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Last Active 04-05-12 12:04 am
Joined 02-05-12

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05.04.12 Chambered's Top 20 Songs Of 201205.04.12 Chambered's Top 20 Songs Of 2012
03.19.12 Chambered's Top 10 Of 2012 So Far

Chambered's Top 20 Songs Of 2012

Here are the 20 best songs you'll hear in 2012 so far enjoy!
20 Hodgy Beats
In A Dream

Haunting sample, crackle, Hodgy goin' off, awesome.
19 Emay
Un for One

While I have my own reasons for not really caring about ADAM, Un For One is some real thought-provoking stuff, from the lyrics but also the surrounding, ethereal soundscape.
18 Silversun Pickups
Bloody Mary

Guilty pleasure.
Flashing Lights

Shit is DEEP.
16 Cloud Nothings
Wasted Days

A powerhouse that dissolves and reappears for your very ears.
15 Lana Del Rey
Video Games

There's something vividly unsettling and upsetting about this song and even today I am still entranced by it.
14 St. Vincent

If you thought Strange Mercy was weird.
13 Led Er Est
Animal Smear

Look out, Sacred Bones offering more gut-punching rawk.
12 Big K.R.I.T.
Red Eye

Like a soul-search being played out over the most heartbreaking piano.
11 Pop. 1280

So sick man.
10 Alvin Band
Crazy High

this is so silly, so fun, and it keeps things interesting as well. A unique listen.
9 Casey Veggies

The jazziest, coolest cat of a rap song this side of twenty11.
8 Grimes

catchy catchy catchy catchy catchy catchy catchy catchy catchy catchy, atmosphere
7 Chromatics
These Streets Will Never Look The Same

A sprawling twilight-pop club banger that immerses fully.
6 The Men
Country Song


Sure "Ashtray Wasp" is the big finisher, but the title track is absolute perfection.
4 Pepe Deluxe
My Flaming Thirst

While the rest of Queen Of The Wave is very much hit-or-miss, "My Flaming Thirst" explodes with a chorus for the ages, keeping things subdues in the verses but propelling like a fully charged bottle rocket to the sky.
3 Schoolboy Q
Hands On The Wheel

Everytime Q says "Fuck" in this song you can fuckin feel it man. This goes hard, as in a punch to the face. the beat punishes, the verses slice, and the chorus keeps you hovering until Q crushes you back down.
2 Dead Bugs
Lucky Clover

So beautiful and achingly sad. "Like water boiling up into steam, desire completely consumes you and me". The horns are also amazing.
1 Death Grips

For something this baffling and insane to be this gloriously catchy is a wonder. I am most definately in your area.
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