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Last Active 12-22-22 5:40 pm
Joined 04-05-14

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01.15.24 Sab's nice 2023 list 01.01.23 Sab's cozy 2022 list
12.27.21 Sab's smol 2021 list 12.31.20 Sab's tiny 2020 list
10.22.20 Italy under curfew01.06.20 Sab's mini 2019 list
12.26.18 Sab's slim 2018 list12.31.17 Sab's fast 2017 list
08.31.17 Mountain and sea // digs of old and new01.04.17 Sab's cute 2016 list
01.01.16 Sab's lazy 2015 list07.04.15 Toto last night

Sab's lazy 2015 list

[RATINGS HERE ARE GENERALLY MORE GENEROUS THAN WHAT I GIVE NOW] I've been very lazy with descriptions but I didn't really realize what it meant to fill all the spots before I actually tried to. Pretty sweet year, I listened to between 100 and 110 albums but I'll trim the fat for this list, adding only the albums where I have something to say or albums that I simply want to showcase. There would be no use in including the most albums possible when one could simply sort the ratings by date in the profile page, I guess. Albums 86~82 are rated 2; albums 81~77 are rated 2.5; albums 76~52 are rated 3; albums 51~22 are rated 3.5; albums 21~7 are rated 4; albums 6~1 are rated 4.5
Battering Ram

Heavy metal - Sweet, I forgot one album. Adding it in the back of the list, album is rock solid. 3.5/5
86Virgin Steele
Nocturnes of Hellfire & Damnation

Heavy metal / power metal - The review is pretty spot on.

[albums are rated 2.0 starting here]
My God-Given Right

Power metal - I can't understand the praise the album received. I could type more but I'll quote part of the chorus from "Stay Crazy": "we wanna stay crazy, as fresh as a daisy, we wanna stay easy and don't stop believing life's a show".
Return to Forever

Hard rock / AOR
83One OK Rock

Alternative rock / pop punk - Had the occasion to see this guys live because I a friend of mine is a fan. After the show, where I had some legit fun, the band soon dropped this new album. Neither me nor my friend liked it. At this point, the band lost its edge and apparently sold itself.
Season of the Witch

Heavy metal - I'm not very familiar with the band, but I enjoyed Walpurgis Night. Sadly, this album is a far cry. Vocals especially can be very annoying.
81Operation: Mindcrime
The Key

Hard rock / alternative rock

[albums are rated 2.5 starting here]
80Civil War
Gods And Generals

Power metal / heavy metal - Sabaton members create a Sabaton clone. Catchy choruses but nothing much after that.

Thrash metal - Some enjoyable tracks and riffs but as a whole nothing really shines, except for maybe a couple of highlights and those ugly solos.
78Mami Kawada

Pop / electronic - Bummer. I really like her brand of j-pop which is at times electronic infused and other times more rock oriented. This time she went deeper with the electronic side, and I can't say to be a fan of the outcome. "I... Civilization" is the only track I feel like replaying, because most of the album simply doesn't offer anything really memorable.
Inside The Vertigo

Hard rock / AOR / heavy metal - I love me some Jeff Scott Soto vocals but this is a bit weak. A kind of radio-friendly hybrid between old and new.
76Ava Luna
Infinite House

Art rock?

[albums are rated 3.0 starting here]

Hard rock / once a stoner rock band
73Ninja Sex Party
Attitude City

Comedy pop - A few genuinely entertaining tracks but I didn't think I'd 3 this until I heard "6969". A 8 minutes long track which can be viewed as a sexual parody of Rush's "2112", full of tempo changes, stupid lyrics and catchy hooks.
72 Powerwolf
Blessed & Possessed

Power metal - As expected, they've finally arrived to the point where almost the entirety of the album consists of self plagiarism. Thankfully, it's mad catchy.
71Kanako Ito

70Luca Turilli's Rhapsody
Prometheus, Symphonia Ignis Divinus

Progressive power metal / symphonic metal
69Breaking Benjamin
Dark Before Dawn

Alternative metal
Saturday Calm

Shoegaze - I loved the debut album, but each following release felt progressively inferior (there was another Hiki release this year, which I rated 2.5). The addition of a few sung tracks gives some needed variety.
67Max Pezzali
Astronave Max

Italian pop
The Congregation

Progressive metal - Repetitive is an understatement. The machine-like riffing and the calm sections are cool but are overused. Vocals are impressive but I found them heavy to take in large doses.
65Native Construct
Quiet World

Progressive metal
64Infected Mushroom
Friends on Mushrooms (Deluxe Edition)

Psytrance / brostep (correct me if I'm wrong, please)

Power metal - From my point of view this received unbelievable praise. This is just some enjoyable hook-centric power metal with stale production. Arguably some of the band's weakest songwriting.

Sludge metal

Pop / pop rock
60 Carly Rae Jepsen


Avant-garde black metal - Sigh may have gone too far this time in their search for the weird. There are a few killer tracks but as a whole this is probably my least favorite album by the band, or at least one of my less favorite. Production can be very dislikable.
58Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas
Feeling of Unity

Trancecore - I still don't know how this band managed to get me hooked, since it contains a lot of things I normally despise. Eh, who am I kidding. I exactly know how they managed to get me: they actually know what they are doing with their songwriting. Punchy and clearly audible guitars, absolutely killer melodies and super catchy vocals which are auto-tuned to hell without any tentative to hide it when clean. Somehow, this worked four times in a row.
War of Kings

Hard rock / AOR - I didn't know Europe turned to this Deep Purple-like hard rock. Enjoyable for sure.
56Leo Ieiri

Pop - Some very enjoyable tracks but at this point it seems that the driving energy of the more rock oriented debut album is lost.
55Drowning the Light
From the Abyss

Black metal - The vocals can take a while to get used to, but the melodies should help. Artwork is pretty killer.
54Level 10
Chapter One

Heavy metal / hard rock - Another side project featuring Russel Allen. Enjoyable but devoid of real depth. Reviewed by me.

Art pop - Interesting and potentially very emotional album, but I'm afraid I don't have the patience to let it sink completely. It could grow on me, but I really doubt it'll happen anytime soon.
52Blind Guardian
Beyond the Red Mirror

Symphonic power metal
Skull Grinder

Filthy death metal

[albums are rated 3.5 starting here]
50Weeping Silence
Opus IV Oblivion

Doom metal / gothic
49Hot Chip
Why Make Sense?

Synthpop - Wasn't really feeling it that much at first, but the second half is definitely stronger than the first one.

Power metal
What Should Not Be Unearthed

Technical death metal - Nile is as Nile does.
愧人贖悪 ~Evil People as the True Object of Salvation~

Instrumental power metal - Always a guarantee when in the mood for instrumental proggy power metal, the two brothers' music is starting to become predictable.

Italian progressive death metal / jazz fusion influence
44Black Wing
...Is Doomed

Electronic / shoegaze / chillwave
43Greenrose Faire
Feed the Flames

Folk rock
42Le Madri degli Orfani
La Grande Abbuffata

Italian alternative rock / indie rock
41Symphony X

Progressive metal
40Unreal City (Italy)
Il paese del tramonto

Italian progressive rock
39Goblin Rebirth
Goblin Rebirth

Italian progressive rock / instrumental
38Pastel Ghost

37Infected Mushroom
Converting Vegetarians II

36Ozric Tentacles
Technicians of the Sacred

Space rock / progressive rock
In the Shadow of the Inverted Cross

Doom metal / heavy metal
Where Evil Dwells

Speed metal
33Division Speed
Division Speed

Thrash metal
Two Hands

Stoner rock / psychedelic
31Corpus Christii

Black metal - Very pissed off and thrashy, it reminded me of Sodom at times.
From Beyond

Speed metal
Toto XIV

AOR / progressive and at times jazzy influence - With Joseph Williams again on lead vocals, XIV sees Toto wanting to go closer to their roots after the many style shifts. I loved the heavy and progressive sound of Falling in Between (the previous album), but Toto going closer to older sounds is not something to throw away. Could have been definitely more with another rocker in the middle though. The closing epic "Great Expectations" is argualby one of the band's best tracks, being the closer to Falling in Between's sound due to its progressive structure.
28Steven Wilson
Hand. Cannot. Erase.

Progressive rock - A highly emotional story that sadly has little to no replay value. It's great to see Wilson evolving and still pouring so much attention in his work, the album's protagonist's blog is an important part of the experience, but Raven's addictive and tasteful instrumentation is nowhere to be found.

Black metal / "Mesopotamian metal" says the band
26Black Tower
The Secret Fire

Blackened heavy metal?
25Killer Boogie

Italian stoner rock
The Revenant King

Epic doom metal
23Iron Maiden
The Book of Souls

Progressive metal - Maiden's attempt at a double album with very long tracks should be considered a success, but I honestly don't know when I'll find the patience to listen to the full thing again.
The Deathmass Cloak

Progressive death/doom metal - At first it sounded as if it was almost trying to be a 'so bad it's so good' affair, but it grew.
Wolf Will Swallow The Sun

Doom metal / death metal / post rock influence - Reviewed by me.
19Cherry Five
Il Pozzo dei Giganti

Italian progressive rock - Having released a debut album in 1975, Cherry Five is known better as the band that later spawned Goblin. This comeback definitely has something to say. Three suites, the first (and easily best) being 25 minutes long.
18Praying Mantis

AOR - Quite heavy at times for what it is, the closing track even features some double bass. That's because the band is born as a "heavy metal gone aor" act, rather than the opposite. Very solid album, catchy riffing and keyboard layers with excellent vocals.
The Boats Of The Glen Carrig

Progressive funeral doom metal / Opeth influence - Arguably the band's best.
Deflect the Flow

Italian thrash metal - Reviewed by me.

Death metal - Reviewed by me (where I also make an ass out of myself in the comments).
14La Coscienza Di Zeno
La Notte Anche di Giorno

Italian progressive rock - Two suites divided in multiple tracks. Killer melodies and vocals.

Italian progressive rock - Concept album that works as a sequel for 1972's Palepoli. Some excellent material and it also comes with a re-recording of Palepoli, so be sure to give it a try if you like this kind of prog.
Condition Human

Progressive metal - The band's best since 1994's Promised Land. It doesn't touch the band's classics but it's a damn good starting point to try! Remember that Wilton wrote Empire's fan favorite guitar solo, so be positive for the band's future and keep on Ryching.
In Eerie Slumber

Death metal
2973 La Nemica Dei Ricordi

Italian progressive rock - Reviewed by me.
9Snarky Puppy

Jazz fusion recorded live with an orchestra
Deeper than Sky

A progressive melting pot of thrash metal, black metal, hardcore and psychedelic - Reviewed by me.
7Napalm Death
Apex Predator - Easy Meat

6Hiatus Kaiyote
Choose Your Weapon

Neo-soul / jazz and R&B influence

[albums are rated 4.5 starting here]
5An Autumn For Crippled Children
The Long Goodbye

Black metal / shoegaze / post rock - Reviewed by me.
4Tigran Hamasyan

Jazz fusion / piano driven - Terrific mix of beautiful and at times ghostly atmosphere. Fans of progressive music should enjoy this too, and it's interesting to see how some tracks feel heavy and metal influenced (wasn't Meshuggah one of his favorite bands?).
Under the Force of Courage

Progressive power metal / classical influence - I couldn't imagine Galneryus releasing such an album after Vetelgyus, which wasn't really one of my favorites even though it had some very notable material. Galneryus' last effort (and first concept album) is thankfully closer to the sound of Angel of Salvation, this time with an even bigger classical influence and more progressive structure, challenging the former for the title of favorite Galneryus album. The more material released, the more I think of them as the best power metal band around today.
2Kamasi Washington
The Epic

Jazz excess - 3 discs, no filler.
1Paradise Lost
The Plague Within

Doom/death metal - My biggest grower of 2015. I'm totally loving its both warm and cold sound.
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