similar. Great bluesy guitars, a strange yet hypnotic vocal performance and an overall intense listen.

Rating: 4.4
From Ember and Rust

Rec'd by Ectier

November 27th

While it does severely lack variety and originality, it makes up for that with fantastic riffs throughout the entire runtime.

Rating: 3.6
The Whispered Lies of Angels

Rec'd by DaveyMonsoon

November 28th

Kinda feels like a mixture of At the Gates and Trivium. And as I like both of those bands, I really liked this. Great riffs, great solos (especially the one in Fallen Grace) and superb melodies. However, I still need to get fully used to the vocals, once I do, my rating will definitely increase.

Rating: 4.2
Scourge of Malice

Rec'd by ToSmokMuzyki

November 29th

I absolutely loved this and I am surprised that I didn't discover them sooner. The classical instrumentation, the melodies, that fucking Fear of the Dark cover, it is all incredible. This is exactly my cup of tea.

Rating: 4.5
32Animal Collective
Fall Be Kind

Rec'd by Squiggly

November 30th

This band certainly has a unique sound. Not sure if all of it worked for me but most of it was great. I can definitely see this growing on me.

Rating: 3.8
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