Reel Big Fish
Monkeys for Nothin' and The Chimps...



by DinosaurJones USER (11 Reviews)
August 5th, 2007 | 15 replies

Release Date: 2007 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Finally, FINALLY, Reel Big Fish are on their own again. And with the last few CDs slowly becoming more and more bitter, the fact that they're independent and loving it shows on "Monkey's For Nothin' and the Chimps for Free"

Alright, I’m going to start by saying this is my first review, so constructive criticism would be nice. Notice CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM, not flaming. With that said, I’m going to jump into my review.

When Reel Big Fish (hereafter referred to as RBF ‘cause I’m lazy) recorded their last studio album, while good, it left somewhat of a bitter taste in the mouth because of hat the songs were about. Songs like “The Last Show,” “Say Goodbye,” and “Your Guts (I Hate ‘Em)” were very bitter, and mostly were jabs at JIVE Record label, where RBF were the only ska band. Now, however, that their label has dropped them, the music is fun and ridiculous again.

“Party Down” begins with Aaron singing over short guitar chords before the band quickly jumps in. While the lyrics don’t exactly make much sense, they’re certainly entertaining. During the chorus, we get a different style of music each time they run through; rap, reggae, death-metal. The horns are actually audible, and Scott’s high-pitched vocals are, of course, impressive as usual.

“Another F.U. Song” is very short, just breaking a minute. Beginning with Aaron saying “Hey kids, it’s time to use the F word!” can see where it’s going from there. “Live Your Dream” and “My Imaginary Friend” are both slightly downcast songs, reminiscent of “Where Have you Been.”

“Slow Down,” along with “Will the Revolution Come?” shows the reggae side of RBF, with a very simple, yet catchy chorus. “Slow down, you’ve got to slow down and take it easy.” That line by itself should easily get stuck in your head. Also some good guitar work by Aaron and impressive vocals by Scott near the end. There’s also a nice solo by Little Johnny Christmas as well. “Will the Revolution Come?” is a simple song, singing about how well… people need to take care of the world, because it’s going down the drains.

“The New Version of You” starts off sounding a bit foreboding, but goes back into poppy ska, with RBF singing about someone who’s changed, and certainly not for better, as shown by the lyrics: “If there’s one thing I’d like to do, it’s KILL the… new version of you.”

“Everybody’s Drunk” belongs in RBF’s repertoire, along with songs like Drunk Again, Drinkin’, and of course, Beer. It’s a nice drunken anthem, not exactly the most challenging stuff, but certainly entertaining. “Please Don’t Tell Her I Have a Girlfriend,” my personal least favorite track on the album, doesn’t have much to offer. Not very catchy, and for once, the lyrics are disappointing as well. While not horrible, I find myself skipping this track quite a bit.
Things pick back up after a bit of a lull with “Way Back.” I may be reading into it, but the lyrics seem to me that they’re talking about how they’re going back to the way they were before being signed on a major label, going back to the old RBF.

The next few songs are a couple new versions of older songs from “Everything Sucks.” Hate You, Call You, Why Do All Girls Think They’re Fat?, I’m Her Man, all redone, and sounding amazing. And the final 2 songs on the CD contain my favorite, Til I Hit the Ground, and Cannibal.

‘Til I Hit the Ground start off with a catchy little group riff before breaking into a horn line and group vocals of “Sky is Falling! Now I’m Falling!” And then the verse is very catchy, and then goes back into the group vocals from the intro. And finally, Cannibal closes out the CD with a very catchy (what else is new) chorus. And after the song seems to be over, it goes into a very nice peaceful instrumental version of Cannibal with piano and guitar. While not exactly RBF-ish, it’s a good close to the CD while maybe uncharacteristic.

Basically, RBF have finally started having fun writing and performing music again now that they’re back on their own. “Monkey’s for Nothin’ and the Chimps for Free” is the best studio album since “Turn the Radio Off” (IMO) with all but one great song. But hey, they can’t all be winners.

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Comments:Add a Comment 
August 6th 2007


I saw a few of these songs live, and I can't imagine them being very good recorded. Good review for your first. Stay away from TBT's though. Welcome to Sputnik.

August 6th 2007


Everything that Intransit said word for word.

August 6th 2007


I need to pick this up now, good review for your first.

August 6th 2007


cool more Ska to look into..

August 7th 2007


Really good for a first, could have used a spell check. Get more descriptions and your own opinion on songs to keep it more interesting. Welcome to sputnik.

August 7th 2007


Album Rating: 2.5

It will never match up to Cheer Up! or Turn The Radio Off, But its still a decent album.

August 19th 2007


Album Rating: 5.0

i am the commander and you are all my slaves!!!!!!!!

October 10th 2007


Album Rating: 3.5

Um... I didn't see any spelling errors, lol. I typed this out in word and copied and pasted it, lol.

October 10th 2007


[quote=review]because of hat the songs[/quote]
That's all I found though.

November 19th 2007


Album Rating: 4.0

Good review! Probably the best review i have seen written on this album and of course it's nice to see it written by a fan. Keep on bein' rude

February 27th 2009


Album Rating: 3.5

Party Down is a funky tune

and the re-do of Hate You is awesome

"hate you, fuck you" i lolz everytimeThis Message Edited On 02.26.09

February 11th 2010


Intransit hates Reel Big Fish, so don't listen to his biased bullshit.

April 4th 2010


Album Rating: 4.0

Glad these guys got back to a more ska-oriented sound. Pretty awesome live too. They can pull off all the different genre's from the first track of this album and they all sound legit. Never realized back in the day how talented a musician Aaron really is.

April 4th 2010


Album Rating: 4.0

oh ya

February 14th 2011


Wow! Good first review!

The first nine tracks were absolutely fantastic, and the "Hate You" re-recording was awesome, but the other tracks were downers. "Slow Down" is my favourite.

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