I tried making this a bit ago after Sput came back up from its vacation and the site ate the list. Also some of this probably won't have album art because the downtime cleared out the art of basically every album I've added lol great website MX thanks for the new pie charts and question marks lmao
Gonna include a few non metal releases and just do all the August stuff I rated
This dude alternates between pretty bad post-nightcore low effort entire albums sped up a stupid amount and actual good releases. This is not one of the actual good releases
It's a 3.5 but still a massive letdown. I wasn't expecting much after the departure of their vocalist who was the high point of the band, and the addition of one of Rhapsody's non-Fabio vocalists in the lower register just didn't seem like a good fit. The songwriting is fine, the mix is a vast improvement over their second album but I will never listen to any song on this when I want to jam TF when I can just listen to their debut or the better songs on their sophmore release.
The new project of Twilight Force's ousted vocalist. The songwriting isn't nearly as triumphant or catchy as the new TF, but the vocals soar above the competition and the composition is still decent enough to push it up to a 4
Probably the best slam record ever, production that sounds straight out of a war metal release really pulls me to this. Avoids a lot of the shittier stereotypes of modern slam, keeps the bass clipping to a minimum
Smaller list this time, I spent most of August clearing out my back log of older releases from this year. I'll put out another list this week of what I've 3.5'd and above in the last month and a half and leave most of these off to make sure there's room