
Reviews 2
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Soundoffs 98
News Articles 151
Band Edits + Tags 1,022
Album Edits 401

Album Ratings 1498
Objectivity 75%

Last Active 07-28-19 5:55 am
Joined 06-30-13

Review Comments 3,017

09.09.19 Upcoming Concerts05.20.19 Bands I saw at Sonic Temple
12.16.18 Music by your family12.05.18 Hereditary
07.27.18 I've started making music again05.21.18 Rock on the Range 2018
02.17.18 Kingdom Come: Deliverance01.04.18 The X-Files Season 11 (spoilers itt)
09.28.17 Seeing The Birthday Massacre05.01.17 Rec me Italian artists
12.08.16 One of my best friends was in an accide10.15.16 Hitting a concert tonight
07.27.16 Metal Hammer readers' top 10 of 21st Ce06.23.16 2016 Recs pls
04.13.16 Seeing Underoath tomorrow03.23.16 Got a song featured at an event at my c
12.21.15 2015 Albums I've listened to12.12.15 Why aren't you listening to Ardipithecu
More »

Upcoming Concerts

All the rest of the bands I’ll be seeing this year.
1Red Sun Rising

9/14 opening artist. Playing the music portion of a little food truck festival in Columbus. Last two times I was supposed to see these guys the weather did not permit it (flooded venue once, level 2 snow emergency the second time) so hopefully that won’t happen again.
Of Course You Do

After them is BRKN love but they’ve only released two singles so not in the database.
3Highly Suspect
Mister Asylum

Headliner. Can’t say I’m really a fan. They’ve got some good songs though.
4Charming Liars
Thought, Flesh and Bone

9/21 opening artist. Even though this tour is coming to a Cleveland, I had to get tickets to Detroit because the Cleveland show restricted sales to residents of the Cleveland metropolitan area. Oh well, since the venue is literally just across a bridge from Canada I’m going early to spend some time over there, and then staying the night and next day across the border as well.
5The New Regime
Exhibit A
6Angels and Airwaves
The Dream Walker

Headliner. Got meet and greet tickets so I’ll be meeting Tom! I haven’t seen these guys since high school so I’m very excited. Also hyped for the new album.
7Holy Fawn
Death Spells

10/7 opener. Never seen any bands like this live before so that’s exciting. Weird venue though as it usually has country-ish artists.
8The End of the Ocean
In Excelsis

I enjoy all three bands playing but these guys are why I got tickets.
The Death of Day

Headliner. 10 year anniversary of this EP so they’re playing it in full.
10Charming Disaster
Love, Crime & Other Trouble

On the 26th, there’s a show by Scarypoolparty I’m going to but he only has singles out right now so not in the database.

10/29 opener. Same venue, as the last which again seems odd. Not going to complain though, it’s not a bad place at all.
Oh Perilous World

10/29 headliner. Very excited to see them live. Should be quite the experience.
12Angels and Airwaves
Chasing Shadows

12/15 seeing them again for my birthday, this time in Cincinnati
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