ian b

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Last Active 05-11-21 2:42 am
Joined 06-12-19

Review Comments 2,175

05.11.21 we back from da psych ward b.[abeeeyyyy02.25.21 Best Worst Song Titles(?)
12.27.20 ian b 202012.07.20 Sputnik Enneagrams !
07.24.20 ask me a question! or something- idk wh05.18.20 hey sputnik, how you holding up?
04.13.20 lil peep ranked (what should i review n11.12.19 aotd list outline (subject to opinions

ian b 2020

even though i stopped making music after 8 weeks of hard work in February-April, many artists decided to actually make good music this year? even as an empath, i dont even get it, but regardless,,,,,,, here's a few of my favorite albums to be released in this hellscape of a year! 101/100
1Jeff Rosenstock

would it really be an ian b list if i didn't bring up our lord and savior Jesu-i mean Jeff Rosenchrist-FUCK-- i mean Jeff Rosendaddy (that's as close as i'll get i'm sorry)? because while i was in the minority when it came to the critical reception of 2018's POST-, regardless of what you think of that album, N O D R E A M takes all of your preconceived notions of what this album could be, and threw it out the window basically to make an album that crosses WORRY.'s unbeatable songwriting with Bomb the Music Industry's incredible versatility into one album.

TL;DR: this is jeff rosenstock jeffing at his most rosenstock is the best way possible.
2Touche Amore

okay, so since i got Jeff out of the way, i might as well get TA out of the way for releasing an album that still surprised me and somehow broke new ground, even though they already made magnum opus(es?) with Is Survived By and Stage Four, yet their ability to subvert all expectations and to make a record they truly wanted to make says a lot compared to how much they were trying to crowdplease on previous records. 95/100
3Fiona Apple
Fetch The Bolt Cutters

if for some reason the countless 10/10 ratings didnt sell you,,, yeah i mean this record bumps pretty fucking hard. definitely Fiona's best since Tidal in 1996 (fight me). 92/100
4Mario Judah
Whole Lotta Red (Part 1)

no, i'm actually not kidding. this 21 year old from Atlanta truly showed internet users and HHT (Hip-Hop Twitter) how far actual talent can take a meme. for example, like most popular music this year, Mario's debut single blew up on TikTok, but unlike other songs to come from the app, Mario Judah not only backed up his hype with an interesting personality and incredible talent to back it up, once he jumped on the train of giving Playboi Carti shit for not releasing the record below this in time, he truly rode the wave of internet stardom into making great music in different styles. the question is though, is Mario Judah just going to be a figment of HHT's antics in anticipation of WLR by Carti? or will Mario Judah take his phenomenal voice and his David Draiman-esque vocal tones to put over trap beats and more to make something truly artistically compelling? only time (or 2021) will tell 90/100, but 110/100 for the genius marketing strategies behind this and Mario Judah's presence lol
5Playboi Carti
Whole Lotta Red

so. yeah uh. Whole Lotta Red; man what to say, i mean, this is by far his most versatile project vocally and instrumentally, Carti gives us a true artistic brain-breaker with his sophomore album. but if anything has been proven over the past 3-5 years of Playboi Carti's influence on the scene, we won't really know the impact of this album until people start trying to replicate it starting a few months from now. 87/100 (would be 101/100 if the lyrics about Carti being a deadbeat dad weren't actually as serious as they are lmfao)
6Phoebe Bridgers

while i dont believe this record is nearly as consistent as her debut, Phoebe Bridgers definitely presents higher highs (Kyoto, ICU, I Know The End) and much lower lows (Garden Song, Savior Complex, I Know The End [yes, again]) than most would typically appreciate. but if you're willing to give your time to this record, and let this drain you of any remaining emotional energy you might have left, then it's more than worth of occupying that time. 92/100
7Mac Miller

while Mac's darkest project, and arguably my favorite, might be his self-released magnum opus mixtape Faces from 2014, it's this project that the maturity of those unfortunately realistic lyrics of hedonism and mental instability really meet their peace, and thus their maker on Circles. while Swimming might be a great companion record, Circles stands on its own as being a masterpiece, with or without the context of tragedy that will influence your listen regardless. i hated mac miller before 2017, and even if you still think mac miller is a corny white rapper, i genuinely urge you to check out this record because it's the farthest thing from it. 88/100
8Lil Peep

this got reissued this year along with HELLBOY and a couple of major unreleased tracks finally seeing the light of day (i.e: Me and You with Cold Hart), i won't talk much here about this record, but i did review both this and HELLBOY right before it got rereleased too. so if you liked anything i had to say here, please check those reviews out because i genuinely mean and put all my emotions into those reviews. HELLBOY is a 92/100 and crybaby is around a 94-97/100 as there really isnt any major miss on the record besides the last track kinda
9Jessie Ware
What's Your Pleasure?

but what do you think about what i think? i'd love to let you know what i think about what you about what i think! and who knows i might even add more albums if you guys actually unironically like this list :') also (19)85/100
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