Reviews 51 Approval 98%
Soundoffs 5 Album Ratings 1720 Objectivity 73%
Last Active 05-14-22 5:21 pm Joined 04-20-20
Review Comments 3,319
| Some of my favourite film composers. | 1 | Cho Young Wook
I know him primarily through his work with Park Chan-wook but none of these films would be quite as good without his scores. From the multitude of iconic Waltz's from Oldboy to the serene melodies from The Handmaiden, they match up with Park Chan-wook's style perfectly even if the score's tone greatly juxtaposes with what is happening on screen (e.g Oldboy). Simply put, his scores are beautiful. | 2 | Joe Hisaishi
Fantastical and hopeful sounding music always works with Ghibli. His scores makes the worlds feel even more lived in. Like imagine the Sixth Station scene in Spirited Away without the score. The scene would just feel empty without it, causing the world to feel empty too, but the score helps make it one of the best scenes of all time. | 3 | Howard Shore
He is here for Lord of the Rings alone. No film score has sounded so epic since. The Rohirrim Charge brings goosebumps every time. Concerning Hobbits is simply iconic, and even if it is played out of context with the film, I still feel like I am in Middle Earth. | 4 | John Williams
Seems like all the films I was brought up on had this guy composing. So yeah, Star Wars, Jurassic Park and Harry Potter scores are nostalgia. | |
07.14.23 | Does John Carpenter count as a film composer? Cause he would be my personal fav. | Vercetti
07.14.23 | Of course John Carpenter counts! Just because it isn't what he's primarily known for doesn't mean he's not a composer
Good picks on the list btw | MO
07.14.23 | the Insterstellar soundtrack alone puts zimmer up there for me |