ian b

Reviews 11
Approval 94%

Soundoffs 50
News Articles 2
Band Edits + Tags 42
Album Edits 13

Album Ratings 1457
Objectivity 84%

Last Active 05-11-21 2:42 am
Joined 06-12-19

Review Comments 2,175

05.11.21 we back from da psych ward b.[abeeeyyyy02.25.21 Best Worst Song Titles(?)
12.27.20 ian b 202012.07.20 Sputnik Enneagrams !
07.24.20 ask me a question! or something- idk wh05.18.20 hey sputnik, how you holding up?
04.13.20 lil peep ranked (what should i review n11.12.19 aotd list outline (subject to opinions

Sputnik Enneagrams !

inspired by the zodiac sign list, i was gonna do a list of different Myers-Briggs personality-types (i'm an INFP-T if you cared for some reason) but i figured that'd be too complex, so i thought it'd be interesting to see sputnik personality types in a way that's easier for people to fill out.
Dig Up the Dead

here's a really short basic one that took me about only a minute or two, and it gave me the same (albeit less specific) results, so if you only wanna take a quick test i'd recommend this one
2Farrah Abraham
My Teenage Dream Ended

this one is a lot more specific and gave much more in-depth results, but regardless it still came out pretty similarly with me being a type 4 at 98%, type 2 and type 5 personalities were pretty close behind though with 84/86% wowza
3Lil Peep and Lil Tracy
Castles II

list out your results, and i'll add an entry for each personality type, then i'll add everyone after a few hours
4Sleeping at Last

Type 1 Personalities:
5Sleeping at Last

Type 2 Personalities: aydross121, nightbringer, rockarollacola, ChoccyPhilly,
6Sleeping at Last

Type 3 Personalities: Sinternet, of course
7Sleeping at Last

Type 4 Personalities: yours truly ian b. babyyyy,,,,, also normaloctogon, mrbungle20, Dewi apparently, Wines (probably because they won’t confirm), garas, Pheromone, heyadam
8chris black

Type 5 Personalities: hal(1ax), porcupinetheater, bloodshy, Egarran (whose comment is very accurate tbf), Ryus (on sputnik),
9Sleeping at Last

Type 6 Personalities: ArsMoriendi
10Sleeping at Last

Type 7 Personalities: JesperL, YoYoMancuso, MyNameIsPencil,
11Sleeping at Last

Type 8 Personalities:
12Sleeping at Last

Type 9 Personalities: Pangea, Johnny[OfTheWell], dedex, Trifolium, anatelier, Ryus (irl)
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