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Last Active 01-01-70 12:00 am
Joined 01-01-70

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12.30.23 a sleepy 2023 11.26.23 rec me: YOU!!! (December 2023: Final Ch
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07.02.23 FUNK ME: rec (July 2023: Chapter 7) 06.01.23 REC ME: FOLK (June 2023: Chapter 6)
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REC ME: FOLK (June 2023: Chapter 6)

Hi. My name is Ben. I like to think I know something about folk music. Prove me wrong. Pls rec albums. I will listen to 1 album a day in June 2023. I will then describe the album that I have heard in this list. Kind regards, Ben /// NB: I have been doing these monthly rec lists back to back for almost half a year and am tired so we are taking a relaxed month and doing a genre that is in my wheelhouse (and whose portion in my pie chart has been shrivelling unsatisfactorily). GO NUTS. (i will also accept folk melded with other genres, and country probably counts)
1The Folk Implosion
The Folk Implosion

1 June 23: DAY OFF
2The Folk Implosion
The Folk Implosion

2 June 23: DAY OFF
3The Folk Implosion
The Folk Implosion

3 June 23: DAY OFF
4The Folk Implosion
The Folk Implosion

4 June 23: DAY OFF
5The Folk Implosion
The Folk Implosion

5 June 23: DAY OFF
6Jackson C. Frank
Jackson C. Frank

6 June 23 [phero]

I mean, well, I was never not gonna love this. Sad dark 60s bluesy touchstone that heavily inspired one of my favourite folky people and yes sir it slaps front to back. Backstory/context is tragic, but unessential to loving this - it is a beautiful record all on its own. Loads of weird reference points pop out of this, something Dylan-y to the vox, but then very (what would become) Nick Drake and Leonard Cohen and [insert other obvious big bleak boi that this no doubt influenced]. Lyrics beautiful and uncomplicated but rich, arrangements simple and lovely like i like em, amazing voice, earnestness present and accounted for yes yes, has it all. The beans. Good start. [4.5]
7Shirley Collins
Heart's Ease

7 June 23 [anat]

Yo okay it took me a while to get over the fact that the album art makes this feel like music made by grandmas for grandmas and it kind of is but also isnā€™t. Really rich authentic OLD SCHooL shit I read up on Shirley and she sounds like a very cool person and to put this out in your 80s is sick. Great storytelling throughout, exceedingly British this is mandatory tea shop music but also has a medieval swing to it. D o e s sound a wee bit dated for my tastes, but itā€™s all round exceedingly nice and I am happy that this exists feels like itā€™s honouring the stories of generations gone by in a very sweet way. Locked in Ice in particular is chilling. [3.3]
8Linda Perhacs

8 June 23 [rabidfish]

Woof okay this is decades ahead of its time sounds shockingly contemporary with the cool bluesy psychy shenanigans (Iā€™m sure Cat Clyde has this album on repeat in the background when writing bangerz, and the vox make me think immediately of Laura Stevenson meets Adrienne Lenker). Goes from drop dead gorgeous and huggy to unsettling and hazy rather quickly. I need more time with this feeling something in the 3.5 to 4 region but there is a lot to unpack here for an album so overly pretty

9 June 23 [DAD]

Damn weā€™ve got a slapper. Dark brooding spiritual occult but graspable and incredibly kind when it wants to be. Iā€™ve not come near unpacking the lyrics but on aesthetic alone this is a chocolatey [4]. Not hear anything in this lane before what is this help
10Balkan Beat Box
Balkan Beat Box

10 June 23 [pots]

Pots gone and answered the essay question he wanted to come up rather than the essay question actually asked mr tater you did not listen to your teachers in school did you. As much as I don't want to incentivise bad behaviour (this is not a folk album you dick) i have had an absolute blast listening to this what a big bulbous banger you should have rec'd this to your own DANCE comp she's a non-stop boogie. Tongue in cheek but also like not and also really well done the instrumentation is nutty as well as catchy. Fair play. ARS and idk fucking MORT listen to this you have been summoned. [4.3]
11Pygmy Lush
Mount Hope

11 June 23 [ffs]

Has the strong stench of 'wrong place wrong time'. If it were autumn and i felt like killing myself then this would be GOAT-tier sad Americana excellence. The fact that it is currently 30 degrees in fucking england and i am feeling pretty good about myself is upsetting my listen of this here album. Actual analysis: love the curveball ambient-ish stretches on this and the creamy consistent the world is burning vibe, as well as when this dials up the energy for a bit of compare-contrast e.g. Butch's Dream. Also very cool to find out that emo/skramzy bois of this calibre shelved the riffs and screms and made a cute quiet album together. This is wedged so far down my usual wheelhouse that I'm kinda surprised I'm not more head over heels. [3.5] Will rejam at nighttime with an ice pack.
12Songs: Ohia
Axxess and Ace

12 June 23 [sniff]

In spite of the fact that I am still melting, this has survived the heat a bit better than 11, chiefly (I think) as the songwriting is better, the mix cleaner and the lyrics are far more front and centre, meaning this sinks itā€™s hooks in regardless of whether you fall for the soupy sadness of the skeletal instrumental backdrop. Luckily, I have also fallen for that as well - that swinging from a noose fucked and bleeding vibe holy shit im sad now - such that I hereby decree this LP a slapper. Jasonā€™s voice and delivery is everything. Adore how minimalist and bare and honest this is. Still suffers a -0.3 for inappropriate weather, but I am hyped for autumn now holy shit. [3.7]
The Liquified Throne of Simplicity

13 June 23 [porc]

Oh lord we getting frisky. This, actually, suited the heat rather well. Big chonky mama jama improv long form psych/kraut adjacent bois that bloom the more you dig into the LP like the first track is a bit of a slog and then the textures and tones they work in on subsequent tracks are just so much nicer until the lovely closer which hilariously is the most accessible thing on the entire album. Glad I did jazz month before this heck I needed that pre-reading. Really struggling to rate - shall listen to this chonk a few more times first. [tbc]

Update (14.06.23): I have come to the conclusion that I am incredibly happy that this exists and what whilst I donā€™t Stan for everything it does it has a wonderfully whimsical aura to it that I have big hugs for. Deserves a less pretentious write up than it currently has holy heck. [4]
14Seiko Oomori
Mahou ga tsukaenai nara shinitai

14 June 23 [jonathan]

Doesnā€™t quite reach the catastrophic heights of PINK but nonetheless a very good Oomori ting yes sir. Normal human Brian (brain) thoughts tomorrowā€¦ [tbc]

Update (15.06.23): Yea so uh I mostly like this but am disappointed with reference to the aforementioned EP - this is more sensible and less raw and fatter and ye. However she looks like a grower and I am still a fan of the general things going on here so letā€™s keep it going discog run maybe still uh [3.7].
15The Rural Alberta Advantage

15 June 23 [a sloth]

Holy shit balls. Fits snuggly into a Ben Gibbard meets Jeff Mangum hole that I didnā€™t know existed and that I now want to live, grow old and die in. Contains all the endearing sincere genuine raw happy-but-also-sad things that I am a sucker for, as articulated far better by Jonathan (albeit with pejorative undertones) in our cute list sex thing last month. Why has no one sent this to me sooner eek. Critical glasses placed firmly on face: these songs are very simplistic in structure which is kneecapping the instant 4.5 potential, but give it a few listens to learn the words and sink into my chest and Iā€™m sure weā€™ll get there. [4.3]

Update (15.11.23): 5 months later I have barely listened to this but jammed on the tube in London on godawful busy commute and it is just so comforting like blanket of erratic drum beat like pulse in head plus happiness [4.5]
16Woody Guthrie
Dust Bowl Ballads

16 June 23 [widow]

Overflowing with character and good riffs quelle surprise! Usually with this kinda foundational genre defining patient zero kind of album I fall into the appreciation rather than enjoyment camp (I.e. recognition of the importance of the record whilst not actually fucking with it on a personal level) but this manages to tick both boxes. The stories are just told so convincingly that you feel like youā€™re there in 1936 with some dust and some bowls and sadness and communism uh I love this. [4.3]
Mellow Yellow

17 June 23 [ars]

Nick Drake but high and happy (mostly). The opener reminded me immediately of the first Johnny English movie and I have no idea why. Other thoughts: whilst immensely pleasant front to back, it didnā€™t ā€œdoā€ much else for ā€œmeā€. The more optimistic tracks have a hazy repetitive thing going on which Iā€™m not sure I entirely fuck with; the slower cuts are where the replay value is likely to be. I shall return!!! [3.5]

Ars I have no idea what your favourite track is ima go with Sunny South Kensington shot in the dark I hope you have been shot.
18John Martyn
Sunday's Child

18 June 23 [Drifter]

Whoa this does a lot of things I like the barely audible lyrics his voice is putty and gorgeous and I like the jazzy bluesy psychy rocky and etc eclecticism that entwines itself with (again) Nick Drake adjacent cuts and more pop leaning things and idk I just love Mr Martynā€™s voice. Need more time with probs [3.7+] but hol up ho Iā€™m thinking

Update (23.06.23): still a supple banger, but I think this plays it safer than Iā€™d like I want it to do more with its subtle genre fusions will check his earlier stuff [3.7]
19Leonard Cohen
Songs of Love and Hate

19 June 23 [Ryus]

This was the album I was the most excited and most terrified to listen to. I am still digesting my meal. [tbc]

Update (24.06.23): The thing that initially confused the bejeezus out of me was how, uh, musical this sounds. Unlike his debut, which I love!!!, these feel like actual composed songs rather than poems set to an guitar. I did not like this (at first, felt less personal/graspable) but am coming around - because of this added colour, L&H is an eminently more jammable LP, despite the bleak thematics. Current highlights are erm pretty much every song lol I didnā€™t realise until I looked back at the track list. Particularly love the goofy endearing delivery on Diamonds and throwback (I feel) to One of Us Cannot Be Wrong in Sing Another Song, Boys - the unhinged sing like nobody is watching thing I simp hArd for good gOd. The sprinklings of c h i l d r e n are also good a la Last Year's Man / Dress Rehearsal Rag (and wasn't it a long way down, fUck). Big famous hitter about the Raincoat don't hit as biggly as the big famous hitter(s) on SOLC a.k.a. Suzanne and Marianne (but Avalanche is a slapperooni); hw/, the album experience as a whole is more album-y, the songs feel made to snuggle up to one another all bespoke and cute and sad, but also kinda less sad (is Joan of Arc meant to sound so //hugs//?! unexpected sunset moment much). I will still take SOLC back with me to bed, but L&H can perch atop the side table for a while. I'm pretty sure it'll work its way under the sheets with a bit of time. [4]
Yha Hamaraa

20 June 23 [izakaya]

Yo this is music to listen to when you are doing things. Like I jammed it sat on a beanbag doing fuck all and it didnā€™t move me but then I jammed it whilst tearing out my old skirting board like a maniac and good lord itā€™s a spiritual listen it is. Hodgepodge of elating feelings conjured via ethereal things Iā€™m not sure a factual description of the genre influences etc would do this justice it is itā€™s own weird thing vibrant and freeform and unfurling in rainbows in real time check it. [4]
21King Creosote and Jon Hopkins
Diamond Mine

21 June 23 [MoM]

God the opening track is just so cute proper indie Scottish cafe vibes I went to Scotland recently and ordered a Ā£4 beef burrito from a random coffee shop and it sounded like this. What a weird collab - uk ambient boi and Scottish acoustic boi - but it works and is hugs. Production, as expected, is banging. Kennyā€™s voice is brilliant. Vibe of some of these tracks is also emo im confused ā€œonce again Iā€™d much rather be meā€ is so bittersweet and will be scremā€™d repeatedly by yours truly tonight. Easy [4], probably more.
First Utterance

22 June 23 [Dewi]

Weird fucking album. Lots going on. Proggy and fucked. Screm-y and obtuse, but catchy and accessible. Erm [tbc]

Update (23.06.23): fruit loops all over the shop oh my. would never have thought this would be my thing but it so is. genuine all over the place charisma atop truly absurd instrumentation, nutty psych touches, proper screm vox, gorg guitar tone, such impeccable atmosphere throughout, insane and beautiful simultaneously, there is just so much going on ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [4.3] pots can you confirm if I have rated this correctly to 0.3 decimal places thanks
23John Donne
A Mutable Feast or: The Ghost of a Flea

23 June 23 [Kompys]

You either know me very well Kompys or have accidentally stumbled upon my Achilles heel. This be that indie bed/bathroom diy-folk thing in the region of early Angelo De Augustine that I could happily jam all day every day. That the lyrics are quirky and this has that undiscovered genius / hidden gem vibe to it makes the comfort blanket that it provides all the cosier. Wholemeal bread nomnomnom new album out soon too i am dibs-ing that boi. [4]

Update (15.11.23): I bumped this to [4.3] I donā€™t remember when itā€™ll get into your bones, this
24My Kappa Roots
The House of St Colme Burnt Down

24 June 23 [a pickle]

Not sure Iā€™ve ever seen someone do the folk thing quite this soft and minimalistic and, uh, cute! Has an amateurish air in the airy recording quality and brisk open strumming/twanging/buzzing that tbh I do not mind. Has all the makings of spiritual album big life changing moment to it, if heard in the right setting and w/ an appropriate dosage of sad times. [4]
25Giles Corey
Giles Corey

25 June 23 [Milo]

What a contrast lol after the serenity of 24 the chaotic journey this takes you on is surreal. Iā€™ve been meaning to check Deathconsciousness for aaaaaages and this is a damn convincing advertisement for one of the chaps at the helm. Viscous archaic atmos in the best of ways, with loads of beauty smuggled in amidst the turbulence. Completely fucked and brilliant for it. [4]
26Phil Ochs
I Ain't Marching Anymore

26 June 23 [Pitchfork]

Observations after a couple of cursory half-listens whilst at work: love the frantic careening strumming style Phil works with - very freight train accelerating and decelerating in a barely contained, visceral fashion - and the vox are nice in that circa Dylan raspy 60s way. Sounds a teenie bit dated to my young ears, and the politics havenā€™t connected quite like those on 16, but I need to give this a more attentive spin. [tbc]

Update (01.07.23): God i love this album in theory (and the t/t is stunning regardless) but ugh after 50 mins of this i get tired man. The repetitiveness hurts - idk what it is, the particular drawl, or the RIDGID song structures that i know i know are of their time and don't detract from how good Phil's performances are, but also--. Halve this and it'd bang. [3.5]
2716 Horsepower

27 June 23 [Chippe]

Isnā€™t hitting quite as hard as 9; perhaps I should have heeded your advice and not crammed them in the same month lol. Do enjoy all that which it does, tho: the peppy alt country with a bit of grit in the mix is a less grainy counterpart to Mosaic, but I do miss the stronger gothic swampy tones. [3.5]

28 June 23 [a birb]

Nice nice nice i fuck with this Celtic-tinged stuff my woman is from France but from the Celtic bit of France so we be jamming this typa medieval thing most weeks. The production on this is next level, though, as are the arrangements - very non-generic and not very un-spicy. Will spend some more time with it but am liking what I hear so far. [tbc]

Update (01.07.23): GOOD I will return to this many and often. [3.5]
29Anna Mieke

29 June 23 [Sunny]

Looooong (unexpectedly) bois throughout this very sneaky serpentine soft folk loveliness right here, vox somewhere between a Heynderickx and and and kinda throws back to 8, funny. Love the atmos, dusty grass swaying. Whiffs of a grower. [3.7]
30Amazing Blondel
Fantasia Lindum

30 June 23 [protokute]

Good lord lol this is erm. Cute 20 minute prog/folk thing very medieval and campy and silly but also pretty fucking cool. Rest of the album feels like ideas that fell to the cutting room floor, quite bitty. Iā€™m glad this exists and feel I have been educated as I didnā€™t know this was a thing, but not a personal fave of this list. [3]
31Townes Van Zandt
Townes Van Zandt

31 June 23 [JASH]

Update (03.07.23): Aggressively, assertively nice but has failed to make an impact after the fucking awakening of 34 holy shit. Very John Denver with added depression. Will give a few more proper spins. [tbc]

Update (04.07.23): finally clicked after idk how many damn listens it was when the gory simplicity of waiting around to die finally hit me in my bones that the rest of the record started to fall into place. lovely storytelling, adorbs melodic juices, charismatic delivery, words are poems. initially too top button done up pristine and wrinkle free for me, but I got won over by charm and depression. [4]
32Field Medic
Songs From the Sunroom

32 June 23 [BLUSH]

Update (02.07.23): Sloppy and sincere (too?) idk collapses into the sound of exhalation into initial underwhelmingness but has hallmarks of smtn greater, were the words to find route under skin. I HAVE HEARD TOO MUCH FOLK IN TOO LITTLE TIME AH. [3.3]

33 June 23 [SMOK]

Update (02.07.23): i feel like i should scold you, like pots, for hacking the system and rec-ing a black metal record but i loved every second of this and doooooo (kinda) appreciate the folken undertones and textures to some of these melodies. It, however, shares about as much with Folk as it does with Children of Bodom, which is a uh strange and distant cross-roads from what i'd envisioned this list being. Regardless, big cinematic fun times to be had here in a cheesy 80 min melodic neo-classical(ish) techy m/ extravaganza IM GOING ON AN ADVENTURE Tolkien vibes yum. [4]
34Robbie Basho
Visions of The Country

34 June 23 [ZOOSH]

Update (03.07.23): Spiritual. Elating feeling in chest of first kiss and leaving home and holding back tears on park bench near cathedral with pigeons. Memories that I donā€™t have, too; bison grass and sand in face and relief. I will never stop playing my guitar, vibes, and oh how oh how oh how I wish I knew how to be alive. It feels like it, though. [4.5]
35Michael Hurley
Armchair Boogie

35 June 23 [SHARENGE]

Update (04.07.23): Not quite my tempo. Charm and goof go hand in hand, and this has both in buckets, but the stylistic trappings do very little for me - slow strum tinny campfire fun ones that go in one ear out the other. It, Iā€™m afraid, suffers unfairly as the Final Cut here, having to stand up against my mind fatigue towards the genre, and its down the line adorable earnest puppy eye simply has left mustard uncut. [2.5]
36Fire On Fire
The Orchard

36 June 23 [TaterBoy]

Love the vibe, manic and free and arg w/ tasteful banjo innit, but kinda mid on the vox, they hurt my little ears sing in tune fuck me, warbling abstract but rich lyrics are a plus tho. Very Richard Dawson, at least thatā€™s my nearest ref point to this tomfoolery. Good. [3.5]
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