
Reviews 3
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Album Ratings 834
Objectivity 53%

Last Active 10-17-14 5:34 am
Joined 02-21-12

Review Comments 8

10.17.14 An Ep To Call My Own

An Ep To Call My Own

So this is my very first EP and I'd love if anyone decides they want to listen to it! Below are bands/albums that influenced the making, if not sonically, at least in terms of what I was heavily listening to while making it. Enjoy! And feedback is welcome.
1Chelsea Wolfe

There is a palpable melancholy to this album, and Chelsea Wolfe continues to be an influence
on me. At its core, Apokalypsis is a very human album and that's all I ever set out to make, a
very human statement.
2Twin Sister
In Heaven

Twin Sister have a very meek, almost timid sound on occasion. But what stands out to me is
how they use that quality to make dreamy, extroverted music about knowing you'll never have
a relationship, or the body horror themed 'Kimmi In A Rice Field,' which to me stands out as
one of the best songs of the decade.
3St. Vincent
Strange Mercy

Annie Clark is a guitar wizard, without question. Whether her influence reads or not, I aspire
to make a grand statement and be even half as bold and technicolor vivid as the music she
creates on Strange Mercy.
4Bloc Party
Silent Alarm

This album, along with Mogwai's Young Team, is my musical ground zero; I learned to play
bass and sing and learned what atmosphere even was from these two behemoths of records.
And Kele Okereke, in a way, made it seem okay for a black male to do things outside of what
we're typically defined as, and for that alone (beyond the gorgeous Silent Alarm and all it's
post-punk revival charms,) he and his band will forever remain vital to me.
Young Team

It starts with a sample of a friend reading a review on their live show and ends with a beautiful
flute melody atop noisy washes of feedback. Mogwai's Young Team encompasses what post-
rock has the ability to be. It is a transformative experience awash with youth and death and
the stars and whatever big thing music can be.
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