
Reviews 13
Approval 53%

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Album Ratings 2128
Objectivity 80%

Last Active 11-01-20 11:33 pm
Joined 12-30-10

Review Comments 3,325

12.01.23 My Favourite Albums 202312.11.22 My Favourite Albums 2022
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12.06.19 My Favourite Albums 201911.12.19 Albums of the Decade
12.07.18 My Favourite Albums 201812.06.17 My Favourite Albums 2017
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My Favourite Albums 2023

My 20th list. These are my favourite albums this year..
1There Will Be Fireworks
Summer Moon
2Hundred Reasons
Glorious Sunset
3Spanish Love Songs
No Joy
4Tiny Skulls
Songs From Some Depressing Movie
5Holding Absence
The Noble Art of Self-Destruction
6The Amity Affliction
Not Without My Ghosts
7Sleep Token
Take Me Back to Eden
8Hot Mulligan
Why Would I Watch
9Bury Tomorrow
The Seventh Sun
10To Kill Achilles
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