Reviews 1 Approval 100%
Soundoffs 3 Album Ratings 2578 Objectivity 90%
Last Active 12-08-14 12:30 pm Joined 05-28-11
Review Comments 130
12.13.12 | Check out Coerce's 'Genome'. Amazing stuff. | demigod!
12.13.12 | that Deathspell Omega EP that came out this year rules | JamieTwort
12.13.12 | Naam - The Ballad of the Starchild | Surtur
12.13.12 | 8, 6 and 3 are the only ones I've heard and they're great. Really looking forward to hearing 4, his album was excellent, and I've heard the new EP is a lot darker. | Yuli
12.13.12 | Sithu Aye - Isles | oltnabrick
12.13.12 | Acres-Acres
and the new new Burial is awesome | Keyblade
12.13.12 | no Witxes man damn |