Sputniks #1 Cacti Hunter

Reviews 8
Approval 87%

Soundoffs 207
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Band Edits + Tags 30
Album Edits 163

Album Ratings 2320
Objectivity 66%

Last Active 02-23-21 6:54 am
Joined 03-26-09

Review Comments 5,179

09.07.24 Sputnik Golfer’s Thread08.12.24 Not Another 15 Year List
07.30.24 Not another new vinyl list07.20.24 Jash’s 2024 so far
06.16.24 Rec-Fest 202405.10.24 Unknown Albini rec thread
03.12.24 List = vacation/road trip digs02.27.24 Jash's 2023
01.17.24 Aids fucking rules11.13.23 Seasonal Depression Digs
10.15.23 Reminder List07.14.23 OFFICIAL SPUTNIK TENNIS THREAD
07.11.23 Road Trip Records07.09.23 Pokémon Yellow Team
05.11.23 Birthday Depression05.02.23 Rec Jash Heavy Music
04.23.23 OFFICIAL SPUTNIK F1 THREAD02.05.23 Jash Does: Rap
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Down There

So when I got Avey Tares new album Down There a couple months back I was blown raway, I was really diggin it and have been until last night... I went on YouTube to listen to ra couple tracks, but something was different. It wasn't the same songs. Through further rresearch I found out that it was a fake leak by a band called 60 Watt Kid (or so I was rtold). IMO it sounds a lot like Avey Tare (obviously enough so that I never questioned it rnot being him). The fake version is soooooooooooo much better and everyone should hear rit. Its too bad the actual album isnt this good. rwww.mediafire.com/?fa55z6wt4vnawev
1Avey Tare
Down There
260 Watt Kid
We Come From The Bright Side
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