
My Epic
I Am Undone



by LiveForMusic USER (6 Reviews)
March 1st, 2009 | 31 replies

Release Date: 2008 | Tracklist

My Epic. That's an awesome name, and honestly, the awesome name was why I blindly picked this up. I went into this having no idea what to expect from the CD. Honestly I was expecting some sort of death metal album, like a weaker version of Traced in Air. However, upon tossing this in my CD player I found something different. What I found can only be described as, well, the band's name: Epic.

The Cd starts beautifully, with “Prologue” which is a calm song that builds into a wonderful climax with violins, and the haunting sound of voices singing “Maybe”. It’s hard to describe, as this song didn’t “work” for me the first time. It’d didn’t sound right the second or third listen, but now it seems like the perfect prelude to the CD.

Vocalist Aaron (I don’t know his last name) has a voice that ranges from a quiet and pained murmur, to an emotional wail that blows you away no matter how many times you hear it. His voice conveys emotion so well, I would say it rivals vocalists like Aaron Weiss and Jesse Lacey. It’s that intense. I don’t know who does the back up vocals (Or maybe Aaron does those as well), but they are place perfectly, making gorgeous harmonies in just the right places, but they never sound forced and they are never over done. I have no complaints with the vocals here. They are just, well, Epic.

Everything on this CD just works, even if you don’t notice it the first time. Yes, this CD requires multiple listens. It’s good on the first spin, but as you hear it, it only becomes more powerful and stunning. It’s hard to pin point one spot in particular that stood out to me, but as far as instruments go, the outro of “The Lover and the Thief” stands out as one of my favorite moments on the CD. The gorgeous violin complements the guitar perfectly, and while a violin playing along with guitars isn’t exactly a new idea, My Epic made them sound so wonderful, that next time you hear Viva la Vida you will roll your eyes knowing that My Epic did it so much better. If you couldn’t get enough of that outro, you are in luck, because it rolls nicely into “Perelandra”, an instrumental track that is just great, and if fits perfectly in the middle of the CD.

Like I said before, I can’t pick out individual parts of I am Undone that I especially like, and it’s because of the instruments. My Epic seems to refuse to let any part of this album falter in the slightest. Every guitar part is played with passion and energy, and I know that if anyone else had played some of the somewhat weaker riffs, they would have come off as boring. The guitar is perfect, and whoever plays it, Jesse, I think, is clearly very talented and he is quite creative. Drums, while never technically impressive, fit perfectly and they refuse to fall behind the guitars.

This album didn’t really click until I got to “You Know We All Love You”. Wow. This song is worth buying the CD for. It’s an emotional trip that ends in a group yell, no, roar. It’s over before you know it; just see if you can resist pressing repeat, but then I could say that for every song on this CD. My Epic has crafted an album filled with songs that are all accessible, but all contain something new that you my not even notice until the 4th or 5th listen.

Lyrically, this CD is just as strong, although some of the more openly Christian lyrics may turn off non believers, they do a fairly good job of being meaningful to both groups of people, save for a few songs. It’s clear that every lyric was carefully put together to make songs that perfectly portray the emotions going on in the instruments. It works perfectly. My favorite lyric from I am Undone:

“Maybe all our lives are founded in the moments that escape our eyes
And prudent hearts will find that there is beauty in the mysteries of life”

This was a difficult review to write, so I apologize if it is a bit shaky, but this is a CD that you must hear. I do feel like by reading this review you will miss out on some of the element of surprise that this CD held for me. Still, I urge you to find this CD, download it, whatever; you need to hear I Am Undone.

Recommended Tracks:
The Oil Press
The Lover and the Thief
You Know We All Love You
Men In Little Houses

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Comments:Add a Comment 
March 2nd 2009


I still like this album and review and am glad it was reposted. I restate: good work on this. More people need to listen to this record.

March 5th 2009


Love 'The Oil Press'.

March 8th 2009


Album Rating: 4.5

Thanks, Vicarious, and I agree, more people need to hear this album. The more I hear it, the more I love it.

April 3rd 2009


Album Rating: 4.5

This is really a phenomenal album. Just thought I'd let you know though that Aaron is the one who plays guitar. Yes, even live he pulls off all these riffs while singing. It's really incredible to witness.

April 20th 2009


this is moving in a way that i really didn't expect

August 8th 2009


Album Rating: 4.5

this album changed my life. im gonna write a review for it soon.

August 15th 2009


Album Rating: 4.5

wow looking back this review kind of sucks

August 15th 2009


Album Rating: 4.5

wait lol all my reviews suck

September 11th 2009


This was good, though I don't seem to grab a hold of it as much as you guys.

September 11th 2009


Album Rating: 4.5

singer's name is Aaron Stone, btw, backup vocals are done by Jesse Stone, the drummer and Aaron's brother. Jeremiah the bassist does backup vocals occasionally and does a verse on the last song.

September 11th 2009


Album Rating: 4.5

also, this is the most under-rated, unheard album on sputnik.

September 11th 2009


This does seem like it would get a high sputnik approval rating. Spread the word bringon!

September 11th 2009


wait, christian influences? I'm a sucker for this sort of thing, might check it out.

your review makes it sound like viva la vida but better. would that be right? :p

September 11th 2009


I've never listened to viva la vida but, I would guess no. More of a post-hardcore/As Cities Burn type edge to it.

September 11th 2009


now that, I like. probably gonna get this now.

September 11th 2009


It's recommendable for sure.

October 21st 2009


Album Rating: 4.5

I really enjoyed this so far. It's taking time to fully sink in for me though. I bought after reading this review

November 13th 2009


Album Rating: 4.5

This band is so criminally underplayed (30k plays on last.fm omgomg). /cry this is like so close to being my favorite album period.

November 28th 2009


Album Rating: 3.5

Just arrived in the mail today. Listening to it right now.

January 1st 2010


I've had this forever, only gave the first 3 songs a listen and stopped because everything mushed into everything else and I couldn't pick anything out. but these seems like something I'd adore beyond comprehension, so I'll try it again. and then again.

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