04.16.24 | Ooh, another one of these lists. These are always fun to comment on:
1: Huge Bowie fan over here, hard disagree
2: Technically astonishing singer, and of course did wonders for influencing the likes of Thom Yorke and Matt Bellamy -- can't say I'm well-versed, though
3: 😴
4: Influenced a lot of music I like, but outside of a few songs, I'd rather just go listen to what they inspired instead
5: Probably one of the best of his style, just not a style that's ever really been my cup of tea
6: My second favorite band (behind the Beatles), could not disagree more
7: I dig their singles, and they have an album or two I enjoy (Sheer Heart Attack is very good), but I'm not as huge on their full-length records on the whole
8: Not terribly familiar
9: OK yes, agreed, yuck
10: See above -- absolutely overrated garbage, the arguable pinnacle of RYM-approved hipster bullshit
This was fun. |
04.16.24 | never heard any of these |
04.16.24 | Never understood the hype for 3 (or any of their other records) in any capacity |
04.16.24 | 2 is 10/10
10 is like 3 great songs and the rest is the worst shit ever |
04.16.24 | but those three songs tho |
04.16.24 | 3 is for people who don’t like music. Same group as kings of Leon, arcade fire, imagine dragons, etc |
04.16.24 | Putting arcade fire in the same bunch as imagine dragons and kings of Leon is an unhinged take |
Demon of the Fall
04.16.24 | remove 2 & 5 and I'll give you the rest, some emphatically so
been meaning to give 10 another go |
04.16.24 | Most of Tom Waits, unfortunately.
In the Aeroplane... is a very good album but immensely overhyped. It is standard-faire indie folk that got meme'd to the stratosphere. |
04.16.24 | Not saying it’s all bad. It just appeals to people who don’t really give a shit about music. I mean, it repulses me but so does 99% of indie so that’s not saying much |
04.16.24 | Agree with most of this |
04.16.24 | Pet Sounds rules, but I can see why it wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea |
04.16.24 | yeah I feel the same about Pet Sounds
the first two entries on the list are all timers though |
04.16.24 | I can completely understand all of these being thought of as useless to be fair.
Darkside of the Moon will get you at some point in life though. |
04.16.24 | “Darkside of the Moon will get you at some point in life though.”
…when you’re old and lonely, and can only listen to music on Blu-Ray. |
04.16.24 | Disagreed hard on 4, 6 & 7, but each to their own
04.16.24 | i can get behind all of these except 9 |
04.16.24 | Disagree with 7. It arguably has 1 or 2 stinkers but everything else is gold. |
04.16.24 | Will never understand the love for 10. |
04.16.24 | I like the title track on 10 but what are the other two good ones botb? |
04.16.24 | Have a soft spot for 2 headed boy for some reason |
04.16.24 | 1,2 and 10 are awesome |
04.16.24 | Oh yeah that’s p good |
04.17.24 | 1: haven’t tried
2: it’s good
3: haven’t heard
4: fine
5: bangs hard
6: incredible album, I don’t think it’s their best but it’s great
7: whatever
8: don’t care
9: it’s good
10: insanely overrated, it’s good but… my god |
04.17.24 | 9: goated
rest: they're ok |