
Reviews 5
Approval 68%

Soundoffs 1
Album Ratings 151
Objectivity 67%

Last Active 07-19-14 6:17 pm
Joined 07-11-08

Review Comments 649

12.29.10 La Musique De Mon Amour10.10.10 Diggs
08.11.10 Rasputin Is Legit07.28.10 Thrash N Burn
05.21.10 Needs Reviewing:05.13.10 Need Something Crazy, Mathy, And Ridicu
11.17.09 You Know Who Makes Great Music Videos?11.15.09 Woa Woa, Just Diggs
11.09.09 Music Related To Fallout 310.29.09 Oh My God
10.18.09 Needing Some Fun Recommendations10.02.09 Horse Ranked
09.20.09 Need Moar Hip-hop09.19.09 Oot Or Mm
08.28.09 Best Live Bands

Music Related To Fallout 3

What is it considered? Like.. jazzy doo wop or what? Recommendations of anything that would fit in Fallout 3 would be appreciated, it's diggable.
1The Ink Spots
2Bing Crosby
3Roy Brown
Show/Add Comments (9)


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