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Last Active 02-20-16 2:17 pm
Joined 03-24-13

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12.27.17 Best of the (un-)known 201712.11.16 The Best and the Unknown of 2016
12.19.15 The Top 10 that became a Top 30+

Best of the (un-)known 2017

Just my personal best of list for this year with reviews where I felt like it. P.S. I hate how one cannot re-arrange lists on Sputnik...

Genre: Post-Punk/Grunge

A few keywords about this album: Post Punk, Grunge, well produced.
Loom surely have the potential to land a few hits in the Indie scene and
back in the days I could see regular airplay for songs like Lice or Nailbender.
It's without question that Loom know how to write a refrain that sticks with you.
Even with the Post-Punk revivial going on for several years now Loom couldn't get the attention they deserve. A damn fine album!
Forward Into The Past

Genre: Folk-Metal

For some reason I lost track of Skyclad in 1997 after their release of Oui Aavant-Garde a Chance.
While I loved the Folk-Rock aproach taken on that album it didn't result in further interest for future releases.
Fast forward 20 years. Accidently I stumble across The Answer Machine? from the very same year and I am blown away.
It's basically the same thing but it works so well. My love for Skyclad being restored
I catch up with their discography and learn that Martin Walkyier left the band in 2001 and was replaced by guitarist Kevin Ridley.
It's probably the closest Skyclad have sounded to their classic style since irrational Anthems.
And not only that, with Words Fail Me this new album features what might be my favorite Skyclad song yet.
One of my favorites songs of the year, for sure.
3Thurston Moore
Rock N Roll Consciousness

Genre: Noise Rock

Thurston Moores solo albums have been mixed affairs in the past, but since Sonic Youth called it quits he is on a roll.
2014 saw the release of the excellent The Best Day and Rock n Roll Consciousness has turned out pretty great again.
Main difference to its successor is the lengths of songs.
Starting from 6 minutes and ranging to 12 minutes this album only includes 5 songs with a total time of 42 minutes.
Anyway, soundwise this is classic Sonic Youth. Less noise (but it’s there) and all in all quite accessible.
His former band might be dead, but the spirit lives on in Moores solo recordings and hopefully continues to do so.
4Samsara Blues Experiment
One with the Universe

Genre: Space Rock
5Charlotte Martin

Genre: Alternative/Singer/Songwriter

I am a big fan of Charlotte Martin.
There is not a weak point in her career to this point and I was certain Rapture wouldn't change this.
And of course it didn't. Charlotte Martin is normally compared to Tori Amos,
but personally I always preferred her style over Toris.
On this album Charlotte celebrates the quieter tones, Piano, Voice, some subtle electronics is mainly what you get.
And yet, it's as captivating as ever.
The use of layered vocals remind of Kate Bush and her melancholic aproach to song writing simply resonates with me.
All in all nothing new in Charlotteville and I am glad it is!
6 Droid
Terrestrial Mutations

Genre: Thrash Metal

Distinct Thrash Metal bands are a rare species, but Droid are one of these rare bands sounding different enough to stick out.
If Thrash means fast forward Slayer-copycats to you, you probably won‘t like this one very much.
But if later Coroner gives you the chills, be prepared for something special.
Porgressive in nature, yet accessible without sacrificing anger, this hits the sweet spot perfectly.
Most likely Thrash album of the year.
7Bone Man

Genre: Psychedelic/Stoner

Bone Man are back and they deliver a package full of Stoner, Grunge, Psychedelic with fantastic songwriting
and that special something other bands are missing.
While the band has yet to write a bad track,
These Days Are Gone has to be mentioned explicitly for being one of the best tracks the band has ever written and that says a lot!
Sadly they decided to include False Ambition as a download-only track,
hopefully that one will see a 7" release sometime. Anyway, mission acomplished, awesomeness remained stable.
After Laughter

Genre: Pop/New Wave

Paramore’s previous output never interested me. Overproduced Alternative-Rock with huge Pop influences, which was
OK, but production alone killed it for me, so I never bothered with them. With this new album the band changed their sound
completely though and that style fits them perfectly. The band has gone full Pop mode now. Somewhat comparable to
Haim the band celebrates the eighties in a fun and lighthearted way. Yes, channeling the eighties has become a widely used
method but Paramore do things different. This is not another synths heavy cheese fest, instead the band is much more
influenced by bands like Talking Heads, The Bangles or Paul Simon. Very fun record, indeed!
9Desperate Journalist
Grow Up

Genre: New Wave

I own each of Desperate Journalist previous efforts and liked every one of them.
The band have a great mix of 80s Indie Rock with slight Shoegaze elements and some Wave influences too.
With their 2017 release Grow Up the band presents itself more mature and focuses more on the Wave aspect of their sound.
Album opener Hollow instantly reminds of Howling Bells, another great band with a similar sound.
Another highlight is Oh Nina, with its obvious The Cure influences.
Soothing female vocals, a sound modern, yet reminiscent of the past and some proper hits. What's not to like?
10Deaf Radio

Genre: Heavy Rock

Heavy Rock is a term that usally makes me skip releases without even listening.
That genre very often means standard riffing, standard vocals, standard verse/chorus/verse structures or short: trivial music.
I guess Deaf Radio can be considered a Heavy Rock band too, but their aproach is a different one, luckily.
I hear a lot of The Cult in their material and quite some Stoner Rock too at other times.
The band is not afraid to take risky decisions (just hear that abrupt cut off in song Vultures & Killers) and instruments are never boring.
All in all a pretty fun record, somewhere between Queens of the Stoneage (Flowerhead) and The Cult (Anytime).

Genre: Progressive Rock/Space Rock
12No Joy

Genre: Noise Rock/Shoegaze
13Laura Marling
Semper Femina

Genre: Singer/Songwriter
14Tei Shi
Crawl Space

Genre: Indie Pop

Tei Shi already released 2 brilliant EPs which scored with ambient and slightly eighties inspired Pop tunes
and even produced a little hit single called Basically.

Now she finally released her first full length album.
12 tracks and 3 interludes, which seem to be home recordings of young Tei talking about her wanting to become a Popstar.
Luckily that never happened, who knows what the industry would have done to her.
Flying under the radar she manages to maintain her Indie status and songs like the brilliant How Far show a proper musician at work.
More highlights include the etherical Keep Running, the could-have-been-huge banger Say You Do and the wonderfully lush Baby.
Next to BANKS this is the one Pop artist you should keep your eye on.
Eternal Rituals For The Accretion of Light

Genre: Alternative Metal
16A Projection

Genre: New/Dark Wave

Dark Post Punk with ambitions for huge melodies. Lush production with
warm sounding drums, Cure’esque keyboards and just the right amount of
Pop appeal. Definitely a highlight of the Post-Punk genre this year.
This is a Sickness and Sickness will End

Genre: Punk

This is Crusades' 3rd album and where their first 2 outputs were more on the faster paced Punk Songs
with slight Misfits resemblance this new one is a bit more streamlined and - dare I say it - commercial.
When refrain of 1940 kicks in, it sounds like a (good) Foo Fighters song.
But at the same time Crusades put some of their heaviest tracks on this release,
which are rooted in Hardcore through and through. Anyway, depending on your expectations you might be disappointed at first,
but give this a couple of spins, it grew on me a lot and from a Let-Down this might have grown to my favorite Crusades album yet.
18Nailed To Obscurity
King Delusion

Genre: Death/Doom Metal
19Holy Monitor
Holy Monitor

Genre: Krautrock
20Dear Reader
Day Fever

Genre: Indie Pop

Dear Readers first three albums were such a lovely combination of Indie Rock, Folk and social awareness.
Also Cherilyn MacNeil is a very lovely person.
When Dear Reader announced a new album I was hooked instantly.
And as always high expectations are hard to fullfil.
When I first heard Day Fever I was disappointed. The electronics seemed out of place. Songs didn't stick.

It was still the same kind of melodies but somehow the magic did not present itself like past releases were able to.
I still decided to see the band live and during their set had to realize that I knew all songs
including the new ones and I enjoyed those equally with their older material.
Long story short: This is another great album by a great band.
Sometimes you need to experience songs live to really treasure them.
21Novembers Doom

Genre: Death/Doom

Genre: Pop
23The Duke Spirit
Sky Is Mine

Genre: Psychedelic Rock
2488 Fingers Louie
Thank You For Being A Friend

Genre: Punk Rock
25The Rememberables
The Rememberables

Genre: Alternative Rock
26The Eden House
Songs For The Broken Ones

Genre: New Wave/Gothic Rock
27Bent Knee
Land Animal

Genre: Art Rock/Progressive Rock
28Cock Sparrer

Genre: Oi/Punk

2017 saw the surprise release of Forever, the first Cock Sparrer album in 10 years.
And where 2007s Here We Stand set the bar very high, the band manages to operate on the same level through all 16 songs on Forever.
This is Cock Sparrer at their very best. Hit after hit, with memoirable guitar melodies and mostly staying away from the usual Oi pitfalls.

Genre: Shoegaze
30Artefact (GER)
Votive Offering

Genre: Post-Punk
In This Moment We Are Free - Cities

Genre: Progressive Metal

Horrible production, but good songs with Anneke being in top form.
32Wolves in the Throne Room
Thrice Woven

Genre: Black Metal
33Kelly Lee Owens
Kelly Lee Owens

Genre: Electronic

This album sticks out like a sore thumb on this rock-infected list.
Kelly Lee Owens makes Electronic music. It's all synthetic. Beats, loops, samples.
But Kelly's music has an undeniable quality. The atmosphere is spaced out, with shifted vocals and an all around very dark undertone.
Songs like Lucid even share some similarities with the great Björk.
This is not your typical club music, it's proper songwriting produced by a very talented producer,
which might even appeal to fans of the Dark-Wave/Gothic genre.
34Year of the Cobra
Burn Your Dead

Genre: Stoner
35Youngblood Supercult
The Great American Death Rattle

Genre: Blues Rock/Stoner
36Trevor Something
Die With You

Genre: Dark/New Wave

Genre: Progressive Metal

Genre: Indie Rock
39Power Trip
Nightmare Logic

Genre: Thrash Metal

Genre: Hard Rock/Grunge

Genre: Punk
42CJ Ramone
American Beauty

Genre: Punk Rock

Genre: Indie Rock
44Kari Rueslatten
Silence Is the Only Sound

Genre: Pop
45Major Parkinson

Genre: Progressive/Art Rock
46Tori Amos
Native Invader

Genre: Alternative Pop
47 1919

Genre: Post Punk
48The Ruins Of Beverast

Genre: Death/Doom Metal

Genre: Doom Metal
Victory Lap

Genre: Punk

Propagandhi is an institution in Punk Rock.
Their 1993 album How to Clean Everything is a classic and 25 years later the band is still going strong.
Through the years the band constantly switched styles from Melodic Punk Rock to Hardcore and for a few years now
they flirt with Metal and progressive song structures.
Victory Lap continues this direction. Metallic riffs and complex arrangements can be found all over the album.
But Propagandhi manage to make most songs accessible at the same time.
Political as ever, heavy and fast, yet, with some patience memoriable as well,
Victory Lap is another, well, Victory for the band.

Genre: Alternative Rock
All We Know of Heaven, All We Need of Hell

Genre: Indie Pop/Rock

2017 was a sad year for Pop music. Apart from Lordes excellent Melodrama album there wasn’t much to love.
PVRIS is a notable exception, though to be fair this is not a proper Pop record.
The band is more rooted in Alternative music and uses massive hooks as an element in their sound.
The result works nicely, as it already did on their debut album White Noise.
This new album is a little more accessible, a little darker and - yes - a little more Pop.
Mission completed and let’s see if 2018 has a little more to offer in this department.
The Tower

Genre: Progressive Rock/Psychedelic

Genre: Folk Rock/Progressive Rock

I could make this simple and say Agusa sound like Jethro Tull without vocals. And it would be spot on. Yet this band deserves some recognition on their own, because Agusa is more than just an album of tribute songs.

First of all this is music made by fantastic musicians, proper jams that never lose harmony.
Second the atmosphere of this record is fantastic.
Rooted in medievil Folk it captures the listener from the get go.
At times this is more Ougenweide than Jethro Tull.
For me personally the band hit the soft spot perfectly and I will definitely check out their older albums as well.
55Jane Weaver
Modern Kosmology

Genre: Krautrock

Sometimes it's best to not change the recipe.
And sometimes switching things up can be pure gold.
Former singer/songwriter Jane Weaver decided that good old acoustic songs are not enough anymore and
with the release of The Silver Globe in 2015 she spiced up her sound with elements of Psychedelic and Space Rock.
It was quite a ride and for her newest output Modern Kosmology she luckily decided to keep the formular.
And yes, this album is on par with its predecessor and maybe even tops it in terms of consistency.
Hypnotic drum and bass patterns, spacy keyboard floors and over all Weavers soothing voice make this a deep experience
which is rooted deep in 70s Krautrock without sacrificing the present.
Strange Peace

Genre: Noise Rock

Genre: Death/Doom Metal

I have never heard of Cormorant before, yet I learned that they have a very dedicated fanbase.
And there is a good reason for this. In a nutshell Cormorant play Progressive Black/Death Metal.
But this band manages to pull all the right triggers. A good production, that is not too glossy,
interesting song strucutres, and the right amount of accessibility. What is different to previous releases is the inclusion of Doom Metal elements,
which reflects in the track lengths. Only one song is beneath 10 minutes, with the longest reaching 26.
Does it ever get boring? Not once, just like Opeth the band knows how to drive a song through multiple sections without ever losing the listener.
After listening to Diaspora I checked out their back catalogue and found Earth Diver to be even better,
which is quite an archivement, since Diaspora is a hell of a ride.
58 13th Chime

Genre: Post Punk

I know 13th Choir from the excellent Sacred Bones compilation Killed by Deathrock.
The band released one full length album and a compilation of tracks in the early 80s before disbanding.
But luckily we live in awesome times, when bands decide to get back together again.
And while reunions like Faith No More or Soundgarden can be seen sceptical 13th Chime are far too unknown to be considered quick cash grabbers.
So out of nowhere the band released Noir in 2016 and while their older works are brilliant, this new album tops everything they have done so far.
The band hasn't changed much. Production is a little better but still has the same warm analog feeling.
In fact I would believe this to be an original recording from 1982. But it isn't, yet it's totally authentic, which makes this even more appealing.
Witchtree Lane and Reality are proper hits, which have the potential of Post Punk evergreens.

Genre: New Wave/Alternative Rock
60Wolf Alice
Visions of a Life

Genre: Shoegaze/Alternative Rock

First single Yuk Foo was promising, an angry Punk tune that woke expectations of an album that captures their rough live performances.
Well, Visions of a Life is not that. It's also not what 2nd and 3rd pre-singles Beautifully Unconventional and Don't Delete the Kisses hinted at.
Those showed a band experiencing with Pop tunes.

All in all Visions of a Life continues right where the debut album stopped with the mentioned singles being the exceptions.
Album opener Heavenward is a clear indication that the band managed to continue their trademark sound and combine it with great song writing.
More highlights are Sad Boy with its Seattle flair, Planet Hunter with the great closing minutes full of driving guitars and the title track,
which not only lasts 7:57 minutes, but is also the heaviest tune the band has recorded yet.
61Kamikaze Girls

Genre: Shoegaze/Alternative Rock

Kamikaze Girls made a splash in 2016 with their Sad EP, after releasing a couple of singles.
The EP sold out pretty fast (and luckily was reprinted this year) and showed a lot of promise for this young band.
Kamikaze Girls consist of guitarist/vocalist Lucinda Livingstone and drummer Conor Dawson. That's it.
While they are often categorised as "Riot Grrrl" their music is much more influenced by Shoegaze and Alternative Rock.
Straight rockers like Berlin or thoughtful tracks like I Don't Want to Be Sad Forever - the duo delivers on all fronts with this captivating debut.
62Electric Moon
Stardust Rituals

Genre: Space Rock

The owner of Sulatron Records is involved in quite a lot of bands, but Electric Moon seems to be his primary band.
Rooted in spacey Psychedelic Rock the band made a name for their wall of sounds and have quite an impressive discography to show off.
All this doesn't matter because Stardust Rituals does not need any comparisons to older material.
In fact all their records won't have a chance against this beautiful and laid back journey.
If you like your Space Rock lush and comforting, look no further. This is the best of the Genre for this year. Period.
63Nadine Shah
Holiday Destination

Genre: Post-Punk/Indie Rock

Genre: Folk Metal
65 Wailin Storms
Sick City

Genre: Post-Punk
66Steven Wilson
To the Bone

Genre: Progressive Rock/Pop

More Porcupine Tree than Steven Wilson in sound with 2 of the lead singles being the worst songs he has done in quite a while (Permanating and Pariah). Apart from these this is a rather fun album which reminds me of Lightbulb Sun a lot.

Genre: Hardcore
68Chelsea Wolfe
Hiss Spun

Genre: Gothic/Singer/Songwriter
Trippin' with Dr. Faustus

Genre: Alternative

Amplifier have been a constant guest on these lists. Every album since The Octopus has been featured here and each of them ranked relatively high. While I always liked the band it was The Octopus that finally made me fell for them completely.
Echo Street then once again blew me away with its charming 90s spirit and most of Mystoria was pretty great too, but had some mediocore tracks.
With Dr. Faustus Amplifier manage to find balance between the dark and light.
Harmonic is key, but the band never loses their heavy aproach to music.
This mixture makes the album a very enjoyable affair and I rank Dr. Faustus as one of their three best records.
It seems this band is not able to release anything bad.
Our Season Draws Near

Genre: Post-Punk

I never knew of 1476 before this album. Otherwise my surprise would have been huge,
listening to these Punk-filled Gothic hymns that even incorperate some Black Metal elements from time to time.
But I didn't know then that 1476 originally played rather mellow Singer/Songwriter songs.
But still I was blown away by the creativity, the energy, the sheer amount of hits presented on this gem.
This is bound to become a classic.
71Nicole Saboune

Genre: Gothic/Dark Wave

Miman was originally released in 2015, but only in Norway.
2017 Century Media snapped the rights to Miman and released it worldwide.

Nicole Sabouné had her first bigger appearance on a talent show and even back then didn't quite fit the usual Pop diva expectations.
In 2014 she released her debut album Must Exist which already was an impressive Post-Punk inspired album,
but with Miman she manages to surpass her already brilliant debut by far.

Less Post-Punk, more Gothic, Nicole Sabouné fills the shoes of classic The Cure and it's not just a tribute to a long gone sound.
Quite the contrary she manages to make the Genre her own. Yes, this does sound like the 80s, yet never dated.
Instead it sounds like... a true classic and should be named right next to Disintegration and Head on the Door.

Genre: Noise Rock/Post-Punk
73Jenny Don't And The Spurs
Call of the Road

Genre: Alternative Country

Jenny Don‘t is probably known from her Punk outfit "Don't".
The Spurs, her Alternative Country project, released their second album this year.
"Call of the Road" carries the same charme a Neko Case owns, but personally I like Jennys way of forward pushing songs better.
The whole album is fun, energetic and screams "Score of a Tarantino movie" all along. Really, really good!
74Isaac Vacuum

Genre: Progressive Rock/Alternative

I always see music lovers complain about the german music landscape.
I don't understand that criticism, since Germany has a rather huge and awesome independent Rock music scene.
Isaac Vacuum are one of them. And it's a special one indeed.
The band mixes Progressive Rock a la Porcupine Tree with Post Rock, Djent and Grunge and delivers an album that just works, depsite all of its influences.
Songs like the title track which is most likely the closest to PT
or Cameo which has a lot of similarities with Alice in Chains showcase a band that know how to craft a great song.
Production is very well done too and so this ends up being one of my favorite Prog albums of the year.
75Black Haze
Black Haze

Genre: Stoner

Black Haze instantly won me over with their opening riff, which reminded me of Pearl Jams Porch instantly.
That in combination with an vocalist who indeed could front a classic Seattle band (He actually sounds a bit like Core-era Scott Weiland)
opened all doors for the band in my book.
And the german four-piece indeed delivers on their debut album.

All in all Black Haze sound comparable to Bone Man - another awesome band from Germany, which is also featured on this year’s list.
Where other Stoner bands are all about the sound itself and the groove that comes with it,
both bands focus far more on actual songs with classic verse, chorus, verse structures.
Which isn’t to say that the band can’t do a proper jam. Second song Devils High is the perfect example for both.

Genre: Alternative/Pop

I got to know Josin as support act for Dear Reader.
She went on stage with just a keyboard and then started singing. Initial reaction:
Yes, talented. As the set moved on her performance her main influence became obvious:
Radiohead, which she confirmed in a quick chat after the show.

Epilogue is mostly old songs, that she released independently in the past,
now ready to be consumed by a larger audience.
And I wish her all the best, because this is a passionate artist with a sound full of quirks,
yet accessible and captivating.

Hoping to see a full length soon.
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