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Doof's Top 100 Lambchop Songs

Lambchop have somehow become my favourite band of all time over the last 18 months and this, THIS, is my definitive list of their greatest 100 songs.
What Another Man Spills

'Scamper' [3.5]

Is there such a thing as a typical 'great' Lambchop song? If so, this would have to be in the running for the title. It scrapes the top 100.
The Decline of Country & Western Civilization

'Moody Fucker' [3.5]

Kurt says 'moody fucker' in a cute 90% of the song. That's almost enough - plus then there's a music box.
What Another Man Spills

'It's Not Alright' [3.5]

Lambchop learning that upbeat numbers don't have to sound as damn raw as 'Loretta Jung' or 'Hellmouth' all the time. Good, not incredibly memorable.
How I Quit Smoking

'Suzieju' [3.5]

'Suzieju is Jesus said backwards'. Cool. Pan pipes.
OH (Ohio)

'I Believe in You' [3.5]

Only Wagner can get away with delivering soppy bullshit lyrics like this and not making everyone want to puke, I mean this is oh so very slight and inconsequential but it has a healthy dose of charm to it and I'm not exactly sure how.
I Hope You're Sitting Down

'Hellmouth' [3.5]

This gets a pass for attitude rather than execution, file under 'ramshackle charm'.
Aw C'Mon! No You C'mon!

'I Hate Candy' [3.5]

A rare inclusion from the double album, the first disc is chock full of frothy soul numbers like this one...this is the best of those.

'The Book I Haven't Read' [3.5]

Another 'close to easy listening' tune that is maybe making up the numbers a bit on 'Nixon' but honestly it's still enjoyable enough.
I Hope You're Sitting Down

'Betweenus' [3.5]

I so want this designated 'uplifting anthem' to knock my socks off but the production approach on the early albums just can't quite kick it for this sort of material. Still a good tune of course, despite all that.

'Hey, Where's Your Girl' [4]

It's always a lottery when Lambchop up the pace but this one works, plus very different drums for a Lambchop tune - are we talking bongos?
How I Quit Smoking

'We Never Argue' [4]

Ok, it's a bit of a middle-hitter album track and shrinks a little when compared to the songs that surround it, but it can't help that.
Mr. M

'Mr. Met' [4]

This title track really summarises the sound of 'Mr. M'; part minimal pastoral, part swelling string arrangements. It isn't one of the more memorable songs on the album but it's certainly still of a quality that warrants a [4].

'A Day Without Glasses' [4]

So the whole of 'Damaged' makes the list before we get to 90 entries. A little surprised, but then I listen to this and it's still a great song. Especially for a 'worst song' on any album.
Is a Woman

'Autumn's Vicar' [4]

Well from the title you can probably surmise this isn't a riff machine.

'The Tin Chime' [4]

Wagner does some even stranger things than usual with his voice here, 'huuuur-eyezzzz'.
I Hope You're Sitting Down

'Oh What a Disappointment' [4]

If Lambchop were ever 'alt country' then surely it was on a song like this one from the debut. Normal drums, normal organ, almost normal singing from Kurt W. The dual vocal call and response effect during the chorus is well worked in.

'Blame it on the Brunettes' [4]

I only ever dated brunettes so I feel.
What Another Man Spills

'I've Been Lonely for So Long' [4]

A pop/soul cover version of a song originally recorded by Frederick Knight in 1972. I'm sure there are a few tongues loosely planted in cheeks here but that doesn't stop it from being a fun throwaway piece of fluff.
Aw C'Mon! No You C'mon!

'About My Lighter' [4]

Has a breezy appeal all its own, maybe a result of Kurt speeding up the writing and recording of the material from this period.

'Harbour Country' [4]

A track like this defies genre convention really, folktronica meets ambient meets future Americana meets...? I'm struggling.

'I Would Have Waited Here All Day' [4]

Wagner still locked in storytelling mode on yet another '4 worthy' song from the disconcertingly consistent 'Damaged'.

'Gloria Leonard' [4]

With 'Thriller' there's a soup of chaotic noise lurking just under the surface that threatens to swallow the songs whole....but it never quite does, instead it just lends everything this edge of mania. Is a song like this crazy person music? Could be.
How I Quit Smoking

'The Militant' [4]

Another song taken from '...Quit Smoking' that's led by the strings and horns, almost sounds like the theme to a western at times. Listen out for some electric guitars joining in the action about half way through.
Aw C'Mon! No You C'mon!

'There's Still Time' [4]

My pick of the crop from the second CD of the double disc'er - this starts incredibly but loses its footing here and there dropping it a point.
Mr. M

'The Good Life (is wasted)' [4]

This one pales in comparison to 'Gone Tomorrow' and that's a bit of a shame as it's still a solid enough country tinged foot tapper. It's all about the 'Elvis shiver' before Kurt sings the word 'wasted'.

'The Distance from Her to There' [4]

Ah, more falsetto on this nocturnal love cry, along with pedal steel...lashings and lashings of tasty pedal steel.

'Beers Before the Barbican' [4]

'I remember once when you did acid as a kid there was a moment when ya seemed so in control'...more heartwarming storytelling from uncle Kurt. Another solid 'Damaged' number that'll worm its way into the inner workings of your consciousness if you just let it.
Mr. M

'Nice Without Mercy' [4]

This has to go down as one of, if not the very most, depressing songs the band have ever recorded. Every note is a sad note, every lyric is a sad lyric, the pace is funereal. Saying all that now I'm surprised I don't like it more than I do.
OH (Ohio)

'I'm Thinking of a Number (between 1 and 2)' [4]

A very mellow sunshine-y track that has just enough going on melodically to hold the attention. Generally one to kick back to though.
I Hope You're Sitting Down

'Begin' [4]

What other act so long lived kicked off their debut album with such a low key opening song? Sure enough, it's a grower with a whole 'first flush of love' feel - little does the listener know that they too are bein' woo'd into a lengthy love affair...

'What Else Could it Be' [4]

Woah, Lambchop go for the soul pop jugular and the results won't be for everyone, but similar to 'Masculine You' I personally enjoy the (eh) strained singing. Like your grandpa being possessed by the obese ghost of Barry White.
OH (Ohio)

'Ohio' [4]

I think by this stage we've established Lambchop tend to shy away from opening their albums with a bang. A sort of calypso/cocktail lounge feel to this one, I close my eyes and I'm no longer stuck in rainy London town.
Is a Woman

'Bugs' [4]

Has a 'muggy evening' feel thanks to all the various sound effects, I start itching my legs just hearing all dem bugs.

'JFK' [4]

'A New York Stock Exchange of ideas'...another highlight from 'Flotus' that does away with a typical song format, preferring to blur the lines between different sections as various layers of sound burble up to he top of the mix.
I Hope You're Sitting Down

'Bon Soir, Bon Soir' [4]

Has that 'last tune of the evening - sweeping up the bar room floor' vibe, and hey, Lambchop needed to have written a song like that.

'Short' [4]

This shimmering number spins you round and round constantly switching moods as first one, then another element establishes its superiority for a few fleeting moments. A hidden gem.

'Directions to the Can' [4]

'Flotus' really was a masterclass in sonic layering and this tune is one of the best examples. The vocal effects in particular are woven in just so.
How I Quit Smoking

'For Which We Are Truly Thankful' [4]

I underestimated this album opener for the longest time, possibly because it clocks in under 3 minutes - I'm not sure. I guess it isn't a song you tend to spin outside the context of being the intro to listening to its parent album, but it really is better than 'just an intro'.

'My Face Your Ass' [4]

Almost feels like a blueprint for the marginally superior 'Interrupted' which would open the next Lambchop album. Still an effective, moody curtain raiser. The title is just lol.

'The Rise and Fall of the Letter P' [4]

Is 'Damaged' Lambchop's most samey release or is it just the one that boasts the smoothest ride? Who knows, but taken in isolation each song on the album is strong enough to make a convincing case for itself. This is one of Kurt's most conversational performances and once mixed with all the other atmospheric touches the listener can't help but be put at ease.

'I'm a Stranger Here' [4]

Woozy country lament, like the bar you're sat in has suddenly started melting away in the heat and the evaporating alcohol is floating directly into your heavy panting mouth.

'Crackers' [4]

'You feign surprise to learn that that's where babies come from', 'there's a righteous piece of cheese'...this is like a roll call of inspired lyrical soundbites and the rippling piano is perfectly judged too.
Mr. M

'2b2' [4]

If 'Mr.M' has a deep cut then it's this one, even with the second song track placing this is so easy to overlook. The instrumental section near the close where the snippet of conversation is submerged under the piano and guitar lines is nicely worked.
I Hope You're Sitting Down

'Because You Are the Very Air He Breathes' [4]

This early song takes a while to get a grip on, it revels in those claustrophobic and noisy segments, so you'll need to learn to welcome them into your heart too dear listener. Given time, a wonderful dirge.
Is a Woman

'I Can Hardly Spell My Name' [4]

Lambchop at their very most dreamy, this song borrows that angelic vibe Mercury Rev perfected back in the mid 90s.
Mr. M

'If Not I'll Just Die' [4]

Despite the first 22 seconds of stirring strings this ends up as quite an unconventional ramble of an opener, one that frequently dissolves into lengthy sections of string drenched instrumental work. It works for me.

'The Good Old Shoe' [4]

What a relaxing way to kick off your commercial breakthrough release. Wagner has a really posh way of pronouncing 'pecans' too, I'm impressed.

'Superstar in France' [4.5]

Finger clicks and female cooed 'sha la la's add a certain louche appeal to this oddball set closer.
The Decline of Country & Western Civilization

'This Corrosion' [4.5]

A great cover version tucked away on the B-Sides to 'Is a Woman', somehow Lambchop get mighty close to trumping the Sisters of Mercy original. Wagner can even deliver goth lyrics, who knew?
I Hope You're Sitting Down

'Under the Same Moon' [4.5]

The perfect sleepy country number, the way Wagner pronounces 'reee-tirement home' is just one example of how spot on his vocal delivery is here. Irresistible stuff.
The Decline of Country & Western Civilization

'The Gettysburg Address' [4.5]

Easily one of the band's best B-Sides, the final minute where Wagner starts ramping up the emotion is one of those moments that can stop you in your tracks.

'Crawl Away' [4.5]

A stately plod that builds to a haunting final minute where female vocals flatly repeat the phrase 'save you' over and over.
The Decline of Country & Western Civilization

'Loretta Jung' [4.5]

Possibly their best (most convincing?) country rocker, this has a welcome sprinkle of grit in the mixture. Again, whenever they speed up I can imagine R.E.M covering their songs.

'The Petrified Florist' [4.5]

Think I read that this is one of Scaruffi's favourite Lambchop songs...well, yeah, no surprise there. Another bizarre one, full of sound effects; some like scraping metal, others like rockets flying past. It takes a bit of effort but a good one to send anyone's way who claims Lambchop are predictable/aren't experimental.
How I Quit Smoking

'The Scary Caroler' [4.5]

One of the band's strangest trips, what, with the odd use of the Irish flute melody at the start and the spoken 'heads, shoulder, knees and toes' approximation during the spoken word sections of the chorus. Is this some sort of backwoods psychedelia? If Lambchop have ever been a 'druggy' sort of band then I guess it's most evident here.
OH (Ohio)

'Of Raymond' [4.5]

This sounds so incredibly natural, like trickling water. Sure when the instrumental section kicks in it sounds so much like the Tindersticks it's unreal but who could ever say that's a bad thing?
Aw C'Mon! No You C'mon!

'I Haven't Heard a Word I've Said' [4.5]

Yup, I hadn't forgotten the double album, this is the only song I rate a 4.5 on either disc though. This is so simplistic but it just works, a moment of inspiration among a sea of largely 'just above average' efforts.

'Prepared 2' [4.5]

Another rambling arrangement that magically just clicks, the musical backing to this song sounds like it could just have easily remained an instrumental - Kurt's words are great nevertheless.
What Another Man Spills

'Give Me Your Love (love song)' [4.5]

Lambchop go straight ahead funk/soul like it's the 70's. Yes, this is the one to play to anyone who thinks they won't enjoy any song by this band (I'm not saying they'll definitely like it, but it'll probably surprise them at least).

'Relatives #2' [4.5]

Never accuse Lambchop of being slaves to song writing convention, this a short multi-parter that glides here there and everywhere with no obvious structure to speak of. That it's still so engaging is testament to the band's instincts. Genius mood piece.
How I Quit Smoking

'Life's Little Tragedy' [4.5]

Soothing is how I'd describe this, like a lot of the material on '...Smoking' it's the twin attack of Wagner's surprising turns of phrase and those perfectly judged string arrangements that win the day.

'Fear' [4.5]

This is such an understated effort, from the band's most understated release. Quietly breaks your heart.

'Flotus' [4.5]

Probably the most conventional song on the album but that's not saying all that much, it's still strange enough. On another album this would have been a standard piano ballad, here it's given a fuzzy Flotus makeover.

'Nashville Parent' [4.5]

The most evocative song from 'Nixon' for me, you can almost picture the city skyline reflected in the moonlit river. Nothing short of glorious.
OH (Ohio)

'National Talk Like a Pirate Day' [4.5]

Another one I can almost imagine R.E.M covering, and let's just take a moment to appreciate yet another stellar song title from the lads.
I Hope You're Sitting Down

'I Will Drive Slowly' [4.5]

Sweet, but not sickly sweet, Kurt loads this one with 'fuzzy's and 'giggle's - plus some swoon-some female backing vox.
What Another Man Spills

'The Saturday Option' [4.5]

Kurt loves using the word screw, definitely one of their best ever choruses on this one.

'You Masculine You' [4.5]

This is one of those songs that splits a fan base slap bang through the middle. Can you handle THAT shaky falsetto? I can, but equally I can see why folk could have a problem with this. Think the horns really keep this one swinging.
Is a Woman

'The Old Matchbook Trick' [4.5]

Lambchop can easily be dismissed as easy listening and I guess it's true, a song like this is effectively just that. For me, that's not necessarily a dirty word and I love this song's Sunday afternoon atmosphere. Those 'ooh ooh's have to be one of the most effortlessly cool choruses of all time.
Mr. M

'Kind Of' [4.5]

One of the band's most effective weepies, lands just the right side of cheesy. 'Put your petals in a pile and watch 'em burn' {sob}
OH (Ohio)

'Sharing a Gibson with Martin Luther King' [4.5]

Thirty songs in and here it is, the first one I'd describe as an indie rock song. It's only as much of a rock song as a latterday 'fast' R.E.M song could be called a rock song but let's not quibble, this is a stunning example of the art.
Mr. M

'Buttons' [4.5]

My favourite of all Wagner's character sketches, no one else is quite able to describe deadbeat losers so off the cuff effectively. Some classic one liner put downs hidden in here. 'I used to know your girlfriend...back when you uuuuuuuuused to have a girlfriend. She was nice and you were not.' Ho Ho Ho.
What Another Man Spills

'Interrupted' [4.5]

That intro kicks in and you think 'Mediterranean'...then, in a simple twist, as the other instrumentation enters the band transform the mood to 'chilly Mediterranean'. It's perfect. If you ever start doubting just how much middle ground Lambchop and the Tindersticks share then just play this, it's uncanny.
OH (Ohio)

'Slipped Dissolved and Loosed' [4.5]

Oh Doof, you cruel bitch, why no 5? Well, this is close to 'Paperback Bible: The Return' which trims a .5 off the rating. Just a .5 mind, this is still sheer class.
What Another Man Spills

'Life No.2' [5]

Just like Slint's 'Good Morning Captain' this one's all about the screaming at the end. Nice pedal steel too of course.

'The Decline of Country and Western Civilisation' [5]

The bookends for 'Damaged' are both highlights, this isn't as instantly loveable as 'Paperback' but eventually the line '...and you're good looking' will harpoon your heart.
How I Quit Smoking

'Smuckers' [5]

How long does Wagner wait before rhyming 'smuckers' with 'fuckers'? Not long at all, this song is so gentle though, those female vocals are cute as kittens. Btw, the 'smuckers/fuckers' rhyme isn't close to the best here - imo 'scotty/Porta-potty' takes the cake.

'NIV' [5]

Another one-off oddity among their discog, this is a weird skipping arrangement with chipmunk-y baby talk vocals and skittering programmed drums. Just when you start thinking this band couldn't possibly surprise you anymore...
What Another Man Spills

'N.O.' [5]

My favourite from the unsung 'What Another Man Spills' album, this one boasts a strange intensity, a few dramatic shakes in Kurt's croaky ol' voice. In a song catalogue packed with growers this might just be the ultimate example.
OH (Ohio)

'A Hold of You' [5]

Only Lambchop could open one of their most beautiful ballad compositions with the line 'this pencil's got a nice feel to it, it never runs out of lead'. Sure, melodically they've pulled similar tricks before, but this one feels like a refinement of past efforts. It's undeniably pretty as a picture.
How I Quit Smoking

'The Man Who Loved Beer' [5]

The third time I'm in shock, a lot of people out there consider this to be THE best Lambchop song and here it is only scraping the Doof top 20. Well, the song is still a 5 and is certainly one of their most effortlessly genius sounding songs for sure. I'm still suspicious people mostly just want to love a song with that classic title.

'The Old Fat Robin' [5]

Second favourite from 'Thriller', and there's a lot going on here, listen out for the faint hum of distorted mechanical noise and some smoky muted trumpet. A slow burner and a half.
Mr. M

'Gone Tomorrow' [5]

Do alt country bands 'riff hard'? Probably not, but this feels like a classic riff, definitely one of their most rhythmically satisfying toons. Well, it is until it gets smothered by a 'Yankee Hotel Foxtrot' style instrumental breakdown (with added strings natch, this is Lambchop) half way through. It's all good though.
OH (Ohio)

'Popeye' [5]

This song shows the YouTube meme 'tra-la-la' man just how effective that simple lyric can be. What a chorus. The second part of the song is a bouncy elastic instrumental, at first a little jarring, eventually a lot addictive.

'In Care of 8675309' [5]

From a perfect closer to an equally ingenious album opener. This one takes the term 'leisurely' and stretches it to its absolute limit. Once you give in and relax into it you soon realise this is a supremely crafted, fully immersive intro to one of the band's greatest albums. You wouldn't want it any other way basically.
Mr. M

'Never My Love' [5]

This is one of the five songs I most associate with a particularly nasty breakup, indeed 'Mr M' was the first album I purchased after moving into a new flat rental and for the first week there it was near enough all I listened to. Another perfect album closer, it seems to reference most of the signature styles of the music that preceded it - the swelling strings, the Disney high register vocals...thar's some fairy dust a-sprinkled on this one.
I Hope You're Sitting Down

'Breathe Deep' [5]

One of the band's most surreal moments, a near spoken word account of a man who has become obsessed with scented deodorisers. It's strangely mesmerising.
Is a Woman

'Caterpillar' [5]

'Is a Woman' needed an epic in the middle of the track list to ground it and here she is. This song builds its emotional intensity so very very patiently but the instrumental section that closes the piece is a glorious payoff.

'Your Fucking Sunny Day' [5]

The lead single from the worldwide mega smash album 'Thriller', hur hur hur. Yes, Lambchop were in a particularly silly mood back in '97 naming their new album 'Thriller' and then dropping an F bomb into the song title of the catchiest tune they'd penned so far in their career. Sort of song it's impossible not to warm to.

'Grumpus' [5]

This is the Lambchop 'strut around the neighbourhood with your headphones on' tune, and suitably the song's lyrics are actually a reminder not to be an arsehole when out and about around your local neighbourhood. Clever.
Is a Woman

'The New Cobweb Summer' [5]

The second time I'm shocked, this so very nearly dropped out of the top 10? This is a masterclass of subtlety with all manner of sound effects peaking up from just below the surface (is that a bird call during the faster guitar section?). We're ten down and this is still nothing short of perfection.
I Hope You're Sitting Down

'Let's Go Bowling' [5]

Great Lambchop song title, and this really does sound like that sentiment, this is one of their happier moments - still, despite Kurt dropping in lyrics like 'kissy kissy kiss' he never comes across as overly sentimental or cheesy. Like 'Paperback Bible', an adorable looping arrangement I could listen to on repeat for hours.
Is a Woman

'Is a Woman' [5]

Ooh, the climber, this now nicks third spot form 'Cobweb Summer' on the parent album it takes its name from. A genius example of a 'game of two halves' composition and one of the most effective album closers of all time, period.
I Hope You're Sitting Down

'Soaky in the Pooper' [5]

The first point at which I'm scared of just how incredible the Lambchop catalogue is...'Soaky' only in at number 7? Really? This is their debut album pathos/bathos mission statement, a sweet n' tender comedy classic. Who the f else sounds like this? No one.
Is a Woman

'The Daily Growl' [5]

I like the 'daily' in the title, makes it feel that this song should be a morning routine, a reminder to slow your pace from the very off. This song is the reimagining of Wagner as a lounge crooner of sorts, his timing and inflections are so inspired I wouldn't switch him with Franky Sinatra here.

'Up With People' [5]

Don't ever let people tell you Lambchop can't either [1] write a happy song or [2] deliver a song with pop hooks. Saying that, this is happy but not fixed grin ecstatic happy, it's a 'we're all in the shit together so fuck it' happy.
How I Quit Smoking

'Theöne' [5]

Firstly, the title makes me chuckle that it isn't a simple 'The One' but 'Theöne'. A very Lambchop sort of joke. This is the most straightforwardly beautiful ballad they ever recorded, the strings are outrageous.

'The Hustle' [5]

Can't think of too many other 'indie' acts where my third favourite song by them would be an 18 minute experimental odyssey like this masterpiece.
Is a Woman

'My Blue Wave' [5]

This song really does sound like hunkering down in a cabin with just a mangy dog and a phone for company as the darkness slowly settles on your mind. The way Kurt sings these actor could deliver them with any more emotional gravity. Legendary.

'Paperback Bible' [5]

This is where it all started for me with the band, this one song included on a magazine compilation (can't remember which publication). Even then, at first this song wasn't one that stood out on the CD, it was only a year or so later I started remembering the song and returned to give it another try. This time I was stunned and went straight out and picked up a copy of 'Damaged'...only I wasn't that impressed by the rest of the album at first...I think by now you can get an idea of how it's been with me and Lambchop. This victory was hard won.
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