boobie boodgie

Soundoffs 14
Album Ratings 1390
Objectivity 74%

Last Active 06-13-22 4:28 am
Joined 03-09-16

Review Comments 37,010

07.26.24 fav bm albums under 100 ratings06.09.24 top 50 dream pop tracks
05.18.24 rec me your 2nd fav album12.07.23 black, speed, dbeat
05.21.20 when is wham going to review uk subs10.11.19 horror thread cont'd
09.05.19 recommend me a horror movie please03.04.19 help me pick a horor movie
02.10.19 top 5 horror movies of all time

when is wham going to review uk subs

wham when is wham going to wham it
1UK Subs
Another Kind of Blues

wham you promised
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