
Reviews 33
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Album Ratings 390
Objectivity 77%

Last Active 07-22-14 1:48 am
Joined 03-09-10

Review Comments 4,625

02.06.24 Cryptocurrency's a Sham06.11.22 Sounds of Bristol
04.19.21 tinychat01.05.15 Aok's Top 10 Of 2014
11.23.14 Massive Attack Sunday Afternoon09.18.14 Live Music
08.01.14 Excellent Albums Are Classic02.12.14 Rock Anthems
02.06.14 Aok's Top 10 From 2013 05.29.13 That Moment In Music
05.03.13 Miss You Guys 04.17.13 Coachella 2013: The End Of An Era
03.25.13 Melt My Soul (recs Please)01.31.13 January 2013 Tracks
12.26.12 2012 Albums12.08.12 Fresh 2012 Beats
09.06.12 Electric Zoo 2012 07.10.12 Aok's Digs
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For better or for worse, I've watched a lot of television through rthe years. In days gone by it was something to do to pass the rtimes and in recent times, it helps keep me grounded as I have rthe ability to dissolve into a screen and throw my brain on a rmantle for a while. As much as it's difficult to recommend you rthrow away hours upon hours of your life just to live inside a rtelevised box for a little while, here's 28 places I've been that rhave helped me relate to those around me and made me smile ralong the way rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
1 The Troggs
Wild Thing (song)

30 Rock - Alec Baldwin and Tina Fey have incredible chemistry here.
Working for NBC Universal makes me imagine deeper I'm involved in the
shenanigans of this televised series
2Chuck Berry
The Best of Chuck Berry

3rd Rock from the Sun - Recently jumped back in and what's great is how
uncomplicated and naive the characters are. Never being left on a
cliffhanger, this was a time when television wasn't about getting you
hooked on the next episode but was just for enjoying the simplicity of
what's in front of us.
3Mumford & Sons
Sigh No More

Arrested Development - lol gob lol buster lol tobias lol show

Battlestar Galactica - as much as i smile when i see the poster in the
hallways at work (it was a good series), it isn't the be all and end all of
shows. it's very specific and paints some
5Massive Attack

Breaking Bad - This only really clicked for me when I realized how intense
things were. I have thankfully lived a sheltered enough existence to not
have gotten to know any meth heads, but i can't help but part of this
6Red Hot Chili Peppers
Blood Sugar Sex Magik

Californication - a chill laid back show with all the right chemicals. light
hearted and simple but intelligent (ps bssm > californication)
7Bad Religion
No Control

Community - A show that makes you go aww so many times per episode
it's incredible. Very strong and different characters balance these incredible
half hour television shows
8Iron Maiden
The Number Of the Beast

*Daria - I just finished the final episode of the 5th and final season and can
say that this is one of the greatest series I've ever watched. A high
schooler moves through development as an incredibly intelligent outsider,
an observer of all that goes on in high school as it's actually happening. It
is advanced in that it isn't suspended in time like most cartoons but helps
make you live or relive the pains of growing up.
9Elton John
Madman Across the Water

Dexter - twisted. And we can all relate
10 The Trashmen
Surfin' Bird

Family Guy - maybe a bit of a Simpsons rip off but also pretty awesome
11 The Rembrandts
I'll Be There for You (song)

Friends - Was surpirsed this show was popular in Germany as well as the
states. More people should try this simple formula -- put 6 genuinely
lovable 20 somethings together and you got yourselves a show.
12Frank Sinatra
In The Wee Small Hours

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - hilarious satire on the modern american
group of friends.
13Pink Floyd

Lost - dragged a bit at times, but when it's on oh my god it's on. Providing
some of the best (as well as sometimes the most boring) telivision I've ever
14The Beatles
Let It Be

Modern Family - cutesy family style gimmick. and i'm still addicted
15Massive Attack

Prison Break - very little momentum at the end, but seasons 1 and 2
present a fascinating look inside the face of selfless desperation and an
incredible person in Michael Scofield and a barrage of brilliant criminals.
16The Lonely Island

Seinfeld - it just tickles your funny bone and you don't quite realize how or

South Park - incredible telivision. very intelligent and incredibly vulgar. win
Random Album Title

Summer Heights High - Australian miniseries that is so ridiculous that it's
19Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin IV

That '70s Show - hehe. they smoke pot. hehe
20Pat Benatar
Best Shots

That '80s Show - yea, i just watched all 10 of them recently and they're
actually rather funny. Dennis from Always Sunny is the lead.
21Aphex Twin

The Big Bang Theory - I don't know why, but I weirdly look forward to this
as much if not more than any other show all week. Yea, I'm a huge nerd irl.
22 Red Hot Chili Peppers
Mother's Milk

The League - After watching this, i started paying attention to my fantasy
teams. Loose connections sometimes mean a whole heck of a lot. Reminds
us to always enjoy the little things
23DJ Shadow

The Office - simple, subtle, funny, offensive. Good for all environments, and
Andy Bernard (Ed Helms) has really come into his own as a result of this
Mute Math

The Simpsons - one of the most innovative and consistently poignant and
interesting, yet with such a simple surface. An old favorite
25The Future Sound of London

*The Wire - Incredibly realistic, intense and containing a whole lot of
restraint. This is the most well executed show I've ever seen.
Lost Highway

Twin Peaks - Crazy director, crazy series. Agent Dale Cooper likes coffee,
David Lynch is a genius, etc etc
27The Flaming Lips
Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots

Weeds - Lost it's mojo a bit after a while, but the first few seasons were
incredible portrayals of suburban life gone amok that asks you whether you
are better off as a suburbanite or an outsider.
28DJ Shadow
The Less You Know The Better

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