03-28 Augury Stream New Album

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Augury AUGURY is a relatively new name in Montréal’s musical landscape, yet the very idea of the band was in the air since the musicians met in1997.Butserious stuff began in the winter of 2001/2002 when lead/classical guitarist Mathieu Marcotte left his band Spasme and startedauditioning a stringofdrummers to seriously start a complete outfit. Shortly after, he was joined by soprano vocalist Arianne Fleury anddemented bass wizardDominic“Forest” Lapointe and started to jam complete songs.In the mean time, vocalist Patrick Loisel had pledged to join and, in Febr more AUGURY is a relatively new name in Montréal’s musical landscape, yet the very idea of the band was in the air since the musicians met in1997.Butserious stuff began in the winter of 2001/2002 when lead/classical guitarist Mathieu Marcotte left his band Spasme and startedauditioning a stringofdrummers to seriously start a complete outfit. Shortly after, he was joined by soprano vocalist Arianne Fleury anddemented bass wizardDominic“Forest” Lapointe and started to jam complete songs.In the mean time, vocalist Patrick Loisel had pledged to join and, in February 2002, took a hiatus left his outfit Kralizec to become the band’sotherleadguitarist as well. In June of 2002, former Adenine’s drummer Mathieu Groulx completed the line-up and helped the band shape theirfirst sixsongs andplay its first show. However, lack of time and different musical tastes led him to depart Augury.For a few months, the drummer-less outfit spent time writing more songs, focusing on strings instruments arrangements. Then, to the reliefofeveryone,the final missing piece fell in the puzzle as drummer Étienne Gallo took over the seat. After months of arranging and rehearsingthe songs,AUGURY finallycommit their work into an album. Concealed was recorded by Yannick St-Amand and mixed by Jean-FrançoisDagenais.MUSIC:AUGURY doesn’t identifyitself with any pre-established school of music, but it can be fit into the extreme metalcategory since theyfavor fast playing, low tuning and rough vocals.A further link can be made with the Norwegian symphonic Black Metalscene, for the use of classical,Celtic and medieval overtones and the lush vocalharmonies that embellish about half of the songs. Triplet feelsand guitar/bass dual and tripleharmonies are indeed a staple of Augury’s music. Yet, thereis no keyboard, no fake vampire image and atotally different lyrical concept.Also, the musicians add influences from a lot of other sources. All members are big fans of progressive rock, classical baroque and jazz andthere is abigflamenco influence (Strunz & Farrah, Paco de Lucia, Don Ross) in the playing. Strings players alone total almost 50 years ofpracticing theirinstrumentsand Patrick started singing in the late 80’s while Arianne is classically trained. Yet, everyone still yearns to widenhis or her horizon...MEMBERS:-Pat Loisel: Vocals/ lead and rhythm guitars, acoustic guitars.-Mathieu Marcotte: Lead and rhythm guitars, acoustic guitars.-Dominic“Forest”Lapointe: 6strings bass guitar-Antoine Baril: Drums. « hide

Similar Bands: Obscura, Anata, Neuraxis, Beyond Creation, Decrepit Birth

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Promo 2006

Contributors: nylonhair, Hirsch, Voivod, Orb, Hawks, Telekinetic, FearThyEvil, bigguy69, bloc, asdemonsburn, Goup09, morrissey, Stoic, Voivod,


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