Come to Mexico


Release Date: 2016 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Eternal Summer

French quartet Totorro has always been the place to be for energetic guitar driven math rock. However, ‘Come to Mexico’ demonstrates, to my delight, that they have more to offer, much more in fact.

The record contains a hearty portion of typical ‘Totorro’, short and snappy summer-y math-rock jams featuring plentiful upbeat tempo-shifts and many a bright bouncy melody. The guys satisfy those looking for the feel-good ‘hit’ that their music has always provided whilst working in more varied guitar work than seen in ‘Home Alone’. The listener can almost feel the sun on their face and the sand between their toes listening to the vibrant ‘Saveur cheveux’ and the soothing ‘Beverly Pills’ whilst whatever troubles they brought with them fall by the wayside. Additionally, the production is blissfully crisp, a notable improvement over their past work. The bass is warm, the drums are weighty and the delicate melodies of the lead guitar cut through the chugging chords of the other perfectly; each instrument finds the space it needs to breathe in the mix with wonderful results.

Totorro have always had a post-rock tinge to their sound, and this shines through more clearly than ever here. ‘100% Repros’ is one such song, a wonderfully pretty and meandering track that forgoes the post-rock ‘loud-quiet’ crutch and shifts from soundscape to soundscape akin to that seen in ‘Do Make Say Think’s self-titled record, though admittedly with considerably less instrumental variety. ‘Clara mystere’ takes an even more atmospheric approach, crafting a gorgeously soft world of sound for the listener to fall into. The best results are found on ‘Gerard Blast’ where the band skillfully meshes their two styles into one; they hit the listener with a lighthearted dance-worthy guitar line before seamlessly transitioning into a subtle post-rock build leading to the grand climax, somehow all done in under 5 minutes. It seems Totorro have perfected this blend that they so narrowly failed to pull off in past efforts.

Unfortunately, this tweak in style isn’t without its drawbacks. The project, whilst still fairly chilled out, isn’t quite as carefree as its predecessor in striving for a more mature sound. Indeed, the song ‘Come to Mexico’ could have benefited from the more sporadic guitar work that filled ‘Home Alone’ and instead comes across as a somewhat underwhelming indie rock track. Furthermore, the pacing of the record falters at times, seen most frustratingly when ‘Ouad & Khaled’ unexpectedly grinds things to a halt whilst adding very little to the record. Similarly, some of the songs meander on for a little longer than they can probably justify. Thankfully though, you wont remember any of these issues once you really fall into ‘Come to Mexico’, the charm and warmth of the record washing over its mistakes.

Totorro have firmly solidified their place at the center of the math-rock scene. They have successfully demonstrated that genres which sometimes seem sapped of all their creativity can still have much to give. Further, this record shows that summer isn’t quite over yet, at least not if you don’t want it to be. Relax, close your eyes, turn up the volume, and Come to Mexico.

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user ratings (58)

Comments:Add a Comment 
Staff Reviewer
October 21st 2016


Album Rating: 4.0

Quite a speedy review for me, so if there are any issues with it please let me know. This one grew on me weirdly quickly, fantastic record.

October 21st 2016


Usually people tell me to come to Brazil, or Somalia, or Syria. Never Mexico.
Good review mate, have a pos.

Staff Reviewer
October 21st 2016


Album Rating: 4.0

Cheers bud, appreciate it

Staff Reviewer
October 21st 2016


Album Rating: 4.0

also, forgot to mention that the drum work is stellar on this thing

Staff Reviewer
October 21st 2016


Album Rating: 3.5

Your use of commas could make things read a bit cleaner, for instance "energetic guitar driven" could be made easier to read as "energetic, guitar-driven," the same with something as simple as "bright, bouncy melody." Some of the titles aren't capitalised in their entire, and I do feel like some of your expression could be a bit clearer if it were concise in some instances, or the sentence structures varied a bit more in length.

But those are just small, obligatory, nit-picky criticisms for an otherwise great review man! As far as I'm concerned, this is one of the best pieces of writing I've seen from you. You need to post more when you get the time. You weave in the atmosphere - and what is sort of the write up's thesis - beautifully within the descriptions. I love the little personal embellishments in the tone, too, with lines as simple as "to my delight" which add character. You've struck a good balance with that, and it's a charming addition to your writing.

Listening to the album now and I don't like it so far, but that's because I find frustrating: it's too different to the first album but not different enough, which feels a bit odd. But I'm quite sure this one will grow on me. I'll listen to it some more later.

October 21st 2016


Album Rating: 3.0

been meaning to check out this band

October 21st 2016


mexico is great yeah

Staff Reviewer
October 21st 2016


Album Rating: 4.0

Cheers blushful, your critique and praise is welcome as always, really appreciate it.

Yeah its an interesting change to their sound, didn't click with me on the first few listens but it grew a tonne by the 4th or 5th. And Treb check them for sure, solid band

October 21st 2016


Album Rating: 4.5

Solid review. This clicked with me on first listen, and hasn't diminished yet. If I listen to it any more I might end up in Mexico.

Staff Reviewer
October 21st 2016


Album Rating: 4.0

Cheers man. haha yeah this is the strongest case for travelling to Mexico that I've heard

Contributing Reviewer
October 25th 2016


Album Rating: 4.0

listening now, this is phenomenal so far

I just wish it came out earlier in the year, kinda hard to enjoy summery music to its fullest when it's chilly and grey out lol

Contributing Reviewer
October 25th 2016


Album Rating: 4.0

I especially loved the vocal bits on Clara Mystère and the t/t. They should use more vox in the future, even if it's only for short little repetitive phrases like that; it adds a great character to this, which could otherwise be seen as plain ol' instrumental math rock (granted they do it better than most bands in the genre)

Staff Reviewer
October 25th 2016


Album Rating: 4.0

yes ash! glad you enjoyed it. agreed that the vox add a nice touch, probably should have discussed that in the review. Also yeah, it would have made for a lovely summer listen; will definitely be returning to these guys the next time the sun comes out

Staff Reviewer
November 5th 2016


Album Rating: 3.5

I listened to this some more, it grew on me heaps. I don't have much to say about it right now, but I adore 100% Repros and Clara Mystere quite a bit. Going to have to read the review again once I'm more familiar with the album.

Staff Reviewer
November 5th 2016


Album Rating: 4.0

awesome man, glad its grown on you. yeah those 2 tracks are the furthest, I feel, from their past work and I'm quite impressed that they them pulled off quite so well

Contributing Reviewer
November 14th 2016


Album Rating: 4.0

this just gets better and better with each listen

Staff Reviewer
November 14th 2016


Album Rating: 4.0

glad you're still digging it ash. Definitely check Home Alone if you want to hear more from them. Its a little more straightforward than this but still fantastic

Staff Reviewer
November 15th 2016


Album Rating: 3.5

It's getting warm where I live, and I can't wait to jam this in a summer setting. It's such a fun album. Is the capital R in the band's Sputnik page a mistake? I'm kinda tempted to get it changed, but it's sorta charming and I've associated with them now. :P

Contributing Reviewer
November 15th 2016


Album Rating: 4.0

I've seen it with the capital R some other places and the lowercase r just as many, who knows

December 10th 2016


Album Rating: 4.5 | Sound Off


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