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Last Active 05-14-22 5:21 pm
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Give me an album rec: MARCH EDITION

I am bored again.
I want to be there

Enjoyed this a lot in November and I am starting to need new stuff again. I lack the creativity to make a more original challenge so just rec me anything.
2Opus Kink
'til the Stream Runs Dry

Same rules apply as last time:
1 album per person
Give me an album I haven't heard before
Any genre (But preferably, give me something that you'll think I'll actually enjoy)
3John Frusciante

Rec'd by bighubbabuddha

March 1st

For some reason I did not have high hopes for this one. Never been that big on RHCP but always thought John Frusciante was the best part of the band and this album has only confirmed that. Gorgeous folk guitars and touching vocal performances for a short but sweet record.

Rating: 4.2
4Haunted George
American Crow

Rec'd by mryrtmrnfoxxxy

March 2nd

Punk infusing rockabilly is quite an interesting blend of genres and had a mixed effect on me as rockabilly isn't something I like by itself but there are certainly great moments here. However, most of them are the parts that leaned more to the punk sounds. The mid-tempo tracks, excluding Black Rooster Squall, did drag on a bit too imo. Decent album with some great songs but a decent chunk of the tracklist didn't quite grab me.

Rating: 3.3
True North

Rec'd by Vercetti

March 3rd

A decent hour of folk metal. It has the fantastic melodies typically found in the genre but I am not sure about the vocals here. I felt like things should have been heavier. Still, The Fire That Burns and Voices slapped in particular.

Rating: 3.5
Come and See

Rec'd by someone

March 4th

This wasn't exactly what I expected the album to sound like but it was certainly unique in a good way. It did feel a bit much in a few places, namely the vocals, but I think that is something that will grow on me in future listens. Despite that, this is great and the guitar work is fucking phenomenal. It just sounds so twisted. I love it.

Rating: 4
7Skin Yard
1,000 Smiling Knuckles

Rec'd by mkmusic1995

March 5th

This sounds like Guns N' Roses gone grunge and it is pretty cool. Not something I would listen to too much now (I would have loved this album when I was 12-14) but this does enough cool riffs to keep my attention throughout the runtime and I can easily see my self playing some of these tracks from time to time. But yeah, the first three tracks and Burn a Hole here slap the hardest by far.

Rating: 3.5
An Evil Heat

Rec'd by JohnnyoftheWell

March 6th

I think Oxbow is one of those bands, despite having nothing I would necessarily call bad, just isn't for me. I really like some of the riffs and the drums are extremely groovy. The atmosphere is strong too but as soon as gets too droney, like the closer, I start to clock out. I needed more stuff like Sawmill and Sorry for me to get fully on board here. But even then, out of all the older noise rock/droney music that I have listened to, this album is easily my favourite. Idk, I respect this album a lot but I just don't ever see myself coming back to this.

Rating: 3.2
9Old Man's Child
The Pagan Prosperity

Rec'd by Hawks

March 7th

Can always trust a Hawks black metal rec. But yeah, this is one of the best 90s meloblack albums I've heard. It has everything from gorgeously melodic solos, epic synth work, heavy riffs and some great vocals. The Millennium King is such a fantastic opener as well.

Rating: 4.4

Rec'd by SlothcoreSam

March 8th

I mean, there some instrumental sections that were pretty cool but I had a really hard time trying to find things to enjoy about this album. The mix has way too much going on too the point were any nice ideas are just lost by the almost constant wall of noise. And with the vocals, I found them to be really obnoxious as well. Sorry, but I really do not get this.

Rating: 1.3
This Is the Second Death

Rec'd by SomeCallMeTim

March 9th

This absolutely fucking riffs but unexpectedly, this also has many strong and beautiful atmospheric moments such as the closer. I wished they balanced these two sides of the sound a bit better but this is still a great album.

Rating: 4.1
12Petrol Girls

Rec'd by dedex

March 10th

The album has so much raw punk energy. The guitar riffs hard and the drums sounds explosive. It seems most agree that Baby, I Had An Abortion slaps but I also really enjoy Bones. The thing that really drags this album down for me is the vocals. Idk, the longer the album went on, the more grating they sounded (outside of Bones). But yeah, this is, for the most part, a solid punk rock album.

Rating: 3.2
Penis Envy

Rec'd by ArsMoriendi

March 11th

Quite similar to the Petrol Girls album but with much better vocals although I feel like this album lacks in interesting instrumental (outside a few standout moments in the last half). This is good but again the first half of this album was kinda eh compared to its much more interesting second half.

Rating: 3.4
14Life In Vacuum

Rec'd by PitchforkArms

March 12th

Sounds a lot like PUP with a bit more grit which I like a lot. They don't quite have the immediate hooks but I don't doubt that this will grow on me more on repeat listens due to the albums strong vibe (if that makes any sense). Commuter is an absolute jam btw.

Rating: 3.9
Viides luku - Hävitetty

Rec'd by cylinder

March 13th

This album is such an epic. Beautiful folk instrumentation paired with harsh black metal vocals is a winning recipe for me. Don't have much to say on this one other than that I loved it.

Rating: 4.5
16Dead Blue Sky
Symptoms of an Unwanted Emotion

Rec'd by DaveyMonsoon

March 14th

Decent melodeath with lots of great acoustic instrumentation. Not exactly the most memorable album within the genre but it does the sound well.

Rating: 3.6

Rec'd by widowslaugh123

March 15th

I guess the riff style is kinda cool but even then this is just not for me. I think the only part of the album that stands out to me is the drum solo in Cow, other than that, no moment really grabbed me at all. And this sounds is mostly kinda boring in my opinion.

Rating: 2.7
Carving a Crimson Career

Rec'd by ToSmokMuzyki

March 16th

Cool album with its only big standout is some amazing guitar playing here and there. Other than that it is your typical unremarkable yet still a fun melodic death metal record.

Rating: 3.3
19Fela Kuti
Sorrow Tears and Blood

Rec'd by Ryus

March 17th

A really great, albeit too short, record of jazz funk. And now I realise I need to listen to a whole lot more jazz that I currently do. Like, both of the songs here are so good, especially Colonial Mentality which has some insane saxophone playing.

Rating: 4.2
20Phil Western
Worlds End

Rec'd by WRYN

March 18th

Yeah, not the biggest fan of techno or electronic music so I kinda just found this pretty boring and uninteresting. There were a few cool moments that grabbed me but they were too few and far between.

Rating: 2.5
Thought Form Descent

Rec'd by splinter

March 19th

Some top notch death metal with blackened riffs. This stuff generally isn't my cup of tea but the atmosphere was great, the riffs are excellent and the vocals are fucking brutal. It did feel a tad one note at times but I really enjoy this and will be looking for more like this.

Rating: 3.9
22Les Ramoneurs de Menhirs
Breizh Anok

Rec'd by Rastapunk

March 20th

The bagpipes and bombard are pretty cool but outside of that, everything about this album is extremely eh. Like nothing is awful here but there are no great hooks and bursts of energy at all. It is fine but nothing here is remarkable and memorable imo.

Rating: 2.7

Rec'd by Demon of the Fall

March 21st

Great soundscape with some very beautiful moments but idk, sludge metal just isn't my thing I am starting realise. I can see why this is critically acclaimed and I agree it has many great climaxes, riffs and drumming but it is also boring for a decent chunk of time.

Rating: 3.5
Stillbirth in the Temple of Venus

Rec'd by porcupinetheater

March 22nd

I liked the riffs and the atmosphere here but nothing else here really clicked for me. It felt too repetitive at points so I think this would be a lot more solid if the tracks were cut down a bit. Anyway, still enjoyed this a decent amount even though I am not sure this is my type of thing or not.

Rating 3.2
Amplifier Worship

Rec'd by VlacDrac

March 23rd

Yeah, this type of drone, doomy, post-metal just isn't really my thing. The album has cool moments and I quite enjoyed Ganbouki and Kuruimizu but it is just too long for no real reason. Like Vomitself did not need to be 17 minutes long. It is ok and has its moment but it really isn't something I will come back to, I don't think.

Rating: 3.1
If God Only Knew The Rest Were Dead

Rec'd by Sinternet

March 24th

Not much to say other than it is filled to the brim with very tasty riffs.

Rating: 4

Rec'd by Kompys2000

March 25th

Sounds like Dead Kennedy's with the weirdness of Cardiacs. Great riffs, great vocals and has so much energy which is a must for a punk album. One of the best of the 80s.

Rating: 4.2
Sangue Cassia

Rec'd by DType

March 26th

Yeah, sorry I could not get into this. Riffs have zero impact whatsoever, it is almost entirely mid-tempo making it just a slog to get through and the vocals do not suit this style of music at all while also being kinda annoying. It is certainly a unique sound, I think, but this is just not for me.

Rating: 2.2

Rec'd by AnimalForce1

March 27th

Always been meaning to get into Rush. Tried to get into them once after finding Fly by Night in a record shop and while I did like it, it didn't particularly wow me. Anyway, this album is an epic. The opener and closer are particularly amazing filled with fantastic instrumentals and vocals (in the case for the opener) and despite both being quite long, they did not feel it in the slightest. The Trees was also awesome. I liked this very much and I am now convinced that I should binge this bands discography now. Also helps that I have been in a huge classic rock mood over the past few days.

Rating: 4.6

Rec'd by pizzamachine

March 28th

A very cheesy symphonic/prog metal album with some amazing folk instrumentation and guitarwork. Hooks and melodies are all strong. Very similar to modern Kamelot but honestly, it delivers that style better than their most recent album. Only issue here, and it is a fairly easy one to overlook, is that the vocals feels almost too processed at points. Just not my cup of tea as a production choice. Overall, the album slaps.

Rating: 3.9
31Balance and Composure
The Things We Think We're Missing

Rec'd by efp123

March 29th

Loads of decent hooks and instrumentals but I feel like I have heard many similar bands do everything here way better before. Vocals weren't my favourite either. Still enjoyed this though and had no bad moments. Cut Me Open particularly slapped.

Rating: 3.4
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