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Last Active 06-09-22 4:02 pm Joined 06-09-22
Review Comments 2,118
| PJ Harvey Ranked
Having just gone through PJ's entire solo discography, here are my findings. | 9 |  | PJ Harvey The Hope Six Demolition Project
The USA record, in similar vein to 'Let England Shake' in it's political tone but a bit more varied in it's instrumental influences featuring electric guitars, a bit of that early blues influence and some male vocal performances as well to add a bit of depth. Overall, I enjoy this record but it's easily my least favorite with a few songs really doing nothing for me. | 8 |  | PJ Harvey Uh Huh Her
Very raw, very rough, PJ's own hand doing the production for this record. The songs are decent, the vocal performances are pretty solid, overall the instrumentation isn't bad, but the sound quality of the record is a bit jarring at times. | 7 |  | PJ Harvey Rid of Me
The second record continues the raw, visceral path that the first record established but I didn't find the songs as endearing. Still a very great record but a little less interesting. | 6 |  | PJ Harvey Dry
The first one, it's very dirty and raw with a lot of grunge/blues influence. Some of the vocal performances are rough but adds to the overall vibe and tone of the record. Love a good chunk of the songs with a couple feeling a bit unfinished. | 5 |  | PJ Harvey Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea
A bit more straightforward in its songwriting, heavily influenced by 90's alternative but crazy catchy. The vocal performances are very lovely, I especially enjoy the lyricism on this record with lots of obscure lines and interesting storytelling. | 4 |  | PJ Harvey Let England Shake
The England album, heavily inspired by folk music and featuring mostly acoustic guitars as the main instrument for the record. The lyrics are very political and charged, definitely carries a 60's/70's vibe from time to time but it's very well written and produced. | 3 |  | PJ Harvey To Bring You My Love
Probably features some of her most recognizable singles, still has a bit of that punk/blues edge to the songwriting but it's done with a bit more experience and refinement than her first couple of records. | 2 |  | PJ Harvey White Chalk
The piano album, it's all around gorgeous. Every song is beautifully written and sounds immaculate. The mix is gentle and serene, PJ's vocals sound refined and perfect over these types of instrumental palates. | 1 |  | PJ Harvey Is This Desire?
The best, her best songs, the best overall vibes and instrumentation. Amazing record. | |
10.26.22 | All the records slap one way or another. Let me know how I did | rabidfish
10.26.22 | Mostly agree. 9 is better that 7 imo. | mkmusic1995
10.26.22 | Respect, I think 9 will grow on me after a few more listens. There's a lot to digest | Gyromania
10.26.22 | my real name's angeline | Gyromania
10.26.22 | 4 is 1 and it's not even close. 1 would prob be my #2 tho | mkmusic1995
10.26.22 | 4 is another one of her records that I think will grow on me even more with repeated listens. Just so much to digest lyrically and sonically. | Demon of the Fall
10.26.22 | heard most of these and this ranking looks to be more or less correct, I should fill in the gaps | mkmusic1995
10.26.22 | She's such an immense talent, along with Bjork, easily one of my favorite artists that I've dived into this year | Troggy
10.26.22 | need to check white chalk. 4 is also 1 for me. | ArsMoriendi
10.27.22 | Top 3 are my top 3 but in a different order
3 > 2 > 1 > 4 > 6 > 7 > 5 > 9 > 8 | grannypantys
10.27.22 | can't fault the ranking but i'd put 6 and 7 much higher | theBoneyKing
10.27.22 | Move 3 to 1 and you have my order exactly, good job. | SomeCallMeTim
10.27.22 | “4 is 1 and it’s not even close” [2] | fogza
10.27.22 | My faves go:
ROM > LES > SFTCSFTS > THSDP > ITD > WC > TBYML > D > UHH | Demon of the Fall
10.27.22 | White Chalk is one I disagree with if I'm being picky, haven't really connected with that one.
1, 4, 3, 5 are my top 4 though (in that order)
I should re-check | DadKungFu
10.27.22 | I really like this ranking, I'd switch move 3 to 2 and put 5 at 3 and I still haven't heard Let England Shake but yeah, really good |