
Let's Go



by Rudd13 USER (61 Reviews)
August 11th, 2005 | 38 replies

Release Date: 1994 | Tracklist

Interviewer- A lot of the songs on your albums seem to deal with more personal topics. Rancid has always dealt with political issues through personal stories. How do you go about doing that?

Matt Freeman- I don't know. I think we always write personal stuff, you know what I mean? That's how we deal with things. I think it's the way we are. A lot of bands will come out with these big statements and I think we're more of the kind of band that writes about our own, personal experiences to try to communicate that to other people, you know what I mean? It just came out that way. I'm just not the kind of person that goes, "You must do this, you must do that, that is wrong, this is bad." It's like, "This is what happens to us, this is how we see it, so make your own conclusion." You know what I mean? I've always been really into bands that do that. X is really good at that too. I think you can take it as it comes, you know what I mean? That's just the way we write, that's just the way we are. We're basically regular people. We're not trying to save the ***ing world, you know what I mean? We're just trying to put out good music.

Rancid never went out to make it big. as far as they were concerned, after getting positive views from their first LP in 93', Rancid thought it would be the end. What they obviously needed was more material that attracted the audience so well. In other words, they had the guns, but barely any ammo.

And then, a few months later, along comes little Lars Frederiksen, Rancid's second guitarist/vocalist. Once they got down to writing songs with Lars, they found out that he brought something very special to their new sound. The second guitar can serve in numerous ways, and at that, we can all tell by now that he picked up the right instrument. As for vocals, Lars bring this new voice to Rancid that different kinds of fans are attracted to. His vocals are more harsh, and sound meaner than the others. So youre in for a treat when he yells through a song. (Which is basically everything on 2000.) It was finally like Rancid now had every limb attached. They messed around with some ideas at first, then went to the studio to record an album that actually got them recognized nationwide. Many influences drag from this album. Just for the bass alone, every song flows with the perfect line that makes the track 100% enjoyable at a point where youll want to hear it a few more times just because of that bass-work. As for the guitar, it doesnt cause the same amount of attention, but it will still be highly noticable in some unique tracks. The album starts off with an explosion at the cue of a flam, and goes on with not exactly heavy, but fast-moving material that wont possibly let you end the tunes. And for the people who may already be thinking, "5 stars??? What a biased load of ***."


hah. Nowhere near.

Rancid- Let's Go


Tim Armstrong- Guitar, Vocals
Lars Frederiksen- Guitar, Vocals
Matt Freeman- Bass, Vocals
Brett Reed- Drums

This review will include the album getting divided into three portions. The beginning, middle and end of the record (theoretical order). Since there are 23 tracks, this format will suit an easier view for the reviewer and hopefully, the rest of the Sputnik users.

Portion 1
The album starts us off with the song that started a statement not so much for Rancid as much as it did for Lars. Nihilism starts up with a bunch of distortion and feedback going off. Fairly quiet though, (similar to Maxwell Murder) and you cant really tell whats going on until out of nowhere, a loud flam from the snare strikes and everybody comes in at once creating a great listen. Lars himself starts off at vocals and you can get the idea of what the album is about to bring us. Pure, 100% satisfaction. The next one. Radio, was the first single off the album. In it, you can see Tim still hasnt lost his groove with the vocals. Whats funny about this song is that it strats off making you think that the lyrics are about loving a girl, but later you find out hes talking music itself. The guys' real love. The song overall, progresses and wraps up quite nicely but not the best on the portion or album for that matter. Sidekickis one of the albums best. This is where Matt steps in at a more serious note. The vocals catch your ear too, if you can understand little Timmy. Follows with Salvation, which is a more slower song to change the pace a bit. In this track, I realized how much Lar's backup vocals can emphasize each and every song. Tenderloin speeds things back up. The excellent intro sucks you in with a sudden surprise and the song goes on with Lars on lead vocals again.I think every time he does leads for a song, he keeps on getting better and better.. Then, the title track, Let's Go starts off with some toms and then a short roll. This is one of the best on the album. Because the work for every single band member really shines here. But then, Matt steals the spotlight with one of the amazing bass-lines on the album.Starting the intro to As One, Matt's slick line sucks you in with keeps you stuffed in the song until it's short duration is over. Burn is one of the favorites off the album. What is so catchy is Tim's vocals on the first verse and the bridge. Matt also steps in with another mind-crushing line. The first portion doesnt progress as well as the others, but i must say, it makes one hell of an entrance to this album. Not the best one either, as the next two steal the show........

Portion 1 score- 4/5
Reccomended Songs- Nihilism, Sidekick, Let's Go, Burn

Portion 2
Kicks off at a much lighter note with The Ballad of Jimmy and Johnny. Not so much of a ballad at all. It may fool you. A roll always gets the song faster and the portion on the album actually starts to show off. Lars (once again..) does a great job with the backup vocals. Gunshot doesnt do a very good job at all except for the solo and the bridge which always satusfy the listener. But the lyrics didnt really click on this one. Matt owns yet again with I Am The one. The song gets you to realize that whatever the song title is, Tim and Lars will say about 10 times per chorus. surprisingly, it doesnt get annoying at all. Great job with the bridge on this one. Gave It Away comes in with a great interesting riff that gets you into the track once Tim starts his talk. Lars takes over for each chorus and overall, completing one of the best on the album. Ghetto Box is a strange name to me still. I dont exactly know what the song is trying to say still. But the bridge in this track makes up for any flaw in the song title. The guitar flows very well and so do the drums very nicely. Harry Bridges also catches the album at it's high point. The song is once again a big change of pace but is worth listening through lots of times. The bass on the short breakdown keeps the song going until the great solo led by who else? Lars breaks through and ends this great track on a perfect note. Black and Blue aims high on reccomndetaions, because Matt steps in with his classic vocals and leads on the song with that and a great line for the rest of the band. Its truly remarkable. St. Mary is featured as the best portion-closer on the album and has Lars sounding a bit meaner. The vocals on the chorus always catch me listening very eagerly. And Tim does a great damn job with the bridge. They're not done quite yet. They keep on going at a great pace. The best is yet to come right up next.

Portion 2 score- 4/5
Reccomended Songs- Gave it Away, Harry Bridges, Black and Blue, St. Mary

Portion 3
This next and last portion is what attrracted me to the album. Dope Sick Girl shows why bassists were flocking to this album to begin with. The perfect line to start and end a great song. This track also proggresses very well and at the perect tempo. Follows with the best track on the album. International-Coverup is a very peculiar choice as the best, but theres something about it. Lars helping with vocals helps backup my reasoning a lot. And so does the solo that wraps up the song in a pretty red package. Solidarity features a slower-tempo chorus and faster verses.Lars sticks out more than Tim himself, and Brett also does a great job with fills. Midnight shows no known sign that Lars will back down just yet. The weakest on the portion, but not anywhere close to bad at all. Matt adds a few licks at the end of each chorus, and the solo ends the song nicely. Tim shines on with the verses on Motorcycle Ride. His fast-paced lyrics that you cant understand seem to be the best for some reason. Guitar is at a high point in this track also. Name is repetitive as a lot of other songs on the album, but maybe thats why it got so addictive. I like the use of the rim by Brett and a sweet line from Matt comes in once again. it sets the orientation straight for the big finale. 7 Years Down has to be at least my second favorite on the album. everything about it perfect. The bridge gets quiet until tim shouts out, "Lets Go!!!!" and it seems like the song starts all over again. It ends the album on the perfect note. 23 tracks. hah. Why not more??!!! :lol:

Portion 3 score- 5/5
Reccomended Songs- International-Coverup, Motorcycle Ride, Name, 7 Years Down


+A welcome to an AMAZING musician and vocalist
+Matt's best album
+Great price. (23 tracks for about 8 or 9 bucks.)

-Although Brett's standard double-bass beat is very well-built, it becomes very predictable where its gonna go
-Some great tracks fall in wayyyy too short


I assure you that when you listen to this and IF you listen to this album, you will be witnessing the REAL birth of the band we call Rancid. This record gets hard to review because of mounds of songs sounding the same. But I pointed out the important and high points. The album zooms by at a rapid-speed which isnt exactly good. But it gets you to receive the message perfectly. These sounds we hear here, are Rancid's real roots, and its these components that they stuck with and will surely stick with to get us more music struck with excellence. Rancid came off strange and awkward to some gropus and people after Let's Go. But as long as you remember that wether it's either Tim's slurrs echoing through the heavily-distorted verses, Lar's solos breaking ground on the frontline, Brett's simple but truly great work crashing your way, or Mr. Freeman's godsent abilities ramming at your bass speaker, it was chosen for a reason.

THIS is Rancid, this is what they will always truly be, and wether they may fool us with different genres or who-knows-what, I'm sure that there will always be at least a little "LETS GO!" in every fan's heart.


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user ratings (529)

Comments:Add a Comment 
August 11th 2005


Album Rating: 5.0

Nice job. I love this album.

Are you gonna do a 'Life Won't Wait' review? I dread that one, it's my fave Rancid album.

August 11th 2005


Album Rating: 5.0

haha. of course. that ones next.

August 11th 2005


The best by Rancid, amazing album....my favorite song on it, is Sidekick.

August 12th 2005


Album Rating: 5.0

Another "0wnAg3" Rancid review.

ps. im wearing my FM shirt tomorrow so mehh.

August 12th 2005


Album Rating: 4.0

Another rancid review.......

Stop with the bold!!!!

Otherwise, good review.


August 12th 2005


Album Rating: 5.0

quiet :entwistle:. nonbolding is for FAGS and FLOOZIES.

August 12th 2005


Album Rating: 4.0

M4Tt Fr33m4n iz lyk, t3h b4ss PWNZorZ!!!

October 20th 2005


This is my second favorite next to ...And Out Come Wolves.

November 21st 2005


Album Rating: 5.0

what a great cd 5/5

January 22nd 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

ok album always nice reviews from rubb

January 22nd 2006


Album Rating: 5.0

[quote=NoC@$hPunx]ok album always nice reviews from rubb[/quote]

What's funny is that the two letters aren't really close to each other on the ol' b0ard.

January 22nd 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

Wait what are you talking about?

January 22nd 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

Sry i just got on this site today

January 22nd 2006


Album Rating: 5.0

Haha, no worries. I just found it a bit funny.

Let me be the first to welcome you to the site. Always excellent to see another punk fanatic on the site.

January 22nd 2006


Album Rating: 4.5


Pint of stella
March 24th 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

Excellent punk album, a bit sketchy on a few tracks but still one of their best albums.

April 16th 2006


Just heard Salvation on MuchMusic (Canadian) and thought it was pretty enjoyable. Which album to start me off with Rancid?

April 16th 2006


Album Rating: 5.0

Definitely ...And Out Come The Wolves. That's their third album, and pretty much everything on it is very easy to listen to. Then, I'd come to Let's Go; clearly their best album.

May 7th 2006


Album Rating: 4.5

I can never decide my favourite between this record and ''...and out come the wolves''

May 30th 2006


Album Rating: 4.0

All rancid is good,

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