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Ryus Rec Comp: Asleep Claims His Prize

asleep claimed his very exciting prize of recing me any 10 albums. here they are. will be posting my thoughts as i listen

these first 5 are from his own rec comp. this one is by way of MoM

THOUGHTS: this was a weird album, but not for the reasons i thought it would be weird. the "IDM" tag is kinda a crapshoot, so i wasn't exactly sure what to expect, but i definitely was not expecting something as top 40-adjacent as the opener. not that that's necessarily a bad thing, but in this case, whew, those vocals rubbed me the wrong way. luckily that was the last of them and most of the album is vocals-free. musically, this is pretty interesting and organic soundingā€“definitely not just armchair IDM. unfortunately, it didn't really rise above just being generally interesting to me. and some parts, like the aforementioned opener, didn't do it for me. still glad to have heard this though, definitely a unique album, just not totally for me. [2.6]
2Electric Masada
At the Mountains of Madness

rec'd by johnny. i WILL be listening to this entire thing

THOUGHTS: oookay wow yeah as a jew, new yorker, and lover of freaky jazz, this is pretty ideal for me. fun fact i actually went to the same school as zorn for a period of time. anyway this fucking rules, yes its extremely long but this is basically just two variations on the same set of pieces. the variations can be pretty significant, but still i feel like i would just listen to disc 1 or 2 at a time in the future.

what's good about it? unbelievable musicianshipā€“furious playing that always hurtles the tracks forward with powerful momentum. the interplay/chemistry is almost unreal it's so good. as i've probably said many times in the past though, musicianship alone doesn't impress meā€“in fact, it's often a hindrance and i hate a lot of technical music. luckily, the pieces themselves are fucking fantastic too. original, angry, and a ton of fun. rules! [4.6]
3Bone Thugs-N-Harmony
E 1999 Eternal

Drifter rec. pretty sure i've heard this but don't remember it at all and should probably rectify that. big oversight for me

THOUGHTS: honestly the triplet flows here often reminded me of memphis rap, which isn't really something that i was expecting going into this. of course i already knew "tha crossroads" which is definitely a classic. the sing-rap style is pretty interesting and super unique. like a lot of hip hop albums this is kinda long and my interest was waning towards the end but i think if i listened to this in chunks i would probably like it more. still though it was solid and appealed to a lot of my favorite things in hip hop. not one of my all time faves, but def worth another few spins at least. [3.7]
novej qalhnjƫnno

rec'd by zaruyache

THOUGHTS: this basically caught me at the perfect time. i always liked the idea of bm more than the actual genre, but digging into paysage's backlog kinda opened my eyes. right now he's easily my favorite artist, just by virtue of hearing far more albums by him than basically any artist in the genre. luckily this sorta scratches the same itchā€“melodic, atmospheric, but definitely not as raw. there's a lot to like here and i'm glad to hear it at this time. not one of my all-time favorites in the genre, but this is how i like my bm for sure. [3.7]
5The Flaming Lips
Clouds Taste Metallic

johnny rec, another big oversight for me.

THOUGHTS: alright, no more putting this one off. not bad by any means, but much like the soft bulletin, i found it mostly pleasant and not too much beyond that. i think my first listen was kinda tainted by the fact that iw as expecting some real noisy psych-rawk, and didnt really get that for the most part. this is fun and nice and light but i wanted it to be more than that. cool, but not as cool as i'd like. [3.5]
6Psychedelic Porn Crumpets
High Visceral Pt. 1

this is a tough one for me since even though i adore psychedelic music, their style is probably as far as "my thing" as psych music can get. with a name like that and a psych rock tag on rym, i was hoping for more psych bliss and less hard rock-inspired riffery. i think i couldve enjoyed this a bit more if they let loose a bit more, at least in terms of sound--more fuzz, more noise, more something. instead, this is relatively tame for what i was expecting. the final leg of the album was probably the most enjoyable to me, "found god in a tomato" is rather pleasant as well as the closer. sadly i can't say too much more in terms of things i liked about it. not really bad, just quite boring for me. [2.4]
7Regina Spektor
Soviet Kitsch

her voice really shines on this album, moreso than any other album i've heard from her, mostly because she lets her voice do weird inflections and do fun things. otherwise, this might run the risk of feeling pretty pedestrian. her lyrics are great too, as always. this is definitely my favorite thing i've heard from her because it does seem to have a bit of bite that she's lost as her career has gone on. i know "us" is the big favorite here but i find it kidn of overwrought, and her great vocal performance doesn't save it. much prefer "carbon monoxide," sailor song"--the quirkier, less downtrodden songs. they suit her style more, at least on this record i think. nice! [3.4]

this was a hell of a lot of fun. the 'verge comparisons are apt but that's never a bad thing. nothing revolutionary, but a really good time. doesn't overstay its welcome, and a great mix of midtempo sections and high-octane manic bursts. [3.8]
9Iron And Wine
The Creek Drank the Cradle

i've never dug into iron and wine's discog, partly because i think i kind of wrote him off as a softboi indie guy without much else to offer. this was actually rather nice though, much more lo-fi than i was expecting. i really liked the subtle countryish influences. really everything about this is subtle, definitely need a few more listens to dig in, will update. [3.6] for now
10Death Toll 80k
Harsh Realities

not much to say about this one except its a nonstop onslaught. the production is quite clear and crisp which i wasnt expecting, usually i like things a bit rawer for this style but this riffs n shit so who really cares. vocals are pretty hilarious too, i like the low growls interjected by the ear-piercing high screams. quite fun [3.8]
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