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| July 2018 resumé
Score guide: 10/9 - 5; 8 - 4.5; 7 - 4; 6 - 3.5/3; 5 - 2.5; 4 - 2; 3 - 1.5; 2/1 - 1 | 1 | | Mass of the Fermenting Dregs No New World
Imagine Kero Kero Bonito, but trying to do digestable music. It still will sound awkward and off-putting, but at least you will be able to find decent spots. Maybe that's just the Japanese aesthetic that puts me off, I don't know. 5/10 | 2 | | Immortal Northern Chaos Gods
The legends at this point are back with an album that is both an exercise in unoriginality and an okay enough ride as to not to be disliked. 6/10 | 3 | | Bongripper Terminal
Good god, can you be more exhausting? 4/10 | 4 | | Between the Buried and Me Automata II
Even though it is still quite a drag and mostly fairly forgettable, I do commend the band for improving upon seemingly unimprovable low they're been firmly establishing their entire career. 5/10 | 5 | | Deafheaven Ordinary Corrupt Human Love
Even though filled with great moments and powerful performance, this overstays its welcome really, really quickly. 6/10 | 6 | | Oxblood Michael
A fellow Sputnik's very own post-hardcore inspired indie EP told as a three-part tale of one man named Michael. It's a tad emotional, as you'd expect with post-hardcore, but it never turns sappy or overbearing. Apart from Part Two, this EP turned out quite catchy and pleasant. The shoegaze-y production softens the instrumentation a little and makes everything seem a few notches more breezy and dramatic (without melo-). It's quite a damn well done EP, fellas. Kudos! 7/10
Part One, Part Three | 7 | | Covet effloresce
I do highly admire the instrumental finesse and taht sweet, sweet tangly guitar-work, but from a song-writing perspective, I could unfortunately only remember the intriguing instrumentation, nothing else. 6/10 | 8 | | Obscura Diluvium
Yeah, even I sometimes need to get into some of that dumb shitty tech death silliness. Leave me alone! 7/10 | 9 | | Birds in Row We Already Lost The World
It might be better to enter every musical experience as a skeptic, because then everything outstanding has a much grander effect on you. This album is by no means an outstanding mark of its genre, but for what it is, it is a prime example of a job well done. Hardcore, near-screamo and emo fans, get on it now. 8/10
We Count So We Don't Have To Listen, Love is Political, We vs. Us, I Don't Dance, 15-38, Morning, Fossils | 10 | | Black Fast Spectre of Ruin
Eh, I might just not be in the mood. I like the viciousness, but the album didn't really grip me as much as I'd want to and ended up a tad repetitive. 6/10 | 11 | | The Ophelias (USA, OH) Almost
Yeah, I don't know what it is, but this album just didn't really do all that much to me. Probably the overly soft nature of it that is almost sickening and obnoxious is what turned me off. 5/10 | 12 | | Chastity Death Lust
I applaud the oddity of this, making a punk record sound like shoegaze dream pop, but that shtick gets a little stale after a while, especially since the songs aren't always that engaging. 6/10 | 13 | | Bass Drum of Death Just Business
One of the problems of listening to so much music is that after a while you just don't really know what to say about some of the albums anymore. And sometimes an album comes along that exemplifies the "nothing to say" aesthetic. 5/10
Too High, Heavy | 14 | | Denzel Curry TA13OO
Denzel's latest is also his most mild-mannered. And while it alarmed me at first, for I liked the in-your-face aggression of Imperial a little too much, but this smooth, moody dance-able coolness - while admittedly a whole different kind of music - is just as enjoyable. (and it's not like the two don't have things in common) 7/10
Black Balloons, Sumo, Switch It Up, Sirens | 15 | | Rick Astley Beautiful Life
Before you start laughing, know that this is not actually as godawful as it should be. It might be my old age speaking, but I enjoyed this album quite a bit. Now you can laugh. 6/10
Beautiful Life, She Makes Me, Every Corner, I Need the Light, Try | 16 | | The Jayhawks Back Roads And Abandoned Motels
I've been following The Jayhawks' work for a while now, if nothing else, because nobody else did and I believe everyone should at least be aware of them. A sweet, tender and universally likeable folksy country music that you will enjoy, provided you enjoy acoustic music. 7/10
Come Cryin' to Me, Everybody Knows, Gonna Be a Darkness, Need You Tonight, Bird Never Flies, Carry You to Safety | 17 | | Hopesfall Arbiter
I don't know, it all just seems a bit too forgettable and non-distinct. I do like it when the songs progress and explode to a complete fucking catharsis, but pretty much eveything around that usually lays low for me. 6/10 | 18 | | The Lion's Daughter Future Cult
This mixture of electronic post-metal with downright blackenned death metal layover appealed to me greately. It's a raw, fuzzy mess that just keeps on giving. Some instrumental mixing maybe could use a bigger punch, but overall it is a damn solid effort. 7/10
Call the Midnight Animal, Die Into Us, Grease Infant, Tragedy, In the Flesh | 19 | | Skeletonwitch Devouring Radiant Light
After a long line of solid and crushing releases with a psychedelic edge, Skeletowitch delve even deeper into the abyss of sinister music and deliver possibly their best effort to date. No kidding, I'm a bitch for atmospheric black metal and blackened death metal, you can't blame me. 8/10
Fen of Shadows, When Paradise Fades, Temple of the Sun, The Luminous Sky, Sacred Soil | 20 | | Ty Segall and White Fence Joy
Well, this sure is psych music. I only wish they went for something more complete than just tiny conceptual shells of songs. 6/10 | 21 | | Dirty Projectors Lamp Lit Prose
Dirty Projectors found a silver lining between the obnoxious drabness of their previous record and still staying off-kilter. It certainly isn't my thing, but at least has its own sound, that I cannot deny. 6/10 | 22 | | Inexorum Lore of the Lakes
Remember me saying I'm a bitch for atmospheric black metal and such? Yeah. 7/10 | 23 | | Mesarthim Coma Wall
Remember me saying I'm a bitch for atmospheric black metal and such? Yeah. [2] and this one also has a bloody beautiful cosmo-electronic setting. Fuckin'a. 8/10 | 24 | | Bellini Before the Day Has Gone
6/10 | 25 | | Smokescreens Used to Yesterday
6/10 | 26 | | Real Friends Composure
4/10 | 27 | | Burial Invocation Abiogenesis
6/10 | 28 | | Cowboy Junkies All That Reckoning
6/10 | 29 | | The Bamboos Night Time People
Description in my side of Con X Papa - Off.
7/10 | 30 | | Holy Esque Television / Sweet
Atmospheric, oddly sung and with a great song-writing. This is about as artsy a banal post-punk-infused pop-rock as it gets, without sounding pretentious. 7/10 | 31 | | Khorada Salt
5/10 | 32 | | Kilometers Davis The Death of Kilometers Davis
6/10 | 33 | | Ross from Friends Family Portrait
6/10 | |
Papa Universe
07.31.18 | will add the rest of the write ups soon enough
what a mediocre month this has been | bgillesp
07.31.18 | 27 and 29 will change that | BlazinBlitzer
07.31.18 | Wow, we have a ton of ditto ratings this month. Birds in Row released the best album of July, Obscura is definitely a 7, Bongripper wasn’t good, Denzel Curry is slightly overrated, and Covet and Immortal were pretty average.
Can’t blame you for thinking it was a lackluster month, either. For me, it’s the worst month since I started all of this in early 2017.
Also check out that new Spaceslug album. It may not be your thing, but if you want some space doom definitely try that out. | rabidfish
07.31.18 | check the new Gaika, it's dope af | Sniff
07.31.18 | Saw them by the ankles | theBoneyKing
07.31.18 | Nice shout on 16, it’s a pretty great album, especially considering how late in their career it is! | LeftyMcRighty
07.31.18 | Spaceslug [2] | DoofDoof
07.31.18 | Bon Gripper didn't grip me all that much | SteakByrnes
07.31.18 | I still need to check Birds In Row | bgillesp
08.01.18 | 29 sends you on a never ending loop | Conmaniac
08.01.18 | aww thanks for adding my album to ur list even if it's not ur thing (: | Papa Universe
08.02.18 | Ugh I really don't want to finish these write-ups... | Dewinged
08.02.18 | Sweet list Uni, the month wasn't that bad though, but the best is yet to come. | Papa Universe
08.02.18 | Let's hope so.
I swear to God, if Idles don't put out the AOTY... | bgillesp
08.03.18 | When is the IDLES release? | Papa Universe
08.03.18 | End of August | bgillesp
08.06.18 | Holy cow 9 is amazing! "This album is by no means an outstanding mark of its genre" What you talkin' 'bout Theo? | Papa Universe
08.06.18 | talking about that album and how it's not an outstanding mark of its genre, that of hardcore. it's somewhat run-of-the-mill, but it uses all the tricks'n'tropes'n'clichés to its advantage. | bgillesp
08.06.18 | This is emo Metalcore post hardcore boii | bgillesp
08.06.18 | And since when do any of those genres have such tasty bass? | Papa Universe
08.06.18 | well what do i know, i'm not a little kid. take that 8/10 and shove it up your good-musical-taste arse | bgillesp
08.06.18 | Haha okay (: 😘 | Papa Universe
08.06.18 | don't you haha me. we're fighting, don't you mistake that. | bgillesp
08.06.18 | Love you too | Papa Universe
08.06.18 | your love and waffles I just had softened me a little, but we're still not okay. you hurt my fragile ego and sense of musical knowledge and that is unacceptable. | bgillesp
08.06.18 | But half of my top 10 this year so far has come on your recommendation | bgillesp
08.06.18 | Nevermind, just 3, but you've 4.5+ rated half of it | Papa Universe
08.06.18 | I like fun. (neeka!) | bgillesp
08.06.18 | #killedwithkindness | Papa Universe
08.06.18 | also, while we're at it, listen to Holy Esque | bgillesp
08.06.18 | Eh alright. | bgillesp
08.06.18 | Okay yeah it's p good. Halfway in rn | Papa Universe
08.06.18 | oh that's (television) sweet, man | bgillesp
08.06.18 | It'll be a top 100 bubbler I think by the end of the year. The past month or two have been slower, but if it picks back up, it might fall out | Papa Universe
08.06.18 | you want more of them recs? |