
Extension of the Wish



by Monticello USER (18 Reviews)
October 11th, 2007 | 38 replies

Release Date: 2001 | Tracklist

There is one thing that must be taken into account when listening to Andromeda. They sound one hell of a lot like Dream Theater. Seriously, the comparisons are almost innumerable. The band members all seem to be prodigiously talented, like Dream Theater. Their singer, while he can definitely sing, is pretty uninspired, like Dream Theater. And finally, they always seem to fall into the trap of going into wanky, show boating instrumental sections, but not exactly similar to Dream Theater. The thing with Dream Theater is that they’re just boring when they get into that mode, which is quite frequent. While Andromeda can get caught up with this too, they seem to be more occupied with writing enjoyable songs than showing off how well they can play, and that is the crucial difference.

Johan Reinholdz is a great guitarist. There is no denying it. He pulls some great solos out of his hat on this record, as well as some pretty cool riffs, but he is predominantly a solo performer. It is quite surprising that these guys aren’t famous, because usually in metal circles, guitarists that can shred are held in high esteem (Cross ref: Dimebag). Johan can shred, and he can shred well, but he’s not restricted to it. All the solos on this record are fast and technical, but he’s not cramming in as many notes as possible in the smallest space of time, which I know is a turn off for most people.

If you want to hear the rest of the band’s technicality and skill, you only have to listen to Chameleon Carneval. It’s the only instrumental track on the album and the only one where they all just hit Dream Theater mode. Of course, the main focus is on the guitar and the keyboard. The other instruments aren’t as noteworthy unfortunately. Thomas Lejon is a good drummer, with some interesting patterns and the odd interesting section, but he’s far too low in the mix to be truly great. On the single solitary drum solo on the whole record on Chameleon Carneval, all the hits just bleed together, which is a shame because it sounds like it could have been great if the producers appreciated it more. Similarly, the bass is almost inaudible throughout the entire record but what you do hear is good playing with nice lines, but you really have to listen for them.

Unfortunately, as with Dream Theater, the vocalist is the weakest link. I was struck on my first listen on just how similar this guy is to James LaBrie. They’ve got the same tone, the same weaknesses and seemingly the same strengths. Lawrence Mackrory can definitely sing well, as he proves towards the end of Crescendo Of Thoughts and In The Deepest Of Waters. It’s frustrating listening to someone with talent when they’re not using it. His vocals just sound highly unnecessary and tacked on, which isn’t very surprising considering he was just a session singer and not a fulltime member of the band. This laziness also shows through with the lyrical content. Take this sample from the title track: This is the written word / This is who I am / This is the extension of the wish; Conviction will blossom / As failure laughs in my face. Some people out there may think that’s poetry, but I wouldn’t agree; they’re clichéd and meaningless.

Another criticism is the manner in which all these songs bleed into each other. They are all so similar in structure and content that it’s hard to distinguish each song. While this may work on some records, such as Between The Buried And Me’s Colors, it fails on this album.

So for a general synopsis, this album goes like this: Good guitar, potentially good drumming, lacklustre singing and very similar song structures. If guitar virtuosos float your boat then you would probably enjoy this for the most part but otherwise, I wouldn’t recommend buying this album unless you’re really keen on the band.


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user ratings (92)

Comments:Add a Comment 
October 11th 2007


Album Rating: 2.0

Not sure that I'm happy with this one. Hmmm.

October 12th 2007


congratulation, first andromeda review. II=I is better though

October 22nd 2008


Album Rating: 3.0

The Words Unspoken and Crescendo of Thoughts are the standouts for me, they just flow so perfectly into one another, Chameleon Carnevel and Extension of the Wish are also good. To bo honest, most of the other songs are lacking, epecially Star Shooter Supreme; the lyrics are just so annoying.

This Message Edited On 10.22.08

March 30th 2010


Album Rating: 4.0

I had to go with the 4 on this one. Johan Reinholdz wrote this entire thing by himself, and it's just

flat-out awesome. Second favorite behind "II=I." Also, I don't really understand your comment of

"potentially good drumming." Tomas Lejon kicks you right in the ass from the get-go, and does

basically no wrong anywhere throughout the entire album. I love Portnoy and DT, but the comparison

is a little ridiculous... they're more technical, the vocals are different, the melodies/guitar lines/leads

are not even remotely similar, and the songwriting is all together different.

December 2nd 2011


Album Rating: 3.5

Very up and down album; some amazing sections, and then many ultra boring sections.

November 16th 2012


Album Rating: 3.0

Needless wankery? Yup it's here

March 25th 2014


Album Rating: 4.5

Boy that's a harsh review. Some songs drag on a little, but I don't think they delve in the neeless wankery basket.

August 18th 2015


Album Rating: 3.5

I just felt like this album had trouble filtering through an endless sea of proggy ideas. The best example of this is "Crescendo of Thoughts", in my opinion the weakest track on the album. The transitions throughout the song are consistently awkward and it seems to me never to really get going. Maybe that's because "In the Deepest of Waters" comes right after it, which REALLY goes places. As far as the vocals on this album, I felt like they're almost so bad they're good. I'm glad he got replaced but this album is refreshing if you've been listening to Fremberg for a while. As for the comparison with Dream Theater I see barely any resemblance other than technical prowess (and inability to hear the bass). But the style is completely different between Thomas and Portnoy, Johann and JP etc.

April 6th 2016


Album Rating: 3.5

This album is a 3.5 just on the track Extension of the Wish alone. That track has been in top 10 tracks for a long damn time. "Closing my mind to remember, but there is nothing to forget. All I ever had is here before me. Open up the opened and collect"!! Considering im not huge on long songs its funny that the longest track on the album is my favourite.

August 14th 2016


Album Rating: 1.5

Technical wank/5

Ocean of Noise
August 14th 2016


Album Rating: 3.5

Their later albums are better.

August 14th 2016


Album Rating: 1.5

I don't have any desire to check any later ones. The songwriting on this was terrible. When there wasn't an uninteresting solo every 5 seconds, there was a boring verse.

Ocean of Noise
August 14th 2016


Album Rating: 3.5


Check Chimera.

August 14th 2016


Album Rating: 1.5

Alright. What's good about that one?

Ocean of Noise
August 14th 2016


Album Rating: 3.5

Well the songwriting is way better, as are the vocals. It's kind of a darker, moodier album as opposed to this which is just sort of straight-up DT worship.

Basically just read my review of it lol. imo it's their best album and significantly better than this. If you like that one, check The Immunity Zone too, and II=I is interesting as well though not quite as good as those.

August 14th 2016


Album Rating: 1.5

Sounds cool, I'll check it out

Ocean of Noise
August 14th 2016


Album Rating: 3.5

Sweet dude. If you don't like Chimera, though, these guys probably just aren't for you.

August 14th 2016


Album Rating: 1.5


August 14th 2016


Album Rating: 1.5

I'm a bit skeptical too, but I'm willing to give it a try.

August 14th 2016


Album Rating: 1.5

Good luck with that. :P

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