06.21.11 | Big nintendo fan huh? |
06.21.11 | lol yeah, everything pre-wii is amazing |
06.21.11 | Now this is a solid game list. Past gen's are the shit. You rule for 4, the amount of hours I spent playing as Bishoff just so I could ninja kick guys into oblivion are countless. |
06.21.11 | Yea man, I loved the Mario Galaxy series though, especially 2. Brawl was bad, Melee is definitely a 5. But you're missing No Mercy! |
06.21.11 | I didn't like N64 too much. Super Nintendo was the shit. I'm a PS3 man now. Just played Heavy Rain. That game is awesome. Now I'm playing MLB The Show 11 and Mortal Kombat. |
06.21.11 | @Metallicopeth yeah it was so fun just kicking the shit out of them with the ninja dudes. The hitting sounds were so rewarding.
@fsharpp haha yeah No Mercy was sick! We never bought that but we hired it about 10 times I remember making a custom guy called Fred Durst and he had a red hat and everything. So funny looking back on it. |
06.21.11 | SputnikMovies would be pretty cool. |
06.21.11 | wiredreviewers.com |
06.21.11 | @Remer Heavy Rain is incredible. Make sure to check out Indigo Prophecy, another game by Quantic Dream. IMO it's better than Heavy Rain |
06.21.11 | wiredreviewers.com [2]
beat me to it, you advertising bastard |
06.21.11 | nah 64 was amazing. I'm PS3 man too, but only just. Only coz I'd rate the wii 1/5 and xbox 2.5/5, ps3 i would rate 3/5. current generation really really sucks. everything is so big budget and over the top now. the simplicity and charm is lost. i kinda like the dodgyness of the ps1/n64 era. |
06.21.11 | I rented No Mercy so much back in the day I could have bought it legitimately several times over with the same money. Such a classic. Nice list, but Diddy Kong Racing is better than Mario Kart 64. |
06.21.11 | wiredreviewers.com - Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.
Idnuf Yeah i'd almost agree with you there. Diddy Kong jointventure was the best ever. |
06.21.11 | Current generation is awful. I've hardly beaten any games that I liked |
06.21.11 | lol brandon would put the site in maintenance mode right after he posts a link to his site. |
06.21.11 | SputnikMovies would, in all fairness, be a superb idea. |
06.21.11 | Fear 3 came out today. Fuck yah. |
06.21.11 | Wow, they gave Deadly Premonition a 9. That game was so good. You should check that out nick, if you haven't already |
06.21.11 | @fsharptrit0ne Thanks, I'll have to check out Indigo Prophecy.
06.21.11 | N64 >rest |
06.21.11 | Oh wait is that a PC only game? I don't even have a PC. Oh well. |
06.21.11 | Nevermind I'm derp. |
06.21.11 | Super Nintendo>PS1=N64>PS2>rest |
06.21.11 | Nope, it came out for PS2 and Xbox also. |
06.21.11 | Eyyyyyy, Balls has the right idea. I'm liking wiredreviewers. How new is it? |
06.21.11 | Sega Genesis > N64> All |
06.21.11 | wiredreviewers.com - Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.
06.21.11 | I don't get people's problem with Brawl...I've been enjoying that game for years now, never had an issue with it. |
06.21.11 | Altered Beast was the shit. |
06.21.11 | N64 > Gamecube (VERY underrated) > SNES > PS1 > PS2 > Atari 2600 > NES > Dreamcast > Mega Drive > Master System > PS3 > XBox 360 > Wii... Yeah, I think thats all I've owned |
06.21.11 | "I'm liking wiredreviewers. How new is it?"
It's only been live a couple months. I've been spending most of my free time building it, though. |
06.21.11 | Ah, wasn't even thinking of my DC or GC. I wouldn't say GC was better than SNES PS, or PS2 though. |
06.21.11 | Yeah how good was altered beast! And about Brawl. Its the over the top-ness of it. 10,000 characters, shitty physics, dodgy graphics style. I just think everything was perfect in Melee, so they really didn't need to go changing and adding stuff. You can only go down hill after a masterpiece like Melee. |
06.21.11 | Toejam and motherfucking Earl....Coolspot...if you noobs dont know what that is all I can do is sit back and crack open a dead one. |
06.21.11 | altered beast was ___ shit |
06.21.11 | Battletoads> Toejam and Earl
06.21.11 | yeah probably not. i think im just biased towards GC coz i was defending it all the time at school. Everyone thought i was lame for having one but i stayed true while they were off playing halo and shit. But seriously CG had so many awesome games that barely anyone ever played. |
06.21.11 | Dig Dug. I failed 9th grade computer class because all I did was play Counterstrike with my fellow classmates. We all failed, it was glorious. |
06.21.11 | Dig Dug is one of the greatest games of all time ever |
06.21.11 | My parents weren't loaded with money so when the PS2, Xbox, and Gamecube came out, I was still rocking the N64 until like 2003 or something. I used to be like "What the fuck?" but then I look back and realize how awesome and straight-up simple the games used to be. Mario Party was fun as hell. |
06.21.11 | I set a new Dig Dug record in 8th grade like a boss. |
06.21.11 | balls, i was the same, in year 9 i remember at one point for about a month, every day we had about 50 kids from all round the school playing quake 3 LAN. there were even a few teachers that got into it. it was unreal, our school was so retarded, the teachers just didnt care. it was so awesome. |
06.21.11 | Conker's Bad Fur Day> the world |
06.21.11 | Kids in my class were just rolling up blunts like it was nothing and smoked outside. Meanwhile the cd player Gestapo were out in full strength. Yes, cd player those were the days. |
06.21.11 | i loved the heist music in conkers bad fur day, and pretty much multiplayer in general, although the frame rate was often like 1fps |
06.21.11 | Conker's single player was awesome too.
Snes>Genesis ffs |
06.21.11 | I love my PS3 more than any other console I've had so :-b. |
06.21.11 | ps3 was great at first, but i havent played it for about 3 or 4 months |
06.21.11 | I've been playing Dark Cloud for nostalgia lately, fuckin love that game. |
06.21.11 | Suck Fega |
06.21.11 | I've had NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, PS1, Dreamcast, PS2, Gamecube, PS3 and Xbox 360. I really do like my PS3 more than any of the others. I'm a pretty casual gamer though. |
06.21.11 | i play video games almost purely for nostalgia. even though i hate the current generation im sure in 10 years time ill be saying "aww man remember black ops, those were the days"... actually nah, i cant really see that happening. that game doesnt have a soul. |
06.21.11 | Only good CoD was the first. 2nd was wasn't bad either. After that it was all downhill. |
06.21.11 | No games have souls. The only reason you think your old Nintendo games had souls is because they're meaningful to you. COD is no less legit than Mario, you just don't get the same feeling when you play it because like you said, you play purely for nostalgia. |
06.21.11 | yeah cod sucks now, im happy to stick to goldeneye or timesplitters any day. i kinda miss playing games in the same room as someone. online games just dont appeal to me that much. ive always wanted a 8 player first person shooter. if 4 player worked on goldenye, now with full hd, im sure 8 player would work. |
06.21.11 | See, the thing with CoD is that they're just releasing these games that are more or less carbon copies of one another, purely to make money. It's really no different than taking a huge blockbuster movie and than making a sequel, knowing you'll make a killing |
06.21.11 | I've never understood why Goldeneye was so popular. I think I just hated the N64 controller so much that it ruined the whole system for me. The only game I liked on N64 was Shadows of the Empire. |
06.21.11 | the best game i have ever played was elder scroll 4 |
06.21.11 | "See, the thing with CoD is that they're just releasing these games that are more or less carbon copies of one another, purely to make money."
So? Who cares? You don't have to buy every version of the game. I don't view video games as pieces of art, they're supposed to be made for money. |
06.21.11 | An example of a real fucking game developer is Team Ico. Those games are REAL games. One of the last developers out there doing it right. |
06.21.11 | @Remer, I'm not arguing with you man. But at least you agree |
06.21.11 | @remer yeah true, but i still think theres much more to it than nostalgia. i think the whole experience is less profound because there seems a lack of originality. back in the 90's the technology and game concepts were advancing so quick that any time a new game came out, it was really a big step up in terms of graphics and gameplay. and also back then they didn't have the amazing graphics and processing power to fall back on. now they have big budgets and glossy graphics to make up for a lack of creativity. back in the day, they had to have quality gameplay to make up for the crappy graphics. thats just my opinion though. not saying all new games are crap though. |
06.21.11 | I'm not arguing either. I just think people take games a little too seriously and create ridiculous standards for games. If I enjoy it, I play it. Graphics are a bit sub-par? Game's a bit glitchy? Game's a bit gimmicky? Doesn't concern me. |
06.21.11 | Fair enough. Let's go play a game of baseketball! |
06.21.11 | I wish I knew how to create video games so I could make a Baseketball game. |
06.21.11 | if you think that games are made purely for money, i think thats a pretty one dimensional view. of course money is important, but the good stuff is made out of the developers love for what they do, not cash. but definitely now days, because the videogame industry is worth megabucks, there are more people out there trying to just make games just to make a buck, but back in the day there was less cash incentive, and a narrower, more hardcore audience and higher demand for quality. not just mindless family fun or whatever. |
06.21.11 | Playing kingdom hearts right now |
06.21.11 | COD is so bullshit these days I bought modern warfare 2 and mostly only played split screen with my friends. Best games of this gen for me are fallout 3, MGS4, and littlebigplanet, so fun those games are. PS3 is the best this gen in my opinion but my fav will aways be Ps1. Snes is before my time. |
06.21.11 | @nick yea, okay, maybe not purely to make money, but you do get my point. |
06.21.11 | video games can definitely be more than money makers |
06.21.11 | The old James bond games raped |
06.21.11 | @fsharp, that comment about games and money was directed at remer :) but yeah youre right |
06.21.11 | love the 5/5 for melee and 1/5 for brawl but brawls heaps of fun if you dont take it seriously and no one plays meta knight |
06.21.11 | yeah, brawl is good for screwing around. i like going snake and running around like a fuckhead. it looks funny when he gets hit by stuff. i actually think the first SSB had the best characters, moves and levels though. but all are good in their own way :) |
06.21.11 | No one I know agrees with me that Melee is the best. Meh |
06.21.11 | but seriously, can we make like a petition for sputnikmovies or something? it would be awesome. |
06.21.11 | It's all about game boy color. I was playing pokemon games on that shit before I could read what moves I was using. |
06.21.11 | And, Melee is the best imo. I spent a lot (too much) time playing both of the first two games, and all the levels and extra characters and whatever in Melee made it the best. The worst part is that they fucking gimped Yoshi for it. He was such a beast in the first gen =( |
06.21.11 | yeah they gimped lots of characters in melee. i was fucking unstoppable with captain falcon in the first one, but in melee, he was a piece of shit. i loved in the first one how the grabs were actually good. melee was the best overall game though, but the first one had the best (limited) range of distinct characters & moves, and levels were the best. |
06.21.11 | and yeah, pokemon on gameboy was the most addictive game ever. i actually started playing pokemon silver again today, thats what inspired this list, haha |
06.21.11 | have you tried black or white? Yea, the Pokemon games are fucking great |
06.21.11 | I lol'd at Brawl getting a 1.
But what qwe said, it's still a lot of fun, just nowhere near as good as the first two Smash Bros. games. |
06.21.11 | defo sputnikmovie and sputnikgame. |
06.21.11 | yeah black and white was awesome. i loved fucking with the creatures and training them to do random things like go fishing or eat their own shit. that game was so hard though. i could never get past like the 5 level or something. i would always just find myself starting a new game and trying to do everything as perfect as i could, do that for a couple of days and then screw something up, and start another new game. |
06.21.11 | oh wait, you said black OR white, as in the pokemon games, i thought you were talking about the old computer game 'black and white' |
06.21.11 | hahahaha I was so confused reading that. Black and White is a phenomenal game however. |
06.21.11 | sputniksonic fu fu fu |
06.21.11 | 10!!!!! i forgot all about starwing. I fuckin loved that game can't believe i forgot about it |
06.21.11 | Melee is the best because of Dr. Mario |