
Soundoffs 1
Album Ratings 562
Objectivity 71%

Last Active 12-29-20 8:06 pm
Joined 12-01-20

Review Comments 103

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favorite albums from 2000 (y2k)

Looking back, 2000 was a great year for music on the DL.
13PJ Harvey
Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea

Hasn't hit me like other PJ Harvey albums, but it still has its moments like Kamikaze and We Float
12Sonic Youth
NYC Ghosts & Flowers
White Pepper
10At the Drive-In
Relationship of Command
9The Avalanches
Since I Left You
8Animal Collective
Spirit They're Gone, Spirit They've Vanished
7Queens of the Stone Age
Rated R

When I had this album as a kid, all I wanted to do is listen to Feel Good Hit of the summer, so I didn't make it through the album too many times. I was in a record store recently where they were listening to this album and I stayed and listened to the whole thing.....wicked good album.
6Elliott Smith
Figure 8

My favorite rap album ever.
White Pony

The original album is a masterpiece. I don't like Back to School, added by the record company later.
3Modest Mouse
The Moon & Antarctica
2Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven
Kid A

My favorite album of all time. Could write a long paragraph on why, but just as much about where I was at that time in my life as the quality of music.
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