Papa Universe
former sputnik\'s home post-punk maester

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Last Active 12-23-19 9:27 pm
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06.03.19 mid-year metal rundown05.29.19 another one of those bm threads
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Unknown Post-Punk #3

Betcha didn't see this one coming... or just forgot it was coming. Took longer than expected, but that's probably because I managed to irreversibly delete my Excel file containing all my thoughts and all the stuff to listen to. If you want to see my meltdown because of it, you can search somewhere in my lists, it might still be there. Anyway, here we have it, another dump of vaguely -ish and -esque, mostly not, more-or-less post-punk. Also, some other stuff in it (goth, deathrock, new wave, darkwave, coldwave, no wave, synth wave, minimal wave, revivalism, industrial post-punk, shoegaze-mixtures and all that comes with). Also, Tyler. so far did absolutely nothing to earn his right to wear a current post-punk maester's badge (other than beating me in that competition I am still salty about). Anyhow, here comes:

Somewhat a legend among French underground lovers. This is a two-track tape of riveting new wave/rock songs that just reek of the 80s. It just exists and it is a delight, even if a brief one. Origin is unknown, just a few copies, some vague untraceable info on the band members being 3 Frenchmen and an Englishman, as well as a handwritten note on each copy saying "CONTACT CHRIS 01 - 4506119".

both songs rock
2Temple Of Angels

Atmospheric and wavy with great female vocals. Might be too mellow and pop-y for some.

Star-Shaped Eyes, Before I Want More
3Ya Ya Choral
Two Lines / White City

Two brief tracks from the 80s by a band, whose full length work is rather difficult to track down, so I had to settle for these two quick exercises in simplicity. Eh.

White City (Dystopia)
4The Mortal
I Am Mortal

Japan is weird. This is weird. It is also hella dark and brooding, but not without a ray of remote pop-y light. Expect a heavy dose of immersive atmosphere and a deep and unforgettable world of beautiful decadence.

天使, Dead Can Dance, Fantomas, グロテスク, サヨナラワルツ
5Lobby (FR)

Regular old coldwave that also likes to dabble in some more modern explosive pop techniques. Maybe a little washed out at times, but good to listen, if you want just a simple noir-infused pop album.

Fragrance, Chimeras, Somewhere
6Illustration Sonore
Undisciplined Strips Of Emotions

So these folks call themselves 'cosmic disco'. In a way, I can see it. But it sounds more like disco people in the 80s presumed to be cosmic. Y'know, the cheesy minimalistic kind.

Buried in the Hearts, Divinatorium, Vision and Prayer, Die Gefuhlsduselei, Cannibals

Dense, idiosyncratic electropunk on the verge of straightforward synthpop, but still having those noir, disturbed, paranoid undertones. A rich dark atmosphere, lo-fi electronic production, and suspiciously innocent lyrics. Neue Deutsche Welle at its finest. (I also wrote a review for this, just saying, btw)

Film 2, Eisbär, Hinter den Bergen, Marmelade und Himbeereis, Kälte Kriecht, Kunstgewerbe, Der Weg zu Zweit, In der Nacht, Ich und Du, Moskau, Raum
8The Electric Eels
Die Electric Eels

Boy oh boy, is this ugly sounding? I think this is no wave, but ony because of the production. Of course, that is the very charm that made this band a little legendary in the underground. This is a rawdy awfulness that keeps on giving its disgusting off-produced punk anti-music.

Agitated, Cyclotron, Sewercide, You're Full of Shit, Tidal Wave, Anxiety, Splitterty Splat, You Crummy Fags
9Contre Soirée
Contre Soirée

French newcomer band that digs deep into that old-school goth-darkwave sound. It's not original in any way, but at least much more energetic than a lot of their contemporaries.

Day of the Eclipse, She is Right, Pick Up the Line
Negative Houses

Amid the onslaught of samey and derivative revivalists, Facs decided to bet all their money on long-winded atmospheric meditations with coarse undertones. It certainly feels somewhat familiar, but at the same time it utilises the known clichés of the genre to its advantage by turning its influences into something a tad more hypnotic and dizzying.

Skylarking, Silencing, Primary, Exit Like You,
11Wild West
Scratch Another Day: Selected Recordings 1980-81

A decent enough minimal no wave, if you are into that sort of music, one that heavily utilises electronically-sounding regular instruments and vocals oddities. This might be a goldmine for you then. If not, there is a risk of you looking at the clock a couple of times.

Locking, Coast, Disappear
A Casual Assembly

This is weird for the sake of being weird. Or at least is has an atmosphere of confusion. Not that the music is so idiosyncratic that it throws the listener into a state of confusion, but rather that the album itself is a little directionless, not really knowing what it wants to be. It is certainly avant-garde, but purposelessly so. Not much post-punk in sight, but that's beause the band had that on their previous record, which was (imho) horrendous, so this much more delightful listen will do as an entry. Certainly a noteworthy project, if just a slight bit too naive.

The Home of the Architect, The Commoner, The Physicist's Issue
13Suicide Romeo

A largely forgotten, but still ever so slightly influential and cult status obtaining record from French 80s post-punk/new wave movement, this album is a great case of upbeat type of post-punk. As upbeat as it gets, in fact. The record uses a lot of typical jerky guitar-work present on many post-punk works, but uses it to create a joyous, summery atmosphere, rather than snarky one. The occasional horns also help.

Suicide Romeo, Grey, Treble Chord, Vision, Pictures, Needles in the Camel's Eye

Somewhat minimal nordic new wave snarkiness.

Himlens exkrementer, Kung misär, Blomman för dagen
A Thousand Hands

This band sends conflicting messages. On one hand, it is a breath of fresh air among the darkwave sameness that we are forced ot gag on these days. On the other hand, it is only a breath of fresh air, because the alternative to it is so stale and one-dimensional, prompting this somewhat above-average album to be perceived as actually great. But it is what it is, great is great. (btw, Into the Unknown and Visions of You are damn great tracks)

A Thousand Hands, Can't Take It, Mind's Eye, Into the Unknown, Visions of You
1613th Chime
Complete Discography

shoutout to rasi for introducing me to this band
Complete discography compilations can go two ways. Either they end up too long, inconsistent and all-over-the-place or they end up a fantastic encapsulation of the band's music like you wouldn't experience anywhere else. This compilation falls into the latter category. It Is 20 songs each reaching in quality from great to fantastic. If you don't mind length, get on this.

Cursed, Tinker Man, Fire, Radio Man, Two As A Couple, Sarah's Got a Chainsaw, Help Me Street
7​-​inch Round Black Thing

Short and to the point, four songs barely over 2 minutes long each, all swift and all energetic. Pure fun, nothing too complex to comprehend, all accessible.

Move Your Brain, Fatman With a Big Dork, 5 Heads of State

Bootblacks might be the most standard, unremarkable modern goth band (on par with Lebanon Hanover), because they pretty much only play the most barebones meat-and-potatoes coldwave bass-synth-simple drums in all of its possible combinations. The reason they are actually listenable is due to the subtlety of their music. It is never too flashy or obnoxious and the catchy song-writing certainly helps too.

Colorblind, Drift, Erosion, Decoys
19The Prats
Now That's What I Call Prats Music

A recordful of messy DIYs and lo-fi no wavers from a band that emerged as an amateur passion project (most likely to piss off their parents) and didn't live long enough to progress anywhere. Don't try to overanalyse this.

Disco Pope, Nothing, TV Set, General Davis
20Sonic Jesus

Sonic indeed. Out of their two records, both could be on this list, really, because both are worthy enough pieces of great lo-fi, slightly noisy post-punk, albeit Grace is slightly more mellow and gentle. It reeks of shoegaze and heartbreak that is either supposed to be masked or amplified by the production. Either way, it works well and you will end up enthralled in the atmosphere, as well as the fun as heck tunes.

I'm in Grace, I Hope, Modern Model, Outdoor, Funeral Party, Stars, Fading Lights
21Bobsleigh Baby

Apparently, this self-appointed genre is called 'psych idiot garage post-punk' and consists of lo-fi garage psych-pop songs with loud bass and cute melodies repeated to death. Pretty usual stuff.

A Thing Like That, Improved, Liar, Get It Back
22Androids of Mu
Blood Robots

A dirty, lo-fi, headache-inducing record. This is all over the place, but in a good way (sort of). Do not expect any melodic or atmospheric beauty, because this is all about that off-putting noisiness.

Who Cares, Fast Car, Lost in Space
23Vzyadoq Moe
O Ápice

Ugly, terribly produced, strangely mixed and sometimes clumsily sung, but all of those imperfections are just the loveliest little things.

Junto ao céu, O incerto, Guerra das sombras
24CCCP Fedeli Alla Linea
1964-1985 Affinità-divergenze fra il compagno Togl

It's very likely that this is the most well known band on this list (well, not on Sputnik, that is), as these Italians are somewhat of a legendary act in the underground punk movement. This album is both instrumentally adventurous and bipolar in its delivery, bringing up some kind of purposeful instability.

Curami, Mi Ami?, Valium Tavor Serenase, Io sto bene, Allarme
Lonesome Berlin

Pretty much a blueprint for a minimal coldwave album, barely attempting to present any finished songs with any structure, but I suppose that's not the point. It's very repetitive and often grating, but it does have that strange ability to make you feel like it's you who doesn't get it, not the album that is bad.

My Demon, I'm a Punk, She Lied
26Aunt Sally
Aunt Sally

shoutout to butcherboy for reminding me this band exists
If you could sum up the word avantgarde in one album, this'd be it. Released in 1979 and being the first formal project of Japanese underground weirdo legend Phew, this is an exercise in strange, but also in oddly electrifying and pretty at times.

difficult to pick a highlight, for one, I cannot figure out, which song is which
Discipline Reaction

Not at all your usual, generic gothy darkwave post-punk, because this album is a slightly unhinged, dense synth-focused lo-fi mess, but in a good way, even if just ever so slightly overstays its welcome.

Twice Shy, Pound of Flesh, Hate to Say/A Nice Ride, Cardinalidae
The Complete Recordings

Bring out the snark, the catchiness and the sassy instrumentation. This is a female-led artsy punky project from way back when that is somewhat reminiscent of the 80s European wave of female-led art-punk/no wave bands, as was pointed out by many compating this band to the likes of Liliput, Pylon or The Au Pairs.

Lilting, Playtime, Person, Is It?, Such n Such, Guru, Choukoutien, Elaine's Song, Random
29Hetch Hetchy

A band closely tied to Oh-OK, usually described as post-punk/dream pop. Well, post-punk is certainly apparent (like on bass or production), but to me it seems as a straightforward early days dream pop band.

Commonplace, Satanette, Mango Wienie, Bow Song
30Musta Paraati

Did you know that Finland also had its own prominent scene of darkwave/new wave music? Musta Paraati were quite a name back then (they also returned to a relative obscurity this year) and you can sort of see why. The album is melodically pleasant and atmospherically dense. It can be a little dragging, but it can also be really energetic.

Kädet, Muukalainen, Hyvää Yötä, Ääni Pimeästä
31Terminal Gods

At best, a repetition of what already was heard, just in different melodic arrangement and on a different level ambition. At worst, a rip-off of literally every other darkwave record before. Terminal Gods, however, have an intriguing way with atmosphere; the band certainly knows their way around a decently written tune. The album ends up memorable and enjoyable, but far from a breath of fresh air.

The Bird Catcher, Sleep Machine, Headlong and Heartless
32Salome's Dance
Salome's Dance

Maybe a far cry from what goth rock can be, but not without its audience, I am sure.

Cyhret, Machine, August
33The Flowerpot Men
Jo's So Mean

Oh this is some dark-ass club banger three-track EP. I could see this busting and twisting some heads at the underground semi-goth disco scene. What a delightfully dark record.

Jo's So Mean to Josephine, Rapids
34Choice Of Wallpaper

Slightly off-the-wall and rather adorable. It has that youthful boyish charm to it. Just a few pals takin' the piss.

35Life Without Buildings
Any Other City

There are people doing music for the sake of doing music and then there are people with specific college degrees proving they can do music. Life Without Buildings is comprised of people with art degrees and a neck for artsy-pantsy music. They came together to do just that and they professionally crafted an artsy-pantsy album. THey succeeded. The album is fantastic. Art. Music. Art music. Professionalism. (P.S.: screw you, Doof)

PS Exclusive, Let's Go Out, Juno, Young Offenders, Envoys, New Town
36Molchat Doma

shoutout to hansoloshotfirst for introducing me to this band
It seems like Russia is reliving its 80s goth and darkwave phase. And even though bands like Kino are long gone, their admirers and copycats are only now turning into adults and spawning new music. As such, Molchat Doma is maybe one of the better indulgences of this period, but a redundant one nonetheless. It's another one of those low-toned, low-voiced, synth-based bleep-bloops we've heard thousands of. If you're into that, go straight ahead.

Na dne, Volny, Kommersanty

From way back when, this is a danceable, jiggly and fun album from those very early post-punk exploits, when the pants were tight and held up by the suspenders, when the haircuts were greased back and men's voices crackling into high-pitches was among the underground folk considered sexy, and when David Byrne was the hero the youth needed.

Romantic Me, This Song, Your Dragging Feet, Bucket Rider, #7

This is more of an old-timey in-the-garage-produced pop 7'' than anything else. It's sweet, but not a lot other than that.

39Product KF
Songs of the Groves

Delving more into the weird side of post-punk with its deep industrial influences that are not rooted in electronica, but rather in the dissonant noisy production and practical side-effects.

Mercy, Opticks, New Tenebrism
40La Fete Triste
7 Hits in Grau

Never thought a covers album would make it on this list, but here we are. Taking and reworking songs from now largely forgotten bands, turning them into slightly industrial minimal coldwave, that's what's going on here. Nothing particularly unusual, but still a fun time.

Inkosequent, Weltschmerz, Isolation
41Soma Cake
Girls Bite Harder

A 2018 offering that is indeed reaching to the lowest hanging fruit and the lowest common denominator with its synthetic production, mostly repetitive instrumentation and purposefully emotionless vocals, but it is still quite a perfect listen for anyone interested in modern incarnation of darkwave.

Noenum, Danceuphoria

Mexican deathrock, all decadence, no remorse. Not really hard-hitting, but densly dark (and not in that eyeliner-wearing darkwave synth-y kind).

Inevitable, Amargura, Miedo, Mueren, Resplandor

In the grander scheme of coldwave, this is by far not the most enticing record there is, but it is serviceable.

Branches, From Somewhere, Distance

I am convinced that this band got frozen in time since like 1983 and woke up now with intent to make another groundbreaking minimalistic coldwave pop album… poor folks. It's a decent enough throwback, but then again, I might be cutting it some slack, because I just really like it, when a band makes a throwback to something so obscure and forgotten like coldwave synth.

Pehla, Caving In, Siren in Distress, A Distant Memory, Searching and Looking

Omni do not seem like a band that chose to be a part of the genre. They seem rather like a bunch that just wants to make music and it just so happens to partially consist of post-punk, among other pile of uplifting lo-fi fun.

Wednesday Wedding, Wire, Earrings, Jungle Jenny, Col Vermouth, Eyes on the Floor, Plane
It Will Come to You

In the age, when all the biggest names in (semi-)post-punk scene try to go as pop, electronic and radio-accessible and tend to fail miserably, Actors decided to cut off the middleman and present us with pop/electronic direction right out on their debut, but still having more guts in their musicianship than some late Editors or late Interpol, with just enough of that 80s spice to keep it interesting.

L'appel Du Vide, Slaves, Face Meets Glass, Hit to the Head, Bury Me
Fashion & Seduction / Premonition

Oddly enough, this is not from the 80s (not really something that'd surprise anyone nowadays, as every other act tries to pay homage to that period), this is from 2006 and is one of the catchiest new wave synth-pop two-trackers out there.

both are great, but Fashion and Seduction is particularly juicy
Let Me Out Of Here

Just two tracks that are actually more new wave pop-rock tunes, but still incredibly catchy. It's a real shame this band didn't catch on, because both this EP and their previous one, Next to Me, are pretty damn sweet. Some light-hearted simplicity full of melodic niceness.
both songs worth it
49Organized Pleasure

Another one in these fantastic two-track new wave EPs from Belgium. And another one to never make anything else afterwards. What a damn shame. There is a special sense of menace floating all throughout this EP and it manifests in a hauntingly catchy atmosphere.

both tracks worthwhile
50Pression Fun
Out of Your Mind

Belgian two-track EPs from a band that never released anything after. Yep, that again.

both tracks, gaddammit

There is something creepy about this EP. It is probably due to mix of influences that reach a tiny bit into goth, a tiny bit into darkwave, a tiny bit into noise and even a tiny bit into no wave. It's tiny bits of everything weirdest and most commonly seen as disturbing in the world of post-punk, all wrapped in a blanket of goodness.

Numbered, Mirrorface, Archons in Akron, World in Flames
52This Sect
Shake the Curse

So this is what happens when you apply post-hardcore song-writing to post-punk instrumentation and production. It is just as explosive as an alt-rock post-hardcore record, but not as gratuitous and bloated. It actually holds together tightly and the songs are really catchy for the most part. So there, if you're into that sort of stuff.

It's Not You It's Them, Lines on a Trail, Party Like It's 1939, Calligraphy with a Brick, We Got Love
53Snapped Ankles
Stunning Luxury

Perhaps a little too middle-of-the-road with its kookiness for some, but certainly a solid-ass effort in minimal art-punk. You feel like you're in some cartoony procrascinating Clockwork Orange world.

Tailpipe, Rechargeable, Delivery Van, Dial the Rings on a Tree, Drink and Glide
54Short Days
Short Days

This French band is not particularly post-punk; they fuse together post-hardcore, regular punk and it does come to even slight hints of emo. But each of those things have their fair share of influence, so for the same reason as why I'd put this on a post-hardcore list, it also has a spot of a post-punk one.

Suicide City, Dead Inside, Pay the Price, Anguish, Going Nowhere
55Criminal Code
No Device

Much more on the slightly hardcore-ish side of things (more so than their later work, but at least more interesting). The inclinations towards post-punk are all still there, which makes it eligible for this list, but it is mainly a regular punk record.

No Device, Defective Parts, Exit/Entry, Flagstone, Mocking Shadows, Sacred Hands, Surveillance
56Slow Motion

Just in case you were looking for something that sounds like Andrew Lloyd Weber understudy synth-led gothic musical.

Droomed, Perfect Codes, Quintessence, Hiatus, Fatal Symptom
Principle of Pain

shoutout to hansoloshotfirst for introducing me to this band
Post-punk only as far as bands like Modern English, The Dream Syndicate or Depeche Mode go. Certainly taking influence from the genre, but mostly remaining new wave pop-rock cheesiness.

The Rose and the Thorn, Autonoir, Gods in the Dark, Confusing World
58Hemliga Bosse
Aldrig Mera Ensam

In its time, this was probably considered the most banal and typical pop-rock, but nowadays it is pretty much an art punk gem, albeit only two-tracks long. The band didn't stay alive for a long time, but hearing Swedish post-punk from the 70s is great even in this short a format.

New Image Every Day
59The Cool Greenhouse

Minimalistic lo-fi quirky snark-spewing sarcasm-filled project from UK that has so far released three 7"s (in its minimal fashion). I guarantee that you will either find the oddity of it charming OR you will be annoyed to death with the bleeping electronics.

The End of the World
60Sleeper and Snake
Junction and High

A 2019 release, but one that feels like it came straight from the minimal no wave scene of the 80s. Similar influences, similar almost 8-bit production, similar quirkiness.

Sugar and Gold, Junction and High 1, Wisdom Vermin, Flagged
61Kaelan Mikla
Not Eftir Not

More of a darker electropop album than anything else, but the darkwave and gothic elements are all there. For fans of cold synth-led brooding music.

Nornalagið, Hvernig kemst ég upp?, Næturblóm, Nótt eftir nótt
62Jardim do Silêncio

Brazil nowadays is not exactly a cesspool of post-punk experimentation (even though it did give us Gattopardo). Nevertheless, they still do have a fair share of their own intriguing projects. Carmim may not be particularly post-punk-y, but as a synth-led darkwave project it succeeds at what it tries to convey: a mildly downtrodden, but atmospheric experience.

Carmim, O Sétimo Dia
63Dark Screens
Hit The Road

Shoutout to SandwichBubble for introducing me to this band
Very focused on sweet guitar-playing, even if that is somewhat drowned in the lo-fi shoegazy production that sometimes turns the songs non-distinct. However, this album's biggest fall is in its mild flatness in song-writing. It is still decent, but don't expect miracles.

Motor City Sounds, Ghostface, Life of Violence
64Household (NY)

A proof that you don't need a lot to make a great record. This is just a trio of the same instruments, same tuning, same production, all very minimal and lowercase, all throughout the record.

Go Away, Phases, Our Song, Desperate Times
65The Ire

There is something to the melodies and the vocals here that is a little off-kilter, but just ridiculously charming. Can't quite pinpoint just what that is, but man is it a delight to listen to.

Derelict, The Sleep, Katabasis
66Ritual Howls
Turkish Leather

It is a dangerous path Ritual Howls are walking on, because had they been keener on risking things a little, they could have churned up a record unlike any other darkwave record, ut at the same time they are this close to becoming another unremarkable, inessential, faceless, boring darkwave band. They're neither as of right now, they're just solid, but they could become either.

The Taste of You, Final Service, Turkish Leather
67Turquoise Days
Alternative Strategies

In just 9 tracks you can get a taste of the cheesiest, low-budget and low-skills new wave tendencies of the 80s.

Blurred - Demo, Alternative Strategies
68Neon Lights
A Slice of Life

Fair warning: you might be turned off by the frontman's voice. Not that he is a bad singer, just that his voice itself is a little off and you can hear it after a while. As for the album, it is a seviceable goth music with occasionally some great atmospheric moments and fairly memorable song-writing. Do not shy away, if you are looking for something more or less exciting and enjoyable.

Take Me, The Sun Shines on Our Behalf, Twirling the Twilight, A Part in the Play/A Slice of Life (I), Idle
Fausse conscience

French darkwave from the late 80s. Doesn't break new grounds, but is a decent listen nonetheless.

Louchald, Couloir FC4 0, Vision, Erreur de Suicide
A Distorted Reality

A largely middle-of-the-road synth-darkwave project from Greece, but it does have pleasant vocals and some of the electronic wobblings and bleep-bloops are in the end decent.

Truth or Dare, Monitors, Mod of the Old, Forever Gone
71Unextraordinary Gentlemen
Stars Pulled Down

So… I don't know how to characterise this album. It's certainly somewhat theatrical and conceptually ambitions. It is characterised as post-punk (among other things) and it does every now and again pull up some post-punk/darkwave influence, but by-en-large it is probably rather a multi-genre conceptual album than anything else. This band, if I understand correctly, is one of those steampunk inspired acts that creates albums with aesthetic of the 19th century on drugs. So, yeah, think of it what you want. It's on this list merely as a technicality.

The Drop, Kiss the Earth, Lemon Lime Girls, Long Time Gone
72Red Zebra

Certainly not an exercise in newness, Red Zebra entertain many of the same themes and sounds as their contemporaries at the time. However, the rich atmosphere and the near dystopian vibes surely make this worth your while.

Bastogne, The Art of Conversation, Man Comes From Ape
73Chain Cult

A demo much more fleshed out and complete than many contemporary full-length albums. This is a brilliantly dense and rich atmospheric work. With some truly magnetic performances and brassy production, this short six-tracker is as sinister and still fun as it can get.

Epty Hearts, Black Hole, Chain Cult, Lost Signal
74Four Came Home And Passion Of Ice

A split between two bands who didn't really do anything else. On Four Came Home's side you can expect some gloomy goth, but with unexpectedly juicy riffy, while Passion of Ice deliver a driving catchy post-punk-infused pop-rock.

Diamonds in the Sky, Callous
75Girls Names
Stains on Silence

Yeah, this might be excruciating for anyone unprepared, but that's the beauty of it too. Minimal wave, synthwave, (electronic) no wave and all sorts of other waves from the old-school electronic post-punk-isms seem to be on a revival lately. By the way, their discography prior to this album is nothing like this. They used to be much more of a regular post-punk band, if you're into that.

Haus Proud, The Process, The Impaled Mystique, Stains of Silence, Karoline

I call a lot of things and people charming, so that word's meaning might have been somewhat dminished (sorry about that), but believe you me that this girl has some serious charm and adorable girlish grace. Maybe it's in the fact that she dedicated an entire song to a girl with blonde hair that keeps stealing every boy's gaze or the fact that she sounds like a high schooler who just went through her first breakup, there's just something funny about her.

Opposite, Kate
77Radio Berlin (CAN)
The Selection Drone

(almost essential)
Radio Berlin are at their most mature and their most instrumentally adventurous on this album. Things can get wild here, they are experimental, irregularly written and at times almost post-rock-ish. The vocals are still the lowpoint, but I suppose they have their charm and some might even love them. Nevertheless, this is a bloody damn solid record of instrumentally enthralling work.

Change Your Mind, Glass Horizon, Eyes Like Lenses, Kill the Moment, Twelve Fingers
78Radio Berlin (US)
Dance The Youth E.P.

A fairly standard minimal pop album from the early 80s that probably won't necessarily surprise in any way, but is a worthwhile listen for the better sense of the period it is from. It also gets hilariously political.

Gare du Nord, Political Pop
79Marbled Eye

Born in the age of (post-)punk similarity and lack of innovation, Marbled Eye are doing their best to at least be confident enough in their music to make it upbeat and likeable. Kudos on that.

Laughing Sound, Leisure, Isle, Curtain, Idle Hour, Vanity
80Visitors (UK)
Poet's End

Another one of those bands that existed for a short bit and released a few records that largely went unnoticed, now comes back (sort of) with a best-of comiplation that slaps and kicks and milks and beats like it should.

Compatibility, Electric Heat, One Line, Moth, Pattern, Empty Rooms, Distance, Poet's End
No Past, It Started All Over Again

There is a certain laziness about this record. There is also a certain dread. It feels more like one of those avant-garde experimental anti-punk albums than a post-punk or noise album.

Stature Imprint, In a Clearing, Hissing, Pale Sky
82Luna Twist

I found it to be an incredibly easy way of discovering old bands, to just listen to some 'best of' compilation. More so than trying to scatter together all their now forgotten discography. So I apologise, Luna Twist, but I only listened to this edition of your good stuff and skipped out on your full-lengths. But at least is this a fantastic almost-20 tracks long collection of tuneful, melodic and catchy new wave tracks with great bass and atmosphere of snark.

African Time, Look Out, Decent Life, Oh Oh Oh, Questions, So Danceable, Tom and Jerry, Statues
83Lord Alba
They Call Me

Listen, my mission here is not to recommend you only the good music, but any music in this genre (and its derivatives). Yes, that means some things I personally did not like. But I want you to make up your own minds. Now, this is an amateur album from an amateur band that (as it appears) no longer exists. It's a band that is misguided in its quirkiness. They try to present their music as flamboyant, but don't have the personality to pull it off. It comes off as a little awkward mostly. So I suppose that you should listen and hear for yourselves. And heck, maybe you'll find it charming.

Me and My Canoe
84The Normal
T.V.O.D. / Warm Leatherette

This two-track minimalwave EP is sickening. It goes on seemingly forever and it is oh so dizzying. The bleeps and bloops are on repeat and you feel like you feel like you're listening to some kind of computer orgy.

85Lust Era
Soul Remains Silent

A vocally lackluster exercise in washing out, but somehow an overall calming and pleasing experience. It is odd to hear such clash of opposites actually work. The melodies, while nowhere particularly memorable, are in combination with the shoegaze production absolutely soothing. Then again, the vocals are shite, but that's just something you'll have to get through. (Note: this is sort of a singles, best of compilation, not an actual album)

Sick for You, Baila Conmigo, Shoots and Ladders, Largas Horas, Open Arms, Perdido, Vitrina de Labios
86Death Comes Crawling
Looking For Semblance

Nah, just pop album that is a little darker.

The Changing Winds of Fortune, Looking Skywards, Usurper or Saviour, Something Buried Deep in Me, I Would Spread My Wings So Wide

By the numbers darkwave. Listen if you want to, it's not awful.

Clear, When, Hide, Reach

A Sputnik project. For that reason I suppose I can glance over its mildly repetitive nature and unoriginal content. Also, some of the tunes here are rather pleasant to listen to.

Игра, Исток
89Diavol Strain
Todo el Caos habita aquí

What dungeon synth is to black metal, industrial minimalism is to post-punk. This album in no way reinvents the wheel (a common theme among many entries on this list), but will I be damned if it doesn't utilise its oddity well.

Furia, En las Tinieblas Inmóviles, Éter, Neptuno, Wroclaw, Todo el Caos habita aquí
90The Jetsonnes / International Exiles
Newspaper/Miniskirts In Moscow

That old-school early-80s aussie pop simplicity with sharp guitars and cute youthful execution.

91Fatigue (PA-USA)

This comes from the End Result Productions, which specialises in pretty much only this type of music: a very subtle, samey lo-fi electronic goth. Expect a lot of melancholic synths and two-tone drums.

For Reverie, Instrumental, Cold/Control, Genet
92Child of Night
What Remains

Man, there sure is a lot of samey darkwave on this list. Among all of it, this is probably one of the better entries, though still largely derivative. It impresses maybe only with its atmosphere, but by-en-large is recommended only to pure darkwave fans.

An Open Window, Divided, Sirens
93The S-Haters

My god, this album is half terribly mixed and half awfully sung. But I guess that's the best you can do for a DIY 1984 unintentionally-noisy punk record.

30 Seconds from Hell, Soul Cages
94Dancing Plague
Pure Desperation

A goth-inspired EDM. If you are deathly allergic to EDM, then scroll further. But if you are okay with it or are capable of little tolerance, then this record offers a little more than that. It's much more minimalistic than one'd expect and it is certainly leaning heavily on its goth and darkwave inspirations. If you like some subtlety, but electronic, go for this.

Pure Desperation, Decades Go By, Forget
Red Reflection

Admittedly, this mostly comes off as more of a low-toned indie rock than post-punk, but still worth a mention. If you like your music a little more mellow and a little more quiet, Underpass have certainly got you covered.

Red Reflection, Ashes, Shadows
96XTR Human

Perhaps the only thing that truly sets this album apart from others (and even that is not exactly original) is its occasionally slightly noisy production. Not that it will blast you with all the Melvins force, but it is grainy and distressed. Other than that, if you want some diabolically-themed electro-goth, be my guest.

Axiom, Golden Dawn, Atavism, Spiegelmenschen, Lost Symmetry
97Deception Bay
Deception Bay

Yeah, don't expect a genre-twisting cult classic or a hidden gem. At best it is a run-of-the-mill goth album, at worst a drawn-out bore.

For the Season
98Airships in the Fog
When I Say I

HELP! Can't find these following 4 records anywhere to listen. Can anyone help?
Die Kleenex Spielen

HELP! Need to find this particular release. This is the band that later became Liliput and this is apparently their first ever full-length recording.
100People in Control
When It's War

HELP! Only found the title track, that's it.
Life It's A Joke / We Live In A System

HELP! Only found a few pages about it and a few songs, but not the whole thing.
UPDATE: shoutout to SandwichBubble for finsing this
Minimalistic early-80s Belgian girl-led project that is rather similar to its contemporaries (other Belgian girl bands) like Liliput, Au Pairs or Hi-I (though that one's Dutch... close enough). They're all snarky, they're all tight and they're all seemingly passive aggressive.

Anti-L, Sully, Hypocrites, System
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