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Last Active 04-29-22 11:47 am
Joined 01-28-11

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12.22.23 AFI Albums Ranked

AFI Albums Ranked

Idk felt like sharing my rankings of AFI albums. Warning: not too many hot takes here. Wish you could save drafts when making a list. Feel solid about my rankings but my thoughts are gonna be dumb. Eh whatever just gonna post it. Can I edit after? I guess we'll see lol. Been a member of this site since 2011 and this is my first time ever making a list but idk, my school semester just ended, I'm a little buzzed and I was feeling frisky today.
The Art of Drowning

Perfect album. The one that introduced me to the band. Days of The Phoenix is probably my favorite single from them. Not gonna go through every song on here because everyone of them is perfect but I'll say Catch A Hot One is underrated: "HAVE YOU EVER TURNED TO DUSTTTT?" Also, the way he says "Owwww" at the end of Wester still makes me giggle to this day.
Black Sails in the Sunset

Another perfect album. I had to pick a first, but this and Art Of Drowning are prob tied for me. First album with Jade. Him joining was game changer for this band. Strength Through Wounding is a perfect opener, still gets me hyped and I love how the often still open up with this at live shows. Couldn't pick a favorite song on this album if I tried.
Sing the Sorrow

Almost perfect album but when Silver and Cold dropped as a single I was like "wtf is this shit?". It's not a bad song at all but at the time I just fuckin hated it. Other than that, I absolutely love this album. Another stylistic change but I think it was a strong one. A lot of people consider this the point where AFI fell off or "sold out" but for me nah.
All Hallow's E.P.

Perfect EP. It's just short af compared to the albums above so it's landing at 4. Their cover of Halloween introduced me to Misfits and Danzig which I've become a lifelong fan of as well.
Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes

Underrated album. It's probably their heaviest album. Davey sounds like Danzig (at a higher register) on this one. A lot of people don't care much for pre-Jade AFI but if you've never listened to this one and love the above albums, give it a shot. Favorite songs: Single Second, pH Low, Third Season, Salt For Your Wounds. I like all of it for the most part it's just not as strong as their next few albums.

Hated it when it came out but around half this album has grown on me. Never hated Miss Murder, it was a catchy song and introduced a new generation to the band so that's cool. The intro is epic as a fuck. Affliction is cool, kill caustic is alright... 37mm is one of the jams that eventually grew on me but idk, I'm done talking about this album lol.
The Missing Man

Probably the best thing they've put out as whatever the fuck they are now. I don't love it by any means but it's my 7. As you'll notice throughout the rest of my list I haven't really loved anything post-STS but 1997-2004 AFI is still one of my favorite bands to this day so I'm always trying to give their new stuff a shot.
AFI (The Blood Album)

Now that I'm about to talk about it, I think I'd probably switch this with The Missing Man but whatever. Almost their comeback album. Dumb Kids is a fun song. White Offerings is solid. I like Snow Cats, it's obnoxiously catchy and annoys tf out of my girlfriend so that's a positive. The Wind That Carries Me Away reminds me of Personal Jesus.

Album starts off awesome. Sinking Night in to I Hope You Suffer is real strong. It could've been their dark/goth alt-rock masterpiece but it's just not. 17 Crimes is pretty catchy.
Very Proud of Ya

I had to pick one to go first between this and Answer That but their basically the same shit as far as I'm concerned. Yurf Rendenmein is good on both of them. He Who Laughs Last, Asprin Free... the album is good for what it is. It's a fast punk album. They'd become a lot stronger on their next album.
Answer That and Stay Fashionable

Same thoughts as above. I think Very Proud of Ya is a bit stronger though.
Crash Love

Probably the most disappointing album on this list for me. Back in 2009, I was still hopeful. Was really hoping for a return to form but it wasn't. Medicate was a pretty strong single but idk fuck this album lol.

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