Reviews 1 Approval 50%
Soundoffs 3 News Articles 8 Band Edits + Tags 1 Album Edits 0
Album Ratings 106 Objectivity 46%
Last Active 10-24-07 11:29 pm Joined 07-24-06
Review Comments 54
05.01.07 | cool TMV was one of the worst for me. cheers. | Slaapkamers
05.01.07 | Ugh. | Dis_Con_Nec_Ted
05.01.07 | Y4Y! 2,3 & 5 ftw | andy0
05.01.07 | yes, i had 2,3,4 in mines
very good albums | carney3110
05.01.07 | 1 sucks, but 4 makes up for it. | Meelk
05.02.07 | tool and mastodon are pretty good but the mars volta are just big wankers. | samthebassman
05.02.07 | better late than never | rockstar18
05.02.07 | It took me a while to get into TMV album but..after a few listens it grew on me.
Blood Mountain is my favourite album of 2006.
I used to like new Audioslave album. | Eakflanderyof
05.02.07 | These all suck, imo. | metallicaman8
05.02.07 | Revelations kinda suckeded. | Altmer
05.02.07 | 2 is good, rest haven't heard or suck | Volta
05.16.07 | the reason I waited this long to make this list is the fact that I wanted to listen to them all again before I chose the best. Oh and BTW I'm chaning a few things. |