The Berzerker   The Reawakening
Release Date: 2008

 Ratings (33) Give your Rating

0.0 ButcheredChildren | March 14th 10

The Berzerker has released their 5th full-length entitled "The Reawakening". For anyone new to this band, they would immediately disregard all the elements collaberating together on this album to bring you the most crushing and defining album of their careers. For those who are dedicated fans, we have come to expect nothing less from this gem of a band. The Berzerker gave the masses exactly what they wanted, this album trully is a glorious marvel inwhich all death metal and grindcore fans can beam proudly at. The riffs on each track are heavier and brutaller (if that's a word) than anything anyone would have expected based on the quality and clarity of the recording. Some tracks of this album that'll stop your mind into oblivion are "Internal Examination", "Spare Parts", "The Deception" and "Harvesting A Loved One".


3.5 greatDepartures | September 18th 22
4.0 excellentFrozenFirebug | April 24th 22
3.5 greatJerrad | January 29th 22
3.0 goodOobaloo | March 4th 21
4.0 excellentjabalabama | October 7th 18
3.5 greatKorpcun | September 22nd 17
4.0 excellentaceylone777 | September 15th 16
3.0 goodWiosna | February 1st 16
3.5 greatMetalheadSpidey1995 | June 28th 15
3.0 gooddiscovolante | February 5th 15
2.5 averagehaunterblack | June 19th 14
2.0 poorFujay | April 20th 14
3.5 greatthemadavenger | December 21st 13
4.0 excellentSasquatchGrinder2031 | July 15th 13
4.0 excellentDevin Palladino | February 2nd 13
2.5 averageVagitarianZombie | June 27th 12
4.0 excellentJasonMyers3113 | June 23rd 12
4.5 superbTheBerzerker2031 | April 14th 12
3.5 greatjerryreaper008 | July 10th 11
1.5 very poorFrankRedHot | July 8th 11
4.0 excellentDrakodan | April 1st 11
2.5 averageWakalord | February 18th 11
3.0 goodkrig9412 | July 31st 10
3.0 goodCorporateRape | June 27th 10
3.0 goodScarsOfAnarchy | February 22nd 10
2.0 pooravalanche07 | January 23rd 10
4.0 excellentDreamingOfSleep | December 14th 09
1.0 awfuloalston | November 19th 09
1.0 awfulDohlkey | November 19th 09
2.5 averageameypv | November 6th 09
2.0 poorInHumanForm | November 2nd 09
3.5 greatpride | November 1st 09
2.5 averageBananaSlamma | October 5th 09

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