
The Pogues
If I Should Fall from Grace with God



by Bartender USER (42 Reviews)
January 14th, 2005 | 39 replies

Release Date: 1988 | Tracklist

Another unrequested review from me :thumb:

The Pogues are a very well known, if under-appreciated in their time, Irish folk band. Their main asset (in my eyes at least, though I suspect in many others) was their main vocalist, Shane McGowan. He is/was (I don't know if he's still alive, though he no longer plays with the Pogues) a fantastic lyricist, a kind of corrupted version of classic Irish folk writers, and also a heavy drinker and an ugly guy.

Some people find his voice annoying, and he definitely wouldn't win an award for singing ability, but his accent, and the gravelly, rough edge his voice has, was perfect for the songs the Pogues (and, later, the Popes) made.

The Pogues, on this album at least, were:
Shane McGowan - Main vocals, guitar.
Andrew Ranken - Drums, vocals, harmonica and other percussion.
Spider Stacy - Tin Whistle, vocals.
James Fearnley - Accordion, piano, mandolin, dulcimer*, guitar, cello, percussion.
Darryl Hunt - Bass, percussion, vocals.
Philip Chevron - Guitar, mandolin, vocals.
Jem Finer - Banjos, mandola, saxophone.
Terry Woods - Cittern, concertina, mandola, tenor banjo, dulcimer*, guitar, vocals.
Additional musicians used for - trumpet, alto sax, tenor sax, trombone, spoons, harp and bodhran*, and several people (including "The Man From the Indian Takeaway" and "Brian From the Off-license") in a choir for ensemble choruses.
Looks like a folk band, doesn't it?

1. If I Should Fall From Grace With God
The first and title track kicks off the album in a fine style, with a cheery, fast-paced melody based around an accordion. The lyrical content isn't specifically drink-related (they're actually about literally falling out with God and just being buried in the mud, with a little proud-to-be-Irish thrown in) but its still a fine tavern tune. A great way to start.

2. Turkish Song of the Damned
This is a lyrically narrative song, about the ghosts of people killed in a shipwreck bearing a grudge against someone still living. The music is slower than the opener, and than the track which follows it, and has a slightly Eastern feel to it. The title of the song apparently comes from an English-as-a-second-language fan who attempted to request The Turkey Song by The Damned. I think this track is well positioned, as it is between two faster tracks, and basically gives the listener time to catch their breath a little. Some extra guitars (or stringed instruments at least - I can't presume which is which with this many flying around) come in towards the end, as the song speeds up, which is a strong finish.

3. Bottle of Smoke
My first great love of the album. A tearingly fast track about winning on a horse and drink a-plenty in celebration, the lyrics are fast-paced and cuss-happy without being forced, and flow incredibly well. Some rowdy whooping and shouting only help the mood; I can't help but get excited listening to it, the chorus is maliciously catchy, and even now, 16 years after the album's original release, these first three tracks remain one of the strongest openings for an album I've ever heard.

4. Fairytale of New York
The best Christmas song ever, hands down. I'd be very surprised if anyone hasn't heard this song already. It features Kirsty MacColl, who unfortunately died in a boating accident a few years ago, but her voice, which is actually suited to singing, provides the perfect contrast to McGowan's rough tones in the duet. Its a love/hate song, and has one of my favourite exchanges ever:
KM: You're a bum, you're a punk,
SG: You're an old slut on junk, lying there, almost dead, on a drip in that bed,
KM: You scumbag, you maggot, you cheap, lousy faggot, Happy Christmas your arse, I pray God it's our last

5/5, for being the most awesome Christmas song ever if nothing else.

5. Metropolis
This is an instrumental track, which gives the Pogues more of a chance to showcase their talents outside of McGowan's writing. Lots of different instruments get their chance, my favourite being what sounds like a piano which frequently plays to susatin the melody, although as there is no piano listed, I don't know what it actually is. About a minute and a half in, the song abandons the traditional folky tunes found throughout most of the album for a totally melodramatic TV theme-esque thing.

6. Thousands Are Sailing
This is often recognised by Pogues fans as the best track on the album, despite the presence of Fairytale... It's one of the tracks which shows that they are capable of maturity, rather than just alcohol-drenched drinking tunes. It owes a lot to Chevron's great guitar, which adds a wonderful melancholic feel to the song. The lyrics concern the Irish diaspora to America, questioning whether it will really work out, but also revelling in the Irish survival traits of religion, drink and dance, which should see them through. I think this song probably helped a lot of critics to see that McGowan could write on serious matters when he wanted.

7. South Australia
Vocals are by someone other than McGowan, though I have no idea who (just take your pick from the multitude of listed vocalists). Its purely a fun track, with fast, bouncy music (I love the drum breakdown in the middle) and throwaway lyrics that are fun to sing and shout along to, but don't really mean anything in particular. I think it serves a dual purpose - to lighten the mood after Thousands Are Sailing, and to pave the way for the next track..

8. Fiesta
Thousands Are Sailing's main competition in many fans eyes, as its "the ultimate party song". Although I've never really seen the attraction as a song, in a party situation, it does pretty much own anything else. I don't know if the main melody is original or not, but I've heard it elsewhere before, and I'd be very surprised if you haven't as well. The lyrics are fast (again) and brilliant to try and sing along to whilst pissed - half of them are in Spanish. One point - its listed as featuring Kirsty MacColl on vocals, but I can't spot where.
5/5 if you're drinking.

9. Medley - The Recruiting Sergeant/Rocky Road to Dublin/Galway Races.
As it suggests, this is a medley of the above mentioned songs. The Recuiting Sergeant and Rocky Road to Dublin are practically indistinguishable, the only clue been that Some Guy stops singing, for McGowan to take over on the Rocky Road.. part. This minute and a half is a very political minute and a half, covering ground from the recruitment of Irishmen to fight English wars in WW1, to the sectarianism of the 80's ("Come rain or hail or wind or snow, I'm not going out to Flanders, oh there's fighting in Dublin to be done, let your Sergeant's and your Commanders go"). Galway races is another high quality gambling song, with a nonsensical chorus ("With me wack fol the do fol the diddle idle day"), though its completely at odds with the first half of the medley, both musically (its faster, more in tune with the opening three tracks than the first two part of this one) and in terms of subject matter.

10. Streets of Sorrow/Birmingham Six
The Streets of Sorrow part, with another Some Guy on vocals, is short, and very slow and sad, concentrating mainly on slow guitar picking. It is written by Terry Woods, and is a good example of what not to do if you don't wanna get banned - its a subtle protest, but a strong one at that. McGowan then crashes in with Birmingham Six, a bludgeoning version of Woods' quiet attack, concerning the Birmingham Six, six people (Irish amongst them) accused of killing 21 people in a pub, and wrongly imprisoned for 16 years before having their convictions overturned, and the Guildford Four, four people similarly wrongly accused and imprisoned (for killing 5 people in bombings of pubs in Guildford), and released after 15 years. The song earned a ban from the BBC. Despite its bludgeoning manner, McGowan expresses his anger deftly, and once agains earns my respect for his songwriting.

11. Lullaby of London
Another track showing McGowan's selective maturity. This is one of my less liked songs on the album, as I prefer the faster Pogues material, but it's a fine example of the variation in his songwriting, in the form of a relaxing lullaby to sing his child to sleep. If I'm in the mood for it, it gets a higher ranking in my mind, but overall

12. Battle March Medley
Again, not usually one of my favourite tracks, as I'm usually into the Pogues for the fantastic lyrics, but this instrumental piece is very good if I'm in the mood for it. Even if I'm not, the arrangements are interesting enough to keep me listening most of the time.

13. Sit Down by the Fire
Haven't got much to say about this one, except that its pretty funny. Its basically him going on a rant about the ghost stories he was told as a child, and its fairly fast and frantic. Fun, but not essential.

14. The Broad Majestic Shannon
Another song I don't listen to all that often - its more of a love song, though not really a ballad. Most notable of it to me is the amount of whistle work in it, though it is another with well-written lyrics that avoids the subject of drinking, and so proves McGowan's lyrical ability beyond that particular area.

15. Worms
This isn't a real song. It comes in at just over a minute, and is basically a funny little ditty about worms going in thin and coming out fat, complete with description of peoples eyes falling out as a result. Its just there for a laugh.

Overall, I give If I Should Fall From Grace With God a 4.5/5

There's debate over whether this album, or their earlier (this album was released 1988, the other in 1985) and less polished album, Rum, Sodomy and the Lash, is the best Pogues disc. I go with IISFFGWG, as it has great drinking tunes (the first three tracks, Fiesta) like Rum, Sodomy.., but also other great songs, such as Fairytale of New York and Thousands Are Sailing, showing the mature side of McGowan and the Pogues.

*if anyone can tell me what a dulcimer or a bodhran is, please do.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
August 11th 2004



1st post, looking for something Pogues related and this hit the top of the Google.

Interesting review Bartender, just a couple of things caught my eye.

7 - Sung by Terry Woods who also sung the first part of 10
6 - Written By Phil Chevron
and 15 - by Tom Waits.

I've been a Pogues fan since I first heard their stuff too many beers ago to remember, rumour has it they've reformed after a pretty good successful 'comeback' tour of the UK in 2001, you're right very overlooked and underrated band, not really charty which is probably why they're overlooked, it's a shame that **** like that goes down, but it's nothing new.

Anyway, I'll have a look around, (anyone know any decent Mandolin Tab sites?)



(Now I've registered will the 30+ pop-ups still come back to haunt me?)

December 26th 2004


I got this album for christmas. It's fantastic, I love it. I'm not sure if it's better than Rum, Sodomy, & the Lash, but I think it's at least as good. Great review too.

December 26th 2004


Album Rating: 4.5

Thanks. If I was doing it now, though, it would look completely different. It'd have a similarly high number at the end, though.

A note about Streets of Sorrown/Birmingham Six; I've started thinking that maybe all the stuff about the Guildford Four and the Birmingham Six was just a kind of smokescreen - the real attack seems to be towards the end of the song, with "While over in Ireland eight more men lay dead, kicked down and shot in the back of the head". Referring to eight suspected IRA members, I think, killed at Armagh prior to the album's release.

June 23rd 2005


The Pogues are one of my favorite bands of all time.

Great review.

November 2nd 2005


Album Rating: 4.5

This album is fantastic. So is the review.

November 2nd 2005


We need the feature album button to be fixed first. Anyway, great album, and on the off chance you see this, very good review. The Pogues are amazing.

November 6th 2005


Fairytale of New York is the best christmas song ever written without a doubt.Balls to Slade and Wizard that song is the daddy of them all.Great review by the way.

November 6th 2005


That Eliminator boy is cool.This Message Edited On 12.28.06

November 6th 2005


It's not.

July 1st 2006


Album Rating: 5.0

The Pogues are possibly the best blend of punk, folk, rock and traditional irish music that you could ever assemble.Good Review

December 28th 2006


Album Rating: 4.0

Finally got a Pogues album. Should have got one sooner. This is a really good album with tons of standout tracks. Title track, Bottle of Smoke and Sit Down By The Fire are my current favorites.This Message Edited On 12.28.06

June 15th 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

Finally got this. I like it more than RS&TL and that's saying A LOT.

June 15th 2007



August 6th 2008


bonus tracks on the reissue are better than most of the regular songs

October 2nd 2008


lullaby of london is the best thing ever

October 3rd 2008


Album Rating: 4.0

lullaby of london is the best thing ever

wait no bottle of smoke

December 2nd 2008


I need this fucken album.

May 21st 2009


woah, shane macgowan got new teeth

May 21st 2009


Album Rating: 3.5

Nah, he hasn't gone teetotal as well has he?

Used to have an ep with Rainy Night in Soho on it, which was superb. Feel like listening to it now. Or Transmetropolitan, that was a great song.

August 29th 2010


Album Rating: 4.5

I'm fairly certain I read somewhere that he might lose the teeth. Could be wrong. Anyways, great review. My favourite Pogues album for sure, and the album that got me listening to Irish music in the first place.

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