
Reviews 7
Approval 87%

Soundoffs 15
News Articles 12
Band Edits + Tags 4
Album Edits 7

Album Ratings 126
Objectivity 55%

Last Active 01-27-18 8:21 pm
Joined 07-15-15

Review Comments 6,263

12.21.17 Negro Malachite Ranked04.24.17 Petition to make sach a mod
04.01.17 Boring Music for Boney12.24.16 Sputnik Yearbook Revised Edition Vote T
11.22.16 R.I.P. User BallsDeep11.03.16 I put on for my city...
10.07.16 Alexisonfire - Definitive Discography R09.21.16 Guessing Game: Trump will win x% of the
09.16.16 Prime Age for Musicians07.19.16 Are there more than five girl users on

Negro Malachite Ranked

Instead of doing top albums of the year and such, I thought a cool idea would be to just limit it to two albums released in 2017. 1. The album that surprised you the most or that you enjoyed substantially more than the community at large. 2. The album that most disappointed you or that you didn't "get" like the rest of Sput.
1St. Vincent

Easy choice for me. Probably my second strongest release of the year, and currently lagging at the bottom of all her scores on here. This album was perfect start to finish in my eyes and stands as Annie's best work to date.
Material Control

This was just a boring hot mess to me and I fail to see the justification for the adoration it received here. The instrumentation was jumbled, the vocals were meh, standouts were few and far between.
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