Jordan M.

Reviews 144
Approval 95%

Soundoffs 8
News Articles 57
Band Edits + Tags 267
Album Edits 246

Album Ratings 1485
Objectivity 84%

Last Active 05-01-20 6:11 am
Joined 02-24-14

Review Comments 157

12.07.19 another 51 for 201906.08.19 i'm still here
11.30.18 premature listiculation 2018 05.30.18 28 Songs for the Sophisticated Fuccboi
12.25.17 the war on christmas12.08.17 Arcade's 2017: 51 Albums.
07.30.17 bad list 05.21.17 it's happening again.
12.13.16 Arcade's 2016: 51 Albums. 12.12.16 am i the only one who still care about
07.04.16 Hung Up.02.23.16 two.
12.22.15 Arcade's 2015: Albums09.14.15 Put Your Onions Out
02.14.15 St. Jerome's Laneway Festival - 8/2/1512.02.14 Arcade's 2014: Albums.
06.27.14 Arcade's Top 10 06.10.14 "Control Myself" - A Pearl Jam Mixtape
More »

it's happening again.

thought i'd make a hype / discussion thread for the new season of twin peaks. four new episodes are only hours away now, let's rock
1Julee Cruise
Floating into the Night
2Angelo Badalamenti
Twin Peaks
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