
Soundoffs 4
Album Ratings 0
Last Active 03-29-10 12:24 am
Joined 01-08-10

Review Comments 125

03.31.10 Over 9000!?03.02.10 NEEDS MOAR KIRK HAMMETT
02.16.10 Favorite Megadeth Albums

Over 9000!?

So, I hit the 9000 song mark on my iTunes. Considering I started adding songs last month after getting my laptop, I'm going at a decent pace. And it's Sputnik that makes it possible to find so much kick ass music. If it wasn't for this website, I'd still be a Devil Wears Prada fanboy. Now they are only good for a very occasional listen. List is digs
5Sage Francis
A Healthy Distrust

Favorite hip-hop album of all time....OF ALL TIME!
4The Sound of Animals Fighting
Tiger and the Duke

The Ugly Organ

I know I know I know. This is pretty old. But when music kicks this much ass, it doesn't really matter.

Didn't hear this until a few weeks ago, but it is so addicting. Don't know what else to say besides, it fucking rules.

Motherfucking phenomenal music right here. Amazing blend of so many different genres. I'm basically in love with this right now.
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