


by Knowhere USER (1 Reviews)
March 19th, 2013 | 2 replies

Release Date: 2001 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Can't get enough of that ohGr!

If you are like me, then you were brought here by Skinny Puppy and Ogre's unique vocal style. We are all familiar with his dark voice...but be prepared for something else, in ohGr he doesn't sing in his wolfish tone but in a higher almost happier tone. But don't let that fool you ohGr's lyrics are still dark, creepy, and depressing.

1.wAteR- An alright way to start off an alright CD. wAter has a certain beat to it that kinda makes you want to dance. That can be taken as a good thing or a bad thing depending on your mood. "Breath restricted all suffocation" despite its upbeat tune it does kind of help you see through the eyes of a drowning person, metaphorically or literary.

2.dEVIl- A very catchy tune, I had this one stuck in my head for weeks. If your like me then you are used to Ogre singing in a deeper more 'growly' voice, this is quite the opposite. With a catchy tune he sings along in a angry 'la la la' kind of style. But don't let that fool you, the lyrics are still dark, just like we're used to.

3.kettLE- There is not much to say about this song, there were no ups or downs, hardly any tempo or dynamic change. However it still manages to sound pretty cool despite it sounding the same all the way through.

4.EARTHwORm- Has slightly more change then kettLE. This song always makes me laugh just because of the way its sung. "fists against the painless ABSORBED IN USELESS PRAYER" he sings the whole song like that saying the first half of the sentence normally, then shouting the second half.

5.luSId- The keyboards were very beepy sounding in this song. The vocals were less upbeat but kind of hard to understand (big surprise right?). One of the better songs on the album.

6.pore- You cannot understand the first half of the song (vocal wise anyway) pore is sung really really fast with driving keyboards and possibly some creepy message hidden the lyrics "The creepy crack head friend of mine, the homeless place he calls his thought" who knows either way I really enjoyed the song.

7.chaos- This song starts of very slow and creepy but quickly changes at about a minute. This song isn't as upbeat as the rest of the songs, so I enjoyed a little more. The chaos makes you crazy.

8.craCKer- OK...What? This song is really ridiculous but I'm pretty sure it is just poking fun. In this song Ogre expresses his hate for the mainstream making fun of artists like Marilyn Manson, Trent Reznor, and Eminem. He talks about the un-originality and feeling blind to all important scenes. Could it be that he has given up? Oh! And whats this? That's right folks, Ogre even does a lil' rap for your listening pleasures!

9.SolOW- One of those songs you just want to sing to even if you don't know the lyrics. I hate those songs...This one is an exception though. Still quite dancy and up beat but kind of fun despite it'd dark 'emo' lyrics. Living is so low. Also is it just me or does it seem like all the R's in the song are accented?

10.suhlEap- I'm not to sure why, but this song reminds me of an intro theme to some action cartoon show... not really in a bad way, but not in a good way either.

11.miNUS- This is my personal favorite off the album, as well as one of my favorites out of ohGr's songs. Very driving keybords and lyrics. I always get goose bumps as soon as the song starts. You just want to start headbanging and jumping up and down. "minus addition is nothing...PAIN! CONTRACT! BACKWARDS! PAIN!" although I prefer the live version of the song to the album version, This CD is worth listening to, even if it is just for this song.

All in all WELT is worth a listen, but don't go expecting something amazing.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
March 19th 2013


Album Rating: 3.5

hey cool

December 6th 2016


Album Rating: 3.0

too bad the rest of the album doesnt live up to the first two tracks. still a solid album.

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