
Reviews 632
Approval 89%

Soundoffs 89
News Articles 38
Band Edits + Tags 248
Album Edits 363

Album Ratings 2525
Objectivity 77%

Last Active 12-31-22 10:16 pm
Joined 08-19-09

Review Comments 27,402

05.14.24 It’s time to get your pony tickled04.24.24 U know what’s funny?
04.01.24 No joke03.31.24 Sup
03.22.24 Sputnik’s 2024 GAME: the suffering03.19.24 List for Johnny
03.19.24 I don’t get it 03.12.24 March Madness 2024
03.07.24 Fuck this bye Sputnik02.25.24 Hawks lists ranked
02.19.24 MIXING02.14.24 Happy Valentine’s Day
01.28.24 Unexplained rank list01.23.24 Albums I checked this year
01.09.24 Give pizza the slaps ✋🏻01.01.24 PIZZA’S NEW YEARS ALBUM RELEASE PARTA
12.30.23 Tickle My Pickle12.28.23 Top 10 2023 o_O
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March Madness 2024

Jk. I’m announcing my new album “Just be goofy” will be released on April. 1. My best production! My catchiest shizz! Very pop! Very modern crunkcore! Very hip-hop! Very Britney Spears! Very random? Very insane screams! User Bellovddd on a track??? AOTY is coming up your asses!
Just be goofy
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